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Covid-19 and School

The government have said that school must close to all children except the children of Key Workers. However:

“If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading. That is why the government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to attend.” –

This means that even if you are a key worker, if you are able keep your children at home, you should.

Thank you.

Newsletter 12/03/2020

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

On Friday we had a fantastic big write day with all the children exploring what had happened when the storybook characters had escaped from the books. The quality of work produced was fantastic.

Yesterday our netball squad enjoyed taking part in the High 5 Netball tournament. They did us proud showing great sportsmanship.

Today the children in Ospreys, Kites and Harriers are each enjoying a session with a coach from Glossop Tennis Club. If your child is interested in trying out tennis the club offer lessons so do go on their website to find out more.

Tomorrow Friday 13th March the Eagles class will be leading our assembly so do come along and join us if you can. The week after on Friday 20th it will be Osprey’s turn.

The PTA quiz for tomorrow night is now cancelled because of lack of people signing up for it. I am sorry this has had to be done.

Next Tuesday forest schools club restarts. I know the children have been looking forward to the evenings to be light enough for this to begin.

It is almost here! On Monday 16th March the children in Merlins will be performing on the stage at Buxton Opera House. Their dance is well worth seeing so I am sure they will give a wonderful performance. They need to bring to school a packed tea as we will be going there at the end of the school day.

On Tuesday 17th at 6pm there is a meeting for the parents of the children in Eagles who are going to Whitby.

On Wednesday 18th March at 2.30 there is a PTA meeting in school. It has been put at this time to help people who cannot make it to evening meetings get involved. Do come along if you can.

Raffle tickets for our big Easter Raffle will be coming home this week so keep a look out for them.

The advice to schools as of this morning around Coronavirus has not changed. I receive a daily update and we are following all the advice given. The children are regularly reminded to wash their hands and we have learnt what a good hand wash looks like as opposed to a quick dibble under the tap! Please can you remind them as well. I will continue to keep you informed.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 27/02/2020

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I do hope you all managed to have a good half term despite the weather. It has been a very soggy late winter, let’s hope we have a good spring.

The children have come back with a renewed desire to learn. I was very impressed with them in assembly, or collective act of worship, on Monday where they had a really honest and useful discussion about our time together and how to make it even better. They came up with ideas such as having celebrations first so they can go off to class calm and reflective. They would like to take responsibility for welcoming the classes into the hall. They want more stories and songs. The thing that impressed me most was the respectful way they listened to each other and considered others opinions even when they didn’t agree with them.

On the last Friday before half term the children impressed us all with their choral speaking in our House Verse Speaking competition. Every house tackled the poems in a different way and made us appreciate different things. Thank you to our judges for doing the difficult task of selecting winners!

There will be no family assembly this Friday because we are working with an artist for the day – very exciting.

Next week the Eagles are off to The Bridgewater Hall to attend a school’s concert with the Halle orchestra. Please make sure you have returned permission slips.

Talking of exciting music events on Saturday 7th March 10-3.30 the Dark Peak Music Foundation is holding a strings play day for all young people who play a string instrument. If your child is interested leaflets are available in school.

Next Thursday 5th March is World Book Day. We are inviting the children to come to school dressed as character from a book and bring the book with them. Children who do not want to dress up do not have to. We would also love you to come in and share a book (or an extract from a book) with a group of children, if you have a little bit of time on Thursday and would like to join in this bookfest do let us know. You don’t have to dress up, but of course can if you want to!

The makers of Junior Bake Off have contacted me because they are looking for children to take part in the next series:

We are looking for young budding bakers between 9 -15 years old.

Filming would take place from July 2020, but our applications close on Sunday 5th April 2020.

Interested bakers can apply online at – WWW.APPLYFORJUNIORBAKEOFF.CO.UK.


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 13/02/2020

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I need to start with an apology to Manor House Surgery for attributing comments to them without checking my sources. I retract the comments in last week’s newsletter and apologise unreservedly for the error on my part.

Tuesday was Internet Safety Day and the children across the school thought about how to keep themselves safe online. The work included thinking about not sharing personal information including photographs with details such as road names or school uniform. Others thought about friends they only play games with online and how they can enjoy playing online but need to remember they don’t really know them. Our new Internet Safety Group came up with lots of ways they can help children stay safe, I look forward to seeing their work develop over the next few months.

Thank you to everyone who helped with the PTA disco last Friday, the children had a great time. As well as a good time being had by all £281 was raised. The discos would not happen without all the lovely people who help.

It is Merlin’s turn to lead our assembly tomorrow do join us if you can.

We finish for half term tomorrow and the children return to school on Monday 24th February. I hope you all have a good break though the weather is not looking promising.

After half term Gardening Club will restart on a Monday 3.30-4.30. It is open to children in years 3-6. Please can the gardeners bring wellies each week as there is every chance they will be getting muddy!

The Halle Youth Orchestra, Youth Choir and Children’s Choir are recruiting now. If your child is interested the link is . In the past we have had a number of children who have enjoyed being part of these groups.

Congratulations to the team that went to represent us at mini basketball they were good ambassadors for the school.

See you all back refreshed on Monday 24th February.

Alice Littlehailes

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