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Newsletter 06.05.2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Welcome to May even if it feels more like November. Warmer weather is on its way so I believe. At least the rain will help the grass on the fields recover so we will be able to use them again.

It has been lovely to see PAS being able to run after school clubs again. We are hoping that from the 17th the adult exercise classes will be running on Monday and Wednesday evenings again. I know PAS are planning to run holiday sessions during half term, 1-9th June, here at St Luke’s so if you need child care during this period or just fancy giving your child something to do, contact them. Inside Out Forest School are also running sessions, the places for these fill up fast so if you want a space I would book it soon.

Congratulations to all the children who took part in the Football final at the weekend we have children in both the winning and running up teams, well done to all of them.

Also congratulations to the children in Y5 & Y4 who won bronze and gold medals in the High Peak Virtual Netball competition.

Thank you for all the textiles you brought in for Bag 2 School, you raised over £70 for school fund.

Please can I remind you to name all your child’s school clothes, it makes it so much easier to return them to the right child.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 29/04/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had a very musical week this week with the children listening to a concert by The Halle Orchestra and an Opera called Al Haytham’s Light. The opera celebrates the life and work of Ibn Al Haytham a Muslim Arab mathematician, astronomer and physicist born in 965AD. He is best remembered for the ground breaking work he did about light and our eyes. As well as this the Reception class were again treated to a lunchtime concert by Mrs Hillier, Miss Noble and Mr Groake I believe there was a guest appearance by Mr Holt on triangle – I am so upset that I am outside on duty whilst this is happening, there is a tambourine with my name on it.

We have got another bag 2 school collection tomorrow. On Friday 30th April we would love you to drop off an old textiles including old shoes. They are not supplying bags this time but you can bring your old clothes etc. in any bin bag or carrier bag. If you could bring them in and leave them outside the front door that would be fantastic. This not only helps the environment it provides money for school fund.

Remember Monday is a bank holiday so school will not be open. Everything still feels topsy tervy so if you are anything like me you may have forgotten, thank you to the parent who reminded me!

Parents of Year 5 & 6 pupils you have received letters about a residential at school on July 5-7th for Y6 and 7-9th for Y5 please return the slips about this as soon as possible. The Year 4 Sleep Over will still happen but in the new school year. The activities we do are much better suited to the autumn such as star gazing.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 22/04/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a good Easter enjoying snow, hail, fog and sun! The children have all returned well, looking happy and rested, all ready for a good term.

We were very lucky to have two special visitors in school on Tuesday. We were visited by some lambs. What a big adventure for these two week old babies. I know the children are now saying what next? We have had chicks and lambs; I do draw the line at the suggestion of lion cubs or an elephant calf!

I know it is not as exciting as lambs but next week we have got another bag 2 school collection. On Friday 30th April we would love you to drop off an old textiles including old shoes. They are not supplying bags this time but you can bring your old clothes etc. in any bin bag or carrier bag. If you could bring them in and leave them outside the front door that would be fantastic.

PAS afterschool clubs restart next week. There is a sports club for the children in years 4,5, & 6 on Tuesday, A gymnastics club for children in years 1,2, &3 on Wednesday and a sports club for years 1,2,&3 on Thursday.

As things begin to open up I know lots of you are starting to think about the possibility of a holiday away from Glossop, heady stuff. If you are thinking of going abroad once that becomes legal remember to plan in time for isolating on your return in case that is necessary. It seems like a good time to remind you that holidays during term time are not permitted.

In September 2013 the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 came into force. These regulations make it clear that Headteachers should not grant approval for any leave of absence during term-time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances. These regulations also state that holidays cannot be authorised retrospectively.

Any requests should be on an official school absence request form and handed into the school office for consideration prior to any holiday/leave arrangements being made.

You may be issued with a Penalty Notice should leave be taken which is not authorised. If unpaid this could lead to prosecution under section 444(1) of The Education Act 1996.

As part of Veg Power’s on-going mission to encourage the UK to eat more veg, they would like to make it easier for parents and carers to add more veg to children’s lunchboxes. Recent research from Leeds University found that only one in five children had any vegetables or salad in their packed lunch.

To support parents, Veg Power has developed a ’60 Second Lunchbox Hacks’ PDF for circulation to parents via schools. It features easy-to-implement ideas and serves to make this task as simple as possible. I am attaching it to this newsletter.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 01/04/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Well we have all made it to Easter, well done. As the children have been learning about the Easter Story we have been reminded about the message of hope that is central to it. That out of terrible times comes hope for the future, that mistakes can be forgiven and love can heal. This is just the message we all need at the moment. I wish you all a happy Easter.

We finish today for Easter. The children return to school on Monday 19th April.

As in previous school holidays if your child tests positive for Corona Virus during the holiday please can you let us know as we may need to contact other families to isolate. The office will be closed so please text school or email thank you.

If you have still not returned your pupil update form to school please can you as soon as possible. This makes sure we have the right contact in case of an emergency.

If you owe any dinner money please can you settle your debts. Thank you.

Have a lovely holiday.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

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