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Newsletter 25/03/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you are all well. I wanted to share with you all just how proud I am of your children. On Tuesday as part of the Day of Reflection we held a service outside and walked through the ribbons along the path. Your children were respectful, thoughtful and really took the opportunity to reflect on the past year. They were able to acknowledge what they had lost, both big and small, and also celebrate having hope for the future. A number of them said just how much it had meant to them. I hope our path of ribbons has also given you the chance to reflect. I will leave them there until Friday. You are still welcome to add a ribbon if you would like to.

Our chicks are growing at pace. They leave us tomorrow which is a good job as the brooder box is becoming a bit tight for all ten of them.

Please can I remind you that we need to keep our distance when picking up and dropping off children. Some people have mentioned to me that people are getting closer than two metres. I know it is easy to forget as we are all sociable people but please try.

You should have had a copy of the information we hold for your child/children. Please could you check it and return it to us as soon as possible. Even if there are no changes to be made we need you to sign to say there are no changes. Keith has a box to put them in at the start and end of the school day.

I am attaching a flyer about an online art class for you adults. It looks really good and might be just what you need for you over the Easter Holiday.

We finish for Easter on Thursday 1st April and return to school on Monday 19th April. As in previous school holidays if your child tests positive for Corona Virus during the holiday please can you let us know as we may need to contact other families to isolate. The office will be closed so please text school or email thank you. I am hoping nobody needs to do this!

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 18/03/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Good morning, I hope you are all doing alright. I know it feels a bit as if we are in limbo just waiting for the next easing of lockdown restrictions. It feels so tempting to pre-empt them and just cheat a little; however it would be terrible if all the hard work done by everyone was undone so I am resisting the temptation.

Very excitingly we have had ten births at St Luke’s this week, yes we have a full house 10 out of 10 eggs have hatched. We now have a very adorable, if camera shy, brood of chicks: We will be looking after them until a week on Friday. After that they will be rehomed on small independent farms or with private chicken keepers, they will not go to battery farms. Whilst they are with us the children will be observing them grow, learning about how they are cared for and just enjoying being near these lovely bundles of fluff.

We have welcomed Miss Fortune into Ospreys. She is a teaching student who will be working with Mrs Eltringham and them for a few months.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 11/03/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

All I really want to say this week is how great it is to see the children back in school. They are all doing so well at fitting back into the routines. I think you are going to have some tired children by the end of the week!

The morning and afternoon routines are working well. Thank you for all you are doing to keep everyone safe. Please remember once your children come out of school not to hang around but go straight home.

I have spoken to the children about a couple of dangerous things we have seen them doing, walking on the wall by the carpark and playing in the bushes outside school. They have reassured me they won’t do either of these things, please can you help them remember.

It has been lovely this week to be able to say hello to all of you.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 04/03/2021

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Hapy World Book Day! I hope you all manage to take a moment out of your incredibly busy days to enjoy a book with your children. I know I am looking forward to storytime via zoom at 4pm today as I love sharing books.

It is so nearly here………Today is the last day of live lessons, tomorrow the children will have tasks set by the teachers to do but no zoom lessons. On Monday we will welcome you back to school. I sent out information about how we will be keeping you all safe last week but I am attaching it again in case you miss it. It is really important that you read it.

Drop off and pick up times will be staggered, details in the attached information. Please wait for your children in the playgrounds. Do not come up to the doors or wait on the path near the 5/6 door. This ensures everyone can keep a safe distance from each other.

I know there are many children and adults with mixed feelings about coming back to school. It will be like coming back in September but with bells on. Do not worry if your child fluctuates between being very excited and being worried. Reassure them, remind them of all the things they like about school. It will be ok. If you feel they, or you are more anxious than this do contact us.

If your child is in Key Stage 2 and you ordered fruit from January do not worry it will be carried forward.

Monday is class photo day – ideal as non of the children will have had a lot of time to get their clothes messy, though I am sure some of them will manage it. If I am honest my favourite school photos of my own children are the ones where they are looking less than perfect!

Lastly and most importantly I want us all to take a moment to celebrate what you have achieved over the last few months. What has been done is fantastic, you have either risked your own health to go out to work, thank you, or you have been at home supporting your children’s education as well as everything else you have to do paid or unpaid, thank you. The sacrifices you have made have started to bring down the infection and death rate. I know we have a long way to go and the spring will still be spent not with friends and wider family, but if we all follow the guidelines we will get there. Thank you all for what you have done, and will continue to do. You are all amazing.

See you on Monday

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

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