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Newsletter 30/01/2020

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you to the children who led our assembly this Wednesday on dance. We have some very talented children at school.

As I have walked round school this week I have seen some exciting learning going on. The older children are becoming fascinated by Brazil as they are studying its geography in preparation for its history. There is huge excitement in Harriers and computing club as Mr Holt is teaching them about green screen filming. Kites are showing a huge amount of interest as they learn more about Marie Curie, an important scientist they first heard about last year. The Ospreys are just excited about everything, they are loving their learning and are always keen to share it with me. Maths is really enthusing the Peregrines at the moment, they love being able to show how to solve problems with cubes, counters and other objects. Whilst the Kestrels are busy planning what they want to learn about dinosaurs – the roars coming from their area have been quite scary!

Yesterday I was doing some work with our Advisor from the local authority. It was a real pleasure to look at school through his eyes and see just how engaged in their learning your children are. They are excited by their learning and work with real purpose. He was very impressed by what they were learning and how they were learning.

Remember there is a meeting at Hayfield Primary School next week on Tuesday 4th February at 6.30 to help parents understand how maths is taught now. The aim is to help you be able to feel confident to support your children at home. Parking in Hayfield is not fantastic so I would recommend car sharing.

I hope your child has brought home their poems for House Verse Speaking and are starting to learn them.

Tomorrow 31st January Kites will be leading our assembly and on Friday 7th February it will be Harrier’s turn.

Also on Friday 7th February it will be the PTA disco 5-6.30. There is a flyer attached with more details.

There is a PTA meeting in school tonight at 7pm please come along if you can.


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 23/01/2020

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you to the parents that ran the film night on Friday the children all enjoyed it. I was sorry not to be able to be there.

Also thank you to the children who led our assembly this Wednesday on disability. They reminded us all to celebrate our differences and show respect to everyone. They talked about visible disabilities and hidden disabilities and encouraged us all to be understanding of others. They did a fantastic job.

After a couple of weeks looking for sightings of the ‘naughty bus’, thank you to all the people of Glossop who joined in the fun, the younger children have started celebrating Chinese New Year. Their restaurant has a very good takeaway service (there are not many jobs where you get to have wool noodles and pompom dumplings brought to your desk by a group of excited children with chopsticks!). They have been learning how it is celebrated and what it means for the people from China.

Remember there is a meeting at Hayfield Primary School on Tuesday 4th February at 6.30 to help parents understand how maths is taught now. The aim is to help you be able to feel confident to support your children at home. Parking in Hayfield is not fantastic so I would recommend car sharing.

On Friday 31st January Kites will be leading our assembly and on Friday 7th February it will be Harrier’s turn.

Also on Friday 7th February it will be the PTA disco 5-6.30.

At some point over the next week your child will be bringing home two poems to learn. This is for our annual choral speaking competition ‘House Verse Speaking’. Every year parents say to me they will never manage to learn to say all that, and I am inclined to agree but every year they surprise us all. Please help your child to learn the poems.

I have been asked to pass on this message from the PTA:

Movie night was a big success with 90 students in attendance! We had lots of parents helping out which was amazing. Setting up, getting pizzas ready, cleaning up spillage and washing up so a big thank you to everyone. The profit for the event was £191, a great way to kick off 2020!!

Here are the next PTA events this term;

PTA meeting – Thursday 30th January, 7pm at school

School Disco – Friday 7th February (5pm-6.30pm) more details will be out soon

Parents Quiz Night – Friday 13th March, more details will be out soon.

Many thanks, the PTA team.


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 16/01/2020

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We were treated to a fantastic assembly yesterday all about recycling. The children who led it reminded us all that we should all try much harder to recycle. We were reminded that lots of plastics are recyclable, paper and cardboard are recyclable, tin cans and drinks cans can be recycled. At school we can recycle your batteries and printer cartridges and when we hold bags 2 school we recycle your textiles. It is great that so many people are managing to have more in their recycling bins than in their ordinary bin. Thank you so much to the children that led the assembly.

On Friday it is the PTA film night. They are showing ‘Abominable’. The children who have been booked in will go into the hall from class and you will need to pick them up at 5.15.

Some organised people have been asking me what the term dates are for the next academic year so here they are:

Thursday 3rd September 2020 Children return to school (Friday 4th September for the new Reception class)

Thursday 22nd October 2020 finish for half term

Monday 2nd October 2020 return to school

Friday 18th December 2020 finish for Christmas

Monday 4th January 2021 return to school

Friday 12th February 2021 finish for half term

Monday 22nd February 2021 return to school

Thursday 1st April 2021 finish for Easter

Monday 19th April 2021 return to school

Friday 28th May 2021 finish for half term

Thursday 10th June 2021 return to school

Thursday 22nd July 2021 finish for the summer

These dates include all the INSET days. I hope this is useful for you.


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 09/01/2020

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Happy New Year I hope you all had a good festive period and haven’t found the return to normal too difficult. It was lovely to see the children excited to be back, even if they were finding getting back into the routine a little tiring. I love this term the children are all very settled and attack their work with gusto, it is always such a pleasure to see how much they learn across this term. But before we know what has hit us we will be talking about Easter.

The children have been very excited to share what they have done over Christmas, it sounds as if you have all had some good times together. They have also been telling us what presents they got; there are lots of new phones and smart watches about. I just want to remind everyone that any devices that can make and receive phone calls or are connected to the internet need to be signed in at the start of the day and be collected at the end of the day. The signing in book and box is usually in Y6 at the beginning and end of the day.

You should have received a clubs letter yesterday. School run clubs restart on Monday apart from Gardening and Netball which will restart when the light improves. PAS restarts next Tuesday to book on this visit and then click book online. Forest Schools will restart on 17th March to book a place on this visit .

On Monday the children in Merlins and Ospreys will have a talk from the fire service about safety.

Swimming restarts on Thursday 16th January. Ospreys will meet at the baths as they did last term and Eagles will walk up there later in the morning.

The PTA is sorting out the rota for making toast on Friday mornings. If you would like to help make toast one Friday morning please let the office know or talk to Chika Jones who sorts the rota out.

As I was writing the date on this newsletter I was reminded of a helpful hint I heard this week – this year always write the year in full 2020 rather than 20, as just writing 20 allows for other numbers to be written after it leaving an opening for fraud. This may not be a big risk but I thought I would pass it on to you.

I am attaching the term dates – as usual things may change so do keep an eye on the newsletter for further information. Thinking about dates just a quick reminder that there is an INSET day on Monday 20th April so the children start back after Easter on Tuesday 21st April.

Alice Littlehailes


Dates January 2020


Monday 13th       Clubs restart

Thursday 16th     Swimming Starts

Friday 24th           Height and weight checks (Reception and Y6)

Thursday 30th     PTA 7pm

Friday 31st           Kites leading Assembly


Tuesday 4th         PEGS parents meeting about Maths

Friday 7th             Harriers leading Assembly

PTA Disco

Friday 14th           Merlins leading Assembly

Finish for half term

Monday 24th       School restarts


Tuesday 3rd         Eagles to the Halle

Thursday 5th       World Book Day

Friday 6th             Ospreys leading Assembly

Monday 9th         Class Photos

Friday 13th           Eagles leading Assembly

Friday 20th           Kestrels leading Assembly

Friday 27th           Peregrines leading Assembly

Monday 30th       Kites and Harriers Production 2pm

Tuesday 31st       Kites and Harriers Production 6pm


Wednesday 1st Parents evening

Thursday 2nd       Easter Service

House Netball and Football

Friday 3rd             Easter Raffle

Finish for Easter

Tuesday 21st       Term starts

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