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Newsletter 21/10/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Well we have arrived at the end of this half term, the summer holiday seems like a long time ago. The children across school have made a really good start to the year, they are working hard and making good progress. The children in Reception have settled so well and are happy confident learners now. The rest of the school in addition to doing well in class have relearnt how to play together outside with very few incidents.

I hope you all continue to find parents meetings online a much easier option than coming into school and hanging around waiting for your appointment. A number of you have said that the only downside is not seeing any of the children’s work. We understand this and are working on ways of sharing work with you, please be patient whilst we come up with the best way to do this.

If you have not yet sent in your Glossop Jog money, please can you do so as soon as possible.

If you owe any dinner money, please go online and pay it.

You should have received the new menus for after half term and your child/children’s photos.

We have been contacted by the English Touring Opera who are offering you access to a free online opera for 7-11 year olds over half term. The flyer for this with the link is attached. Please don’t be put off by the term opera when they come into school the children love it. It might well fill a rainy half term afternoon for free!

We do finish for half term today, tomorrow is a staff INSET day. We return to school on Monday 1st November. That is a busy week; it is Parliament week and we are lucky enough to have our MP Robert Largen talking to the children about what it is like to be an MP. The Year 6s are off on their residential trip to Whitehall which is very exciting. On that first day back they will come in with their bags packed ready for two nights away from home and lots of activities during the day.

If your children are planning to celebrate Halloween by trick or treating, please make sure they only go to the houses of people wanting to take part and who they know. Remember Covid is still with us, and on the increase and visiting a number of houses may not be the wisest thing to do.

I hope you have a good Covid safe half term and I look forward to seeing you all on 1st November.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 14/10/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you all so much for the amazing donations you sent in for harvest. Glossop Food Bank were blown away by your generosity.

Thank you also to everyone who took part in the Glossop Jog. The children kept going for the full hour, and very impressively so did the adults. Now comes the even harder bit, collecting the sponsor money and getting it into school.

Tomorrow night is sleepover night for Y5. This is a really fun event with big educational benefits. The children try sleeping away from home with their classmates in a very controlled and secure way. They go home for their tea after school, so see their parents, then come back to school for fun and hopefully some sleep and go home after breakfast. We have found doing this increases their self-confidence and helps them be ready to take part in all the fabulous learning done on residentials.

Next week is walk to school week. All the children are encouraged to walk, scoot or cycle at least part of the way to school.

On Thursday 21st the children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys are going to be treated to a performance by The English Touring Opera. The company would like to take some pictures of the children enjoying the performance. A permission slip will be coming home to enable them to do this. Please return it to school as soon as possible.

The children finish for half term on Thursday 21st October as it is a staff training day on Friday 22nd.

On Friday 22nd, whilst school is quiet, we are holding an open afternoon between 2-6pm. If you know of anyone who has a child due to start school next September, please let them know about it. They can book a slot by phoning the office.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 07/10/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had a very safety conscious week. The children in Years 2 & 6 worked with the fire and rescue brigade to think about fire safety. All the school has been doing some work from the NSPCC called speak out stay safe. I hope these initiatives will help your children to learn to be safe independent young people.

Tomorrow is our harvest festival when we celebrate all the good things we have. We are asking for donations of non-perishable food for Glossop food bank. If your child could bring in something tomorrow morning the hungry of Glossop will be very grateful.

Sunday is the Glossop Jog. The hour of running, walking, strolling starts at 11 If your child and or you are taking part please come and check in at our school counting point by about 10.50. I look forward to seeing lots of you there.

On Tuesday at 5.30 we are holding a meeting for the Y6 parents about the upcoming trip to Whitehall. I had originally said it would be in the hall but after receiving some guidance from DCC I have decided to move it online. The link is:

Topic: Whitehall

Time: Oct 12, 2021 05:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 910 1692 7632

Passcode: fq99tY

It is photo day on Wednesday (13th October). If you have a pre-schooler and you would like to have a family picture taken we will do those photographs before school, from 8.30. I would ask that you wait outside the hall door. People can come in through the hall door and round and out through the main door minimising the risk to you all.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 30/09/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you managed to have a look at our sculptures in the sculpture park on the theme of sanctuary. Thank goodness the sun came out for pick up time giving you a nicer experience. I am not sure how long they will last with the wind and rain forecast for the next few days. Through this project the children have explored the need for safety. They have learnt about the life of refugees and gained a deeper understanding of the international right of the child.

The Glossop jog is fast approaching. This is the annual charity fundraising event organised by the Rotary. St Luke’s children and families have always taken part in large numbers. It is on Sunday 10th October at 11am. The event lasts an hour during which time the entrants see how many times they can run, walk or toddle round the course. If your child, or whole family would like to take part and have not yet signed up just let the office know and we can sort this out.

Remember at 7pm tonight Mrs Hillier is holding a phonics workshop for Reception parents and anyone else who has not been able to attend before or who would like a refresher. The link to the workshop is:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 910 5405 8234
Passcode: E6ecrw

Important Covid Information

We are finding that there is some confusion around covid testing. There are two types of tests:

The lateral flow test which you can get from chemists or have posted to you. This is done at home and the results are read at home. These are for regular testing if you have no symptoms. They are for adults and secondary aged children to try to pick up anyone who has covid without symptoms and who might infect others. They are not for people who have symptoms.

The PCR test which is for people who have symptoms. This is done at a testing centre or you can request one to be sent to your home. The results are tested in a lab. You can book a test by logging on to

If you or your child has symptoms a PCR test is needed not a lateral flow test.

Whilst we are on medical things if your child has sickness or diarrhoea they need to be off for 48 hours from the last occurance.

Remember Friday 8th October is our Harvest Festival we are asking you to send in donations for Glossop Food Bank. I am sorry that I cannot invite you in to join us.

A few dates for your diary:

Tuesday 12th October Whitehall parents meeting 5.30pm

Wednesday 13th October Individual and family photos

Friday 15th October Sleep over for Y5

Friday 15th October – Thursday 21st October parents meetings with staff – you will get a letter telling you what times are available for your child’s teacher and how to book an appointment.

Friday 22nd October INSET day, children not in school. Start of half term holiday.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

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