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Newsletter 21/11/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have been trying to hold the girl’s football league for the last two Thursdays but rain has stopped play. I do hope the girls will be able to play tonight.

The year 4 sleep over is almost here. Excitement is rising and I know the children will have a great time.

On Friday the Kites will be leading the assembly do join us on the 29th the Harriers will be leading it.

The Christmas Fair is almost here and we are still looking for books that have been read but are in good condition to be sold. As well as books we are also looking for good quality toys your children have finished with. Remember it is non uniform day for donations on Friday 29th November. I am sorry if it feels as if we are asking for lots of things but the Christmas Fair is one of the big fundraisers for school. A great way you can help with this raising of funds for school is by offering to help at the Fair on 6th December. If you could spare just half an hour to help on a stall, setting up or clearing up please let the office know, or a member of the PTA committee. Thank you in advance for all you do for this event it really does make a difference to school.

Year 5s remember you are meeting at Glossopdale School on Monday (25th November) at 9.10, and on Wednesday 27th November you need to be at school for 8.15am.

Please can we have an amnesty on school kit, sports kit and choir shirts. Please, please, please can you have a good look at home and return any you find.

There have been a number of bugs going round school recently. Please remember that if your child is sick or has diarrhoea they need to be clear for 48 hours before they can return to school so they don’t infect others.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 14/11/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you for all the textiles you sent in for Bag 2 School we had a fantastic mountain.

Last week I told you that I would be on a train to London well the trip was amazing I was so proud of all the children we were able to take. I know you were facing torrents of rain but the sun shone all day, we visited The National Gallery, walked through London, saw the horses at Horse Guard’s Parade, went on the tube. All this as well as visiting The houses of Parliament. Everywhere we went we were treated with kindness and to top it all we were taken to our return train through the service area under Euston Station!

On Friday the children in Merlins led a very moving remembrance service. They showed great maturity in the way they dealt with a sensitive subject. I am very proud of them.

The Year 2s had a great trip to Staircase House they have been full of how they dressed up and all they had learnt. They are going to share more of this in their assembly tomorrow 15th November. Do join us if you can.

Also on Friday the Year 5s were trained as playground leaders it is lovely to see them taking responsibilities around school.

There is a PTA meeting tonight 7pm at the Cricket Club.

The new date for flu immunisation is on Monday 18th November.

On Friday 22nd November the Kites will be leading the assembly.

Also on Friday 22nd it is the Year 4 sleepover – excitement is building.

On Sunday 17th at 5pm Mrs Monton and her children are holding a Bliss Little Lights Walk meeting in Norfolk square. They are raising money for premature and sick babies. If you would like to support this you can contact her on

Applications are open for next year’s Reception if your child was born between 1st September 2015 and 31st August 2016 you need to apply for a place via if you have any problems come in and see us and we will help.

On Friday 29th November the PTA is holding a non-uniform day for the Christmas fair please see the attached leaflet.


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 07/11/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a good half term. This is going to be a short newsletter as on newsletter day I will be on a train to London with the older children in parliament to visit parliament. What a great time to be visiting the Houses of Parliament just when a new government is being elected, I know they will have a greater understanding of how our country is governed following this visit.

This week is parliament week and as part of our work on citizenship we held a debate with other schools. The topic was ‘This house believes all homework should be banned’. It started as a quiet restrained affair but the children quickly got into it and a lively debate was had.

Year 6 are leading our assembly on Friday, they will be leading us in a remembrance service. Do join us if you can. Remember we do have poppies for sale in school. Ospreys are leading the assembly on Friday 15th November.

The children in Ospreys are going to Staircase House on Friday as part of their work on The Great Fire of London. I am sure they will enjoy their visit.

Bag 2 school is on Tuesday 12th of November, we have sent home a bag for you to fill with any shoes or textiles which you have finished with but any bag will do. Please do not bring them in until the 12th as we don’t have anywhere to store the bags. What you send in is weighed and school receives money. The clothes etc are sorted some items are reused and the rest are recycled.

There is a PTA meeting on Thursday 14th November 7pm at the golf club do come along if you can as you are all members of the PTA.

I have been asked to pass on this message:
“The PTA annual newsletter is attached and hopefully gives everyone an idea of what the PTA does, how the funds raised are used and the type of events held each year. Please have a read through when you get the chance.
The Christmas fair planning session is taking place this Friday at 12am in Picos, please feel to join us. After this session we will have an idea on the number of activities/stalls for the fair and will send out requests for lots of Santa helpers!! If you can help out in anyway please let the PTA team know. We will be having the book stall again and will start taking donations from next week (details in the poster attached). We are also going to try a Toy stall this year, more details to follow soon”.

Remember there is still time to register your child for the very important flu nasal spray inoculation. See attached information

The link for the flu e-consent system is

Your school code is: DD112817

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 24/10/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you to everyone who helped with the disco on Friday a good time was had by all.

The children who got to go to the Rugby Megafest on Monday had a great time and were a credit to you and the school. I just wish we could have sent more children as it was such a positive event.

The children finish for half term today and will be back on Monday 4th November.

On Tuesday 5th November it is flu vaccination day – remember it is not an injection but a nasal spray.

On Thursday 7th November the older pupil parliament members are visiting the Houses of Parliament, I wonder if we will have a government by then!

On Friday 8th the Merlin’s will be leading our assembly, do join us if you can.

Friday 8th is also the day the Ospreys are going to Staircase House.

Bags 2 school is on Tuesday 12th of November, we are sending home a bag for you to fill with any shoes or textiles which you have finished with. Please do not bring them in until the 12th as we don’t have anywhere to store the bags. What you send in is weighed and school receives money. The clothes etc are sorted some items are reused and the rest are recycled.

If your child is in Y6 remember the deadline for applying for a secondary school place is the 31st of October, make sure you have put your application in by then.

If you owe any dinner money please can you pay today so we are straight for the end of the half term.

I have been asked to pass on this message:

The PTA would like to say a big thankyou to everyone who helped and attended last week’s Disco. The event raised funds of £413 which is amazing. The annual PTA newsletter will be available after half term which will include updates on how the funds raised are going to be spent this year.

The school Christmas fair will be on the 6th December, more details to follow after half term.

Many thanks, Julie.


During half term I know many of the children will be online more; remember if you want to find out about any risks or dangers with particular games and apps net aware which is run by the NSPCC has very down to earth and useful information.

I hope you have a lovely half term week, see you on the 4th


Alice Littlehailes

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