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Newsletter 17/10/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It has been lovely to hear all the tales of Whitehall, with them getting taller and taller by the second! It sounds as if all the children had a great time, took on challenges and learnt lots. Thank you to the staff that made that possible.

Last night was cross country and Mr Holt tells me that the children showed great sportsmanship, they encouraged everyone and he was very proud of them. Well done to everyone.

Your children may well have come home and told you there was a drone flying over school this week. Well they were right, let me explain… you know we pride ourselves on being an inclusive school and that is the reason many of you chose St Luke’s for your child. Being inclusive means we support all children no matter what their background or ability, whatever their educational need is. We support children to learn academically and socially. The work we do has been recognised by a nomination for a national award. We are down to the last two schools, which is a huge honour in itself. You may ask what that has to do with a drone? Well; we have been asked to submit a very short film to support our nomination and the drone was taking some aerial shots of the playground. The film is being put together now and I will let you see it when it is finished.

Tomorrow is disco night. We look forward to seeing the children with their glad rags on at 5pm. The disco finishes at 6.30. I have just come up with a new plan for pick up which may work better. If parents come in through the hall door collect their child and go out through the main entrance door. Operating this one way system should help us see everyone out safely. The children like to have a bit of money for some food and something from the little toy stalls.

Peregrines are leading the assembly tomorrow, do join us if you can.

Next week is walk to school week when we encourage everyone to try and walk more of their journey to school. Please support this initiative by walking some or all of the school run to and from school.

It is parents evening on Wednesday 23rd October so there will be no afterschool clubs that day.

We finish for half term on Thursday 24th October and will return to school on Monday 4th November.

I have been asked to let you know about the ‘Peak Performers Choir’ who are looking for new members. They are a choir for children aged 7-13. They rehearse on Wednesdays 6-7pm at Partington Theatre Club Room. Subscriptions are £2 per week. If your child is interested contact Brenda Pickford on 01457 856851 / 07975856424

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 10/10/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Wow what a great turn out at the Glossop Jog despite the miserable weather. Thank you so much to everyone who took part. It is now time to collect all your sponsor money in and return it to school. If you don’t know how many laps your child did the office has the list.

The library visits were very successful and lots of the children now want to join the library, it is a great place to go and get books to read for free.

The Year 5s had a great day out at the People’s Museum in Manchester, I will be honest I hadn’t known much about it before but what a great museum. The children found out about the Peterloo Massacre and looked at different perspectives on what happened.

The Merlins are having a great time at Whitehall. The reports are all happy and all asleep by 10.30 – I think that just might be a record!

Remember it is the PTA AGM tonight 7pm at the Cricket Club. Please come if you can.

The Eagles are leading our assembly on Friday 11th do join us if you can. Peregrines will be leading assembly on Friday 18th October.

The PTA disco is on Friday 18th October.

We are sending home information from The Book People about how you can get cheap books and support school – win, win I feel.

As part of the celebrate artsmark week this week the film The Mighty Creatives made about our school has been launched. It can be found at

As you will have seen on the dates we have decided to trial holding Parents Evening on just one day as more and more of you are asking for later appointments. The evening will be on Wednesday 23rd October. Once we have the slips in we plan family appointments so there are no clashes or long gaps. Please remember that appointments are 10 minute appointments, if you need longer than this you will need to make a separate appointment to see the class teacher at another time. Taking more than ten minutes causes problems for other parents. I am attaching a letter with an appointment slip. Please tick as many boxes as possible. As well as sending a copy home.

Dark Peak Music is running fun interactive music classes at St Luke’s for children ages 6-9 5.30-6.30 on Tuesdays. If you think your child might be interested email or ring 01457 853137


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 03/10/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed the sculpture park I was so impressed with the work the children did.

I hope those people who made it to the Online safety session on Tuesday learnt a lot. I know the staff did at their training session earlier in the day. The Year 6s led an amazingly good Online Safety session for the rest of the school, they really showed how much they have learnt.

This afternoon is our harvest festival I do hope to see a number of you there. All donations of food are going to Glossop Food Bank.

Sunday is the Glossop Jog I know we have got lots of runners signed up. Remember we are meeting at Glossop Cricket Ground this year. Be there from 10.30 ready for an 11.00 start.

Thank you to everyone who is sending in the Aldi stickers we are collecting them so all are gratefully received.

The Year 5s are out on a trip on Monday which is very exciting and the Year 6s go to Whitehall on Wednesday until Friday.

On Friday 11th October the Year 5s are leading the assembly do join us if you can.

The PTA meeting planned for tonight has been postponed to 10th October.

I have been asked to give you this information about half term activities offered by Inside Out Forest Schools – I know the children enjoy them:

We are holding our usual October half term holiday camp at Gnat hole farm Woods in Glossop.

The camp is on for 3 days and our first day is Fri 25th Oct (Inset day). Spaces are limited so book soon to avoid disappointment.

This for children aged 5-11 years. Please message me if you want your 4 year old to attend. The day costs £25 and we offer discounts for 3 day block bookings and sibling discounts. To book on use this link.


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 26/09/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Congratulations to our Girls and Boys football teams who have both shown great sportsmanship in the tournaments they have been part of.

Year 6 were a credit to you and the school when they went out to their online safety course on Monday. They received lots of compliments about their behaviour from other school’s staff and the coach driver.

We have some very exciting events coming up which we hope you will be able to join us at. The first one is tomorrow (Friday 27th September) when we will have our sculpture park ready. We are opening it to the public from 2.30 – 4.00 in other words we would love to share it with you so do come and have a guided tour around the sculptures. The children are very excited to show off the work they have done.

On Tuesday 1st October it is the Online Safety Training at New Mills Secondary School at 6.15. The trainer is excellent, I have always come away from her courses knowing so much more about how to keep children safe on line and feeling able to protect them. I cannot recommend this course enough.

Thursday 3rd October at 2pm is our Harvest Festival in church. This is a service the children lead where we say thank you for all the good things in our lives, especially food. It is always lovely when you are able to join us for our church services. We will be collecting for Glossop Foodbank this year. They are especially in need of: UHT Milk, tinned peas, tinned carrots, rice in 1KG bags or microwaveable for individuals, tinned fruit, tinned custard, tinned rice pudding, tinned meat like ham or corned beef, cereal, tinned pulses like kidney beans, biscuits and soap but any donation will be much appreciated.

Thursday 3rd October is the PTA AGM, 7pm at the Cricket Club. This should not be a long meeting but it is so important. Please try to attend. All parents are members of the PTA and your opinion is important.

Sunday 6th October is the Glossop Jog. I am so pleased with the number of children who have signed up to take part in this event. If your child still hasn’t signed up there is still time!


Alice Littlehailes

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