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Newsletter 19/09/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had another hard working week at St Luke’s. As I walk around school I have seen many busy happy learners. I have been taken on train rides, I have to say the prices are high I was charged £30 by one Kestrel ticket collector for a trip to Manchester!! I have been shown aerial view maps, been asked questions about Anglo-Saxons, felt the buzz of excitement around Maths problems, heard poems and many, many other things.

I know you are all working on the plastics challenge and have been saving all the plastic you have used this week. Please remember to send it in with your child tomorrow.

We are going to use the plastics to create our very own sculpture park which you are invited to visit on Friday 27th September from 2.30pm.

Tomorrow in Assembly we are going to have a brass tutor come and share his music and talk about how the children in years 4-6 can start to learn a brass instrument. I am attaching an invitation to come as parents with your child to an event on 16th October to find out more.

The health team have asked me to pass on the following very important information:

Primary Flu Programme 2019


Dear Parents/Carers


From September 2019 we will be using e-consent for the Flu programme. This year we are vaccinating children in Reception, Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.


Please click and click on the Seasonal Flu icon to complete the consent form, the option to consent or decline the vaccination is at the end of the questionnaire so please complete even if you do not want your child to have the vaccination.


Your unique school code for St Luke’s CE Controlled Primary School (Glossop) is DD112817


For the Public Health England Flu information leaflet visit



Visit dates and select your school under the primary section for the date we are due to vaccinate your child in school.


If you experience any problems please call the School Age Immunisation Team.

Repton: 01283 707178

Clay Cross: 01246 252953


The weather forecast for tomorrow Friday 20th September looks fantastic for the scoot and skate session organised by the PTA. The children are invited to bring their scooters and skates to school and use the playground, something not permitted normally! We ask that they all wear helmets.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 12/9/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

What a great week we have had despite the rain. All the new children have made a great start they have settled so well and any tears at the door have dried before they have even made it into the classroom. The children taking part in Bikeability have done well and those that are in the next group will do their sessions December 2nd & 3rd. The children standing for election have all made amazing speeches they could teach our politicians a lot!

You should have received a clubs letter if it hasn’t made it home there are spares in the office. There is an extra club to put on the list a Netball Club on Wednesdays 3.30-4.30 for children in Y4-6. Netball is a fast growing sport in this country and our National team is doing very well.

You should also have received a letter about the Glossop Jog. The Jog is a sponsored run/walk/stroll/toddle the children take part in every year organised by the Rotary Club. We always have a great turn out from St Luke’s as our children are so good at supporting others through service. A lot of fun is had by all no matter how many laps they do. I do hope we will again have a great turnout from St Lukes.

I can tell the new term has started because I have had complaints about parking. Please can I remind you to park in a way that keeps the children safe and does not block our neighbours. Parking is not permitted on the zigzag lines and we ask that you do not park on the driveway in towards the gates. This is to keep our children safe. I would also ask you to be careful not to park across driveways as this blocks our neighbours.

Clubs start on Monday apart from the clubs on Wednesdays which start on 25th September. If you have returned the clubs letter you should get a slip home this week to say which clubs they are on. Drama Club is full and anyone else interested in joining this club will have to go on the waiting list.

The library visits planned for next week have been postponed.

The phonics workshop is on Thursday 19th September straight after school.

Friday 20th September, weather permitting, is the scoot and skate session organised by the PTA. The children are invited to bring their scooters and skates to school and use the playground, something not permitted normally! We ask that they all wear helmets.

We are about to start a very exciting school wide project that we would like your help with. The whole school is going to create a sculpture park for you to visit on Friday 27th September. We are going to use our park to think about plastics. What we would like you to do is to save all your single use plastics (cleaned please) for a week from this Friday 13th September and send them in to school on Friday 20th September. These will be used by the children to make their sculptures. I do hope you will be able to help us with this.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 05/09/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Welcome back I do hope you all had a great summer. It is always a delight to see everybody back and ready for the new school year, though they all (and the staff) find getting back into the routine tiring.

There is a PTA meeting after the Friday morning assembly tomorrow– with cake! Every Friday we have an open assembly which everyone is welcome to attend. Following the assembly this Friday there will be a PTA welcome meeting for new and existing parents. Please do attend if you can, pre-schoolers are welcome.

The start of the school year is a good time to remind you all that attendance and punctuality are really important and make difference to your child’s education. Holidays in term time can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Here is the official statement from Derbyshire:

In September 2013 the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 came into force. These regulations make it clear that Headteachers should not grant approval for any leave of absence during term-time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances. These regulations also state that holidays cannot be authorised retrospectively.

Any requests should be on an official school absence request form and handed into the school office for consideration prior to any holiday/leave arrangements being made.

You may be issued with a Penalty Notice should leave be taken which is not authorised. If unpaid this could lead to prosecution under section 444(1) of The Education Act 1996.


