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New Families’ Open Afternoon

Date for your diary!

Reserve the date!

Friday 22nd October between 2 and 6pm, open to all families with a child due to start in September 2022.

Open afternoon. Come and see the school, meet the staff and tour the grounds.

Please email our school office to arrange a preferred time to visit.

We look forward to seeing you!

Newsletter 23/09/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Good morning I hope you are all well. School continues to be a calm, happy, purposeful place. We now have our pupil parliament elected and up and running. The children held their first meeting yesterday and I am looking forward to hearing from them about what they want to achieve this year. We have also elected our chaplains who think about our spiritual development. They also met yesterday and I know they are looking at the reflection areas in the classrooms and how they can be useful spaces. I am sure both groups will represent the children well.

On Wednesday 29th we are setting up our annual sculpture park. Around the outside of school there will be a number of sculptures made by each class. This year the theme is sanctuary. We chose this because of the number of refugees seeking sanctuary around the world. The children have been really moved by the images of people trying to flee Afghanistan and wildfires or floods and famine. We wanted to explore what safety and a safe place to live means. We hope the sculptures come together and that you enjoy them.

On Thursday 30th September Glossopdale is holding an open day for Year 6 pupils. To be as covid safe as possible each primary school has been given a time slot. The slot for us is 3-4pm. They contacted me and asked if I would mind children leaving school early for this and I of course said that was fine. Transition to secondary school is really important so I was happy to help this happen. You can book your place by emailing

On Thursday 30th September Mrs Hillier is holding a phonics workshop for Reception parents and anyone else who has not been able to attend before or who would like a refresher. The link to the workshop is:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 910 5405 8234
Passcode: E6ecrw

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 16/09/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you have all had a good week and are settling into the current normal. I know a number of you have been swapping the challenges of working from home for the challenges of going into work. I hope it is going relatively smoothly for you.

We have had a good week at school. It was so lovely to see the younger children at scoot and skate last night. We are looking forward to seeing the Key stage 2 children tonight. Thank you so much for the members of the PTA who have organised these events for us.

The children new to school in Reception or higher up the school have settled so well. As I walk round school I see lots of happy, focused, settled learners. It is such a pleasure to be able to share the children’s learning with them.

Our whole school virtue at the moment is caring and I have seen lots of examples of children caring for each other and for the environment. I hope they are caring for you at home.

This term the number of children coming to school late has jumped significantly. It is so important to bring your children to school on time so they have a good start to the school day and are ready to learn. Children who arrive late take longer to settle to their learning. Children who arrive late are also learning poor habits for when they are adults and will be expected to arrive at work on time. Please can everyone make a concerted effort to be at school before 9am, doors open at 8.45 so I would aim for then.

I have also noticed that a number of children are bringing in water bottles with juice in. I am sorry but the children are only allowed to drink water during the school day please do not send them in with juice.

Sorry that felt like a couple of nags I am just keen to make sure all the children can get the most out of their school life and learn to be happy healthy adults.


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 22/07/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Here we are the last Newsletter of the year and what a year it has been. Each and every one of you has been amazing. I am so proud to be part of the St Luke’s family who have pulled together to get through. The children have been everyone’s priority and together we have all kept them happy and learning. I hope the summer is not too manic for you and you are able to have a little time to pause and take a breath. When you do that also say to yourself how proud you are of the way you have managed this year.

We wish all the children leaving us well for the future. We know you will have a fantastic adventure.

It is going to be a special summer for Miss Done who is getting married. We all hope she has a wonderful day full of love and happiness.

Thinking ahead to September unless the rules and guidance changes over the summer our plans when the children return on 2nd September are:

Bubbles will not be in place.

We will still have the one way system at the beginning and end of the school day. Drop off will be between 8.45 and 9.00. The children will come in and have early work to do. Pick up will be at 3.20 – 3.25 we will still be asking people to keep a safe distance from each other. Parents will pick up Key Stage 2 children first and then come round for the younger children.

We will still be asking the children to wash their hands regularly through the day and to catch and bin coughs and sneezes.

The classrooms will still be well ventilated.

We hope these measures will help stop the spread of a number of viruses.

Please can the children not bring in backpacks we do not have room for them. All they need is a drawstring pump bag with their PE kit in that stays in school and a book bag.

Please can the children bring a water bottle into school. Preferably one without a straw in it.

Can I remind you about school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from a watch and stud earrings. Earrings must be able to be removed for PE.

The children need sensible school shoes that they can run and play in.

We ask that the children do not have on any makeup including nail varnish.


If you still owe any dinner money, please can you pay it today.


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

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