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St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Well the end of the year is almost here just a week to go, we finish on Thursday 22nd July, with the new Reception children being invited into school in groups on the 23rd. The children all start back on 2nd September. As next year is the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee there is an extra bank holiday during the May half term, so the children are owed an extra day’s holiday. We have decided to take it on Thursday 23rd December, so the children will now finish for Christmas on Wednesday 22nd December.

The plans for covid safe leaver’s activities are now in place. The children will all get an autograph book to collect signatures, we don’t sign shirts at St Luke’s. There will be a leaver’s service at 9.15 parents are invited to attend. I am sorry but this year we cannot open up invitations wider. The rest of the school will watch the service via zoom. The link to the service is here:

Leaver’s Service

Time: Jul 22, 2021 09:15 AM London Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 995 3155 1512

Passcode: 02Tdrb

There will be an opportunity for the rest of the school to say goodbye to the class outside from a distance later in the day. The children in Year 6 have been invited to come back to school for a party 4.30-6pm.


The pond is looking lovely and the children are really enjoying it



Thinking ahead to September unless the rules and guidance changes over the summer our plans are:

Bubbles will not be in place.

We will still have the one way system at the beginning and end of the school day. Drop off will be between 8.45 and 9.00. The children will come in and have early work to do. Pick up will be at 3.20 – 3.25 we will still be asking people to keep a safe distance from each other. Parents will pick up Key Stage 2 children first and then come round for the younger children.

We will still be asking the children to wash their hands regularly through the day and to catch and bin coughs and sneezes.

The classrooms will still be well ventilated.

We hope these measures will help stop the spread of a number of viruses.


If you still owe any dinner money, please can you pay it as soon as possible.


Glossop Foodbank have asked me to share this information:

  Summer holiday provision

Glossopdale Foodbank will be open as normal throughout the school summer holiday period. 

Anyone who is finding it hard to feed themselves or their families is welcome to collect a food parcel. Parcels can be collected from:

Hadfield Children’s Centre, Queen Street, Hadfield. Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 to 11

Glossop Children’s Centre, Victoria Street, Glossop, Monday and Wednesdays 10 to 11 (apart from Bank Holidays)

The Gamesley Pantry, Winster Mews, Gamesley Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 3.00 (apart from Bank Holidays)

The Pantry can be contacted on 07745 642482 for information about other holiday food provision in Gamesley 

If you are housebound or self isolating and in need of a parcel, please contact 07789 191560 or send a message through our Facebook page: Glossopdale Foodbank 


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 08/07/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

What an exciting week we have had with the older children camping out on the field. The children have been amazing. The staff from ATE who are running the residentials at school have been brilliant and the staff who have given up their time to make it possible have been fantastic. Thank you to everyone including Mrs Lomas the cook who has come back every night to cook tea for the children. It has been inspiring to see the children do something that scared them. Which may have been to stay all evening or may have been to stay all night. They, rightly, look so proud of themselves when they have done it.

Simon Lodge our brass teacher has spaces for children to learn a brass instrument from September. I am attaching a letter from him with details if your child is interested. Also he has produced a short video to help children decide if it is for them. Here is the link to it . Learning an instrument has been shown to help children learn in other areas so do think seriously about this.

If you have any dinner money outstanding, please can you make sure it is paid and that your child’s dinner money account is all settled before the end of term.

We have been given some new guidance from the DfE about changes, hopefully, from 19th July and beyond. We will digest them and make any changes recommended. The recommendation for children to be in bubbles will go but the rules around isolation will stay until at least 16th August. For this reason, we will be keeping the children basically in bubbles until the end of term. The last thing I want is for the whole school to have to isolate for the beginning of the summer holiday because of one case. I will give you more information about September before we finish for the summer.


Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 01/07/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

July already! How can that be true!

We are all missing the Y2 children. They will be released from lockdown at the end of Friday and we will be so pleased to see them on Monday. There has been lots of talk in the press around bubbles and children isolating. I just wanted to reassure you that we are taking a measured approach trying to protect both health and education. The advice we are receiving at the moment is to remain in bubbles until the summer holiday. This seems to be sensible advice, I do not want to mix the children that last week and then have to ask the whole of the school population to isolate for the first ten days of the summer holiday. However; I will wait until the much anticipated guidance comes out around possible full opening up to make final decisions about end of term activities. Just in case the Year 6 start panicking the end of primary school celebration we have planned for them in their bubble will still go ahead on the 22nd.

It is the last night of parent meetings I hope you have found them more convenient than having to find child care and come out to school. The feedback I have been getting is that a few people had a few problems but generally it is an improvement.

If your child is in Y2-5 this year and you would like them to have fruit next term the deadline for paying is 9th July. After this date we cannot guarantee that we can offer them fruit.

Next week is the residential at school week – so exciting. The children in Y6 will be camping Monday and Tuesday nights and the Y5s Wednesday and Thursday nights. You have been sent kit lists for the children. If you have problems with anything on the list do let me know.

If you still have a Smarties tube at home with some money in it please can you send it back into school as soon as possible as the PTA would like to finalise the total you have managed to raise.

I am going to say this very quietly so I don’t disturb them but have you seen that dinosaurs have moved into the sensory garden? There is even a pterodactyl in the trees by the path shhh! I believe they have been invited by the children in kestrels.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 24/06/2021


St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It is such a shame that we have had to close a class but not unexpected in the present situation. The Ospreys are isolating and learning from home. We can’t wait until they are back with us again. The number of cases locally is rising so we all need to be extra vigilant to keep everyone safe and able to go about their lives.

The Year 6 and the Year 5 camps are almost here. I sent out a kit list yesterday. The Year 6s will come to school at normal time on Monday 5th July with their kit, in non-uniform and will stay until normal home time on Wednesday 7th July. The Year 5s will come to school at normal time on 7th July with their kit, in non-uniform and stay until Friday 9th July leaving at normal home time. If you have any questions do get in touch and I will try to answer them.

I hope you received your child’s report on Tuesday, if you didn’t please let us know. Parents meetings are online this time if you haven’t booked your appointment yet you still can.

There will be no toddler group next week as one of the leaders is isolating.

You should be getting a bag 2 school bag just in case you have any textiles that missed the last collection. As I explained last week the last collection we had was delayed by the company due to lockdown so the two are very close together.

I do have some very exciting news to cheer us all up. The High Peak is getting some new bin lorries and they had a competition to name them. We entered and …………… two of our names have been chosen. So there will be bin lorries in the High peak called ‘Binasaurus Rex’ and ‘Ariana Binday’. Well done to the classes that came up with those names.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

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