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Newsletter 19/12/2019


St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I cannot believe we have reached the last newsletter of the term. Well done to all the Kestrels who have successfully negotiated their first term of school. I know they are all very tired now but they have achieved so much. Also well done to the rest of school who continue to make us all very proud of who they are becoming and what they are achieving. They have earned the rest they all so desperately need.

The choir have treated us to some wonderful singing this festive season. This week they have sung at the church carol service, at carols in Norfolk Square, which sensibly moved into the arcade due to the weather, and at Tesco where they raised an amazing £51.87 for crisis the homeless charity. They have one last gig at our carol service tomorrow.

The swimming team had a great time at the swimming gala and came back buzzing with how much they had enjoyed representing school. Congratulations to them.

Tomorrow we are going to round off our school celebration of Christmas with our carol service at 9.15 in St Luke’s church, please do join us, and our Christmas Dinner. The children then finish for the holiday and will return to school on Monday 6th January. There will be no clubs that week they will restart on Monday 13th January.

I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and that 2020 is a year which brings you happiness.

Alice Littlehailes



Newsletter 12/12/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Wow what a wonderful play the children in Peregrines and Ospreys treated us to this week. They all performed really well, made us laugh and cry.

Thank you to everyone who supported the Christmas Fair on Friday by, donating, helping or attending a good time was had by all and the princely sum of over £1,200 was raised for school. All the hard work that went into it was definitely worth while.

Next week is full on Christmas week with parties and concerts and carol services and Christmas dinner – lots and lots of lovely things.

Sunday 15th                 St Luke’s Carol Service 6.30 in church the choir are singing

Monday 16th                Flu immunisation for those that were off.

Tuesday 17th               Eagle’s and Merlin’s party

Wednesday 18th          Harrier’s concert at 9ish

Kite’s and Harrier’s party

Choir singing in Norfolk Square 6.30

Thursday 19th              Kestrel’s, Peregrine’s and Osprey’s party

Friday 20th                   Carol Service

Christmas Dinner

Finish for the holiday.

The PTA have asked me to pass on this message:

The PTA would like to say a massive thank you to all parents, carers and teachers who helped and came to the Christmas Fair last Friday. It is always a magical event with lots of happy and excited children!!! The event raised £1,206 of funds for the school which is an amazing amount that will contribute to this year’s spending plans…
Many thanks again and Happy Christmas!!!!
Julie Shepley, PTA Chair.

Remember the Kestrels are leading our assembly tomorrow.

Please remember to pay any dinner money debts as soon as possible.

If your child is in Key stage 2 and would like fruit next term slips need to be in tomorrow.

Alice Littlehailes


Newsletter 05/12/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had a technological disaster week with both the office and my computers deciding to die!! Please could you email the office so we know we have your right email address. We lost all our contacts.

On a much more positive note the children taking part in the Bikeability course on Monday and Tuesday all did really well they made good progress despite the icy start. Well done to all of them.

The Christmas Fair is now almost here – I am looking forward to seeing you on Friday.

Next week it is the Peregrine’s and Osprey’s Christmas play which we are all looking forward to on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then on Friday the Kestrels will be leading the assembly with their Christmas performance.

On Sunday 15th the choir will be singing at St Luke’s Church carol service 6.30pm (choir to be there for 6.15). This is always a lovely service so do come if you can.

Party season is almost upon us with Eagle’s & Merlin’s party on 17th December, Kite’s & Harrier’s on 18th and Kestrel’s Peregrine’s and Osprey’s on 19th. . On party day the children can come in party clothes or get changed at lunchtime. The children will be doing normal lessons in the morning and playing out as normal so what they wear needs to enable them to do that.

On Wednesday 18th December the choir are singing in Norfolk Square at 6.30pm.

Friday 20th is our last day and is going to be a lovely day it starts with our carol service in church at 9.15, followed by our Christmas Dinner. This is a very special dinner where the children sit on tables with the staff and we all enjoy a special lunch together. What I love about this occasion is just about everyone takes part. If your child is on packed lunches and does not want to have a Christmas Dinner with us please let the office know. We finish at normal time that afternoon. School reopens on Monday 6th January.

I have managed to sort the last INSET day for this academic year – it will be on Monday 20th April.

The frosty weather has reminded me to tell you about arrangements for snowy days. If the school is going to be closed due to impassable or dangerous conditions we will send out a text message so it is important we have your correct number. In the past I have been able to keep school open when others have had to closed but due to staff changes this may not be possible. The staff now live further away and I cannot open school with insufficient staff to keep the children safe. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause if it has to happen. Closing school is never a decision taken lightly and I will do everything in my power not to have to do it.

Today is the last swim of the term.

Alice Littlehailes


PTO for a message from the PTA


🎄🎅 Santa’s coming!!🎄🎅


Thank you to everyone for the chocolates and lovely gifts donated for non-uniform day!


We are also collecting second hand books and preloved toys to sell at the book and toy stall this year. If you want to clear some clutter, please drop them off at reception this week. Nothing too big please, and all cleaned and ready to sell!!


We also have a few slots available if you’d like to help out at a stall at the fair!


All pre-booked appointments for the big man are taken but there will be spaces on the night. Just make sure you see the head elf in the Elf’s workshop on Friday!


We have some great prizes at the raffle which include £30 voucher for Pico’s, £15 for Harvey Leonards and a Woodland Wellbeing retreat (worth £60), definitely worth getting a few tickets!!


See you all at 5pm for some festive fun 🎉☃️


Newsletter 28/11/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had a busy week! It started with St Luke’s being awarded the Timpson Attachment Award for 2019 in recognition for our work with children who have experienced trauma. It is a great honour to have won this prize and I am very proud of all the staff, governors, children and parents of this school who work so hard to help everyone. Then it was the Year 4 Sleep Over – so much fun was had by the children and we could see them grow in self-confidence just across the event. Well done to all of them, and thank you to the staff who made it possible. As if all that was not enough the children in Eagles enjoyed a dance workshop at Glossopdale on Monday and then yesterday went to an RE conference. They had an opportunity to work with children from four different faiths and gain an understanding of how their faith affects their lives. The young people from Blue Coats school in Nottingham showed maturity and generosity when sharing their lives. Whilst this was happening the children in Merlins were watching The Royal Shakespeare Company perform ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ via an outside broadcast. All this as well as the normal exciting vibrant learning that is happening in school.

Tomorrow the children will be making Christmas trees in their houses. We will be displaying them in the hall so you will all have the opportunity to see them in all their glory.

Remember tomorrow is non uniform day. In return for the opportunity to wear their own clothes the children are asked to bring in donations for the Christmas Fair. Children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys are asked to bring in chocolate for the chocolate tombola and the older children are asked to bring in presents for the presents stall – this is a stall where children can buy and have wrapped up presents for their adults; so only send in what you would be happy to receive.

The children in Harriers will be leading the assembly tomorrow, do join us if you can.

The children in the second Bikeability group are doing their training on Monday and Tuesday.

Thursday 5th December is the last swim of the term.

Clubs finish for Christmas on the 5th December as in the following weeks we have performances, parties and general celebrating. Film and Creative clubs have already finished as Mrs Hillier and I have meetings.

It is the Christmas Fair on Friday 6th December. This is always a magical event with stalls and games, the choir opens it at 5pm with song and I believe Father Christmas has managed to make time despite being so busy to come and see us. Please do try to come and support this event.


Alice Littlehailes

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