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Newsletter 03/12/2020

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Here we are again on another Thursday! I hope you have all had a reasonable week, given how dark and dismal it has been reasonable feels like a win. I hope you are all enjoying your advent calendars, yes I know some of you have your own so you don’t have to steal the chocolate from the children.

This week we have been making our annual Christmas Trees.

Due to covid restrictions and keeping in our bubbles we have made them in our classes this year not in our houses. We are all looking forward to being able to work in our houses again once the restrictions are lifted. As promised here are the trees:

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 26/11/2020

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you are all bearing up during this extra uncertainty, hopefully by the end of today we will all know what tier we are living and working in for the next few weeks. I know lots of people are having to make difficult decisions about Christmas Bubbles, who is in who is out? Is it safe to include this person? If we are in this Grandparent’s bubble that means we cannot be in that Grandparent’s who do we choose? A social and emotional minefield. As ever we are here for all of you, not that we have the solution to any of the above.

The festive period is rapidly approaching. I am looking forward to seeing the trees each class makes this year. I will send out photographs as I know many of you love coming to see them and will miss this. The children are talking very excitedly about their advent calendars; I know some doors have been opened already! We are also approaching the time when we all have to annual Christmas Card dilemma. In recent years the number of children and adults sending cards has declined mainly due to their environmental impact. Some children still like writing them and others feel it is a big chore. Some children like receiving them and feel really upset if they don’t get one from one of their classmates others are less interested and they leave them lying around the classroom. Please do not feel you and your child have to send cards, some parents encourage their child to write one card for the whole class as a solution which works well. If your child does bring cards in for their classmates we will distribute them but it may not be on the day they come in.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 19/11/2020

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you are all alright. As we reach the end of week two of the second national lockdown I hope you are all coping. I know it is difficult and lots of the things we would have been doing at this time of year like Christmas shopping, planning to meet up with friends and family or enjoying a meal out just can’t happen. Who am I kidding I never do any shopping if I can help it, but I know some people like it! The positives are that the rate of infection is coming down so it is working and it will have saved many lives. If any of you feel in need of any support do phone we want to help all our community.

The weather is getting colder and we are keeping the classrooms well ventilated as this helps keep the risk of infection down. The result is that the temperature is school is lower than it normally would be. The children seem to be fine, in fact many of them take off their jumpers, but if your child might feel the cold do dress them in layers. I recommend a long sleeved t-shirt under their normal shirt and or a vest. If any child seems to be cold we also encourage them to put on things like their outdoor PE jacket/top. We will continue to monitor the situation and make sure they stay warm enough. As I said they are not feeling the cold at the moment but I am planning for those cold days that are to come.

Thank you for all the bags of old textiles you brought in – what a magnificent heap. That was very kind of you.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 12/11/2020

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you are all well and did manage to squeeze a few minutes in to look after yourself over the last week. I am missing seeing you all twice a day but I am teaching a lot at the moment so can only be out in the yard some days. Thank you all for how well you are sticking to the new rules. I know many of you find it very frustrating not being able to have a quick chat at drop off and pick up time with your child’s teacher, we are feeling the same. Remember if you need to talk to us we are still here just phone or email the office and the right person will get back to you.

I have been contacted to say that the parking outside school has got worse. I believe some people are not only breaking the highway code they are also being dangerous. Drop off and pick up times are busy times even with the staggered times and parking outside school is limited. The situation has been exacerbated by more people working from home so their cars are, quite legitimately, outside their houses when in the past they would not have been. It may mean walking a bit further but please park responsibly and respectfully.

If you are wanting to order photographs the proofs need to be back in school by Monday 16th November.

On Tuesday it is flu immunisation day, I know most of you have signed up for your child to receive this.

Remember Wednesday 18th November is Bag 2 school day. Please bring in your old textiles. If you could put any bags outside the main entrance, we would be very grateful.

You will have seen that it is Christmas Dinner Day on the last day of term. We can’t have Dinner all together in the hall but the staff will eat with the children in their bubble, we will still have crackers and a good time. This event is usually attended by almost all the children and they love it. If you don’t want your child to have Christmas Dinner please let the office know as soon as possible as the food has to be ordered.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

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