I am also including the information about our facebook page again just so you have it. I will try to get better at remembering to use it!

if you are a Facebook user we would welcome you to ‘like and follow’ the St Luke’s Church of England Primary School official Facebook page. The Facebook page has been established by the staff and governors to share information and events about the school to the school and local community. Its aim is to be a source of information, it is not to be a page for queries and/or concerns regarding your child/children. If you have any questions regarding school matters then these should be directed through the traditional channels of the school office or your child’s class teacher. The School staff will of course respond to comments as soon as possible should a response be required but this may not be immediate. We would be very grateful if you could respect this page and the users who use it – we will have to delete inappropriate comments should this be required. The staff and school governors hope that this will be a great new additional communication tool for the school, all the other communication channels will remain in place.

The school Facebook page can be found using the following link:

We recommend that you set up the St Luke’s Facebook page as a ‘favourite group/page’ by following these simple steps (from a desktop computer):

  1. Like and follow on your personal Facebook profile
  2. When on the St Luke’s Facebook page. Click the ‘following’ button and under ‘in your news feed’ section, tick the ‘see first’ button. This will ensure that when a new item is posted on the official page you will see this first in your newsfeed.There will be toast tomorrow. On Friday mornings we have toast as a treat. The children bring in 20p and for this they get a slice of toast. It is part of our economic education so once the children reach Year 3 if they forget their 20p they do not get toast. This is not us being mean but us helping them understand the relationship between money and food. If you are available on a Friday morning and would like to help make toast we would love to hear from you.
  3. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

I am attaching the dates for this year. We do sometimes have to change dates so please keep an eye on the newsletters for updates.

Alice Littlehailes


Dates 2019-20


6th                           PTA Coffee Morning

9th & 10th             Bikeabilty

13th                        Plastic collection starts

16th                        Clubs start

17th                        Library visits

18th                        Pinochio in school

19th                         Phonics Workshop

20th                         Bring Plastics in

Scoot and Skate

23rd                         Y6 online safety

27th                        St Luke’s Sculpture Park


1st                           Online safety training for parents

3rd                           PTA AGM

6th                           Glossop Jog

9th-11th                  Whitehall

11th                        Eagles leading Assembly

16th                         Individual Photos

18th                         Peregrines leading Assembly

PTA disco

23rd                         Parents evening

24th                         Children finish for half term


4th                           Children return to school

5th                           Flu vaccinations

7th                           Visit to Parliament

8th                           Ospreys trip

Merlins leading Assembly

15th                        Ospreys leading Assembly

22nd                        Kites leading Assembly

Y4 Sleep Over

29th                        Harriers leading Assembly


10th & 11th           Christmas Production

13th                        Kestrels leading Assembly

17th                        Eagles & Merlins party

18th                        Harriers & Kites party

19th                         Ospreys, Peregrines & Kestrels party

20th                        Carol Service

Christmas Dinner

Finish for Christmas


6th                           Children return to school

31st                         Kites leading Assembly


7th                           Harriers leading Assembly

14th                        Merlins leading Assembly

Finish for half term

24th                        Children return to school


6th                           Ospreys leading Assembly

9th                           Class Photos

13th                        Eagles leading Assembly

20th                        Kestrels leading Assembly

27th                        Peregrines leading Assembly

30th&31st              Y3/4 Production


1st                           Parents Evening

3rd                           Easter Service

Children finish for Easter

20th                        Children return to school

22nd – 24th           Whitby


1st                           Eagles Assembly

8th                           Bank Holiday

15th                        Sports Day

22nd                        Children finish for half term


3rd                           Children return to school

8th                           PEGS music concert

12th                        Kites leading Assembly

26th                        Harriers leading Assembly


3rd                           Ospreys leading Assembly

W/B 6th                 Merlins & Eagles Production

10th                        Peregrines leading Assembly

17th                        Kestrels leading Assembly

21st                         Levers Assembly

Children finish for summer

Newsletter 18/07/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I cannot believe this is the last newsletter of this academic year it doesn’t seem two minutes since I was welcoming you in September! Thank you all so much for this year and all the support you have offered the school. Without your support the education we could offer the children would be so much poorer. The children have achieved so much this year, experienced so much this year and enjoyed so much this year.

Congratulations to the children in Eagles and Merlins for the quality of their work in the production this week. The acting and singing was of a very high standard and the stagecraft shown was outstanding.

We welcomed the police into our assembly on Wednesday, they came to talk about keeping safe across the summer holiday. They reminded the children about water safety, not playing in derelict buildings or building sites and not getting so distracted by their mobile phones that they don’t notice roads.

Today is a busy day with Kestrels and Peregrines having a pirate day and everyone getting involved in a maths challenge day.

On Friday the choir will be donning their wet weather gear and taking part in the Buxton Fringe. They will be going to a performance at the Opera House and then performing between 1.30-2.30 either outside the Opera House or just inside the Pavilion Gardens. Do come and support our performance if you can.

Next week we are having our meet your new teacher session on Monday.

On Monday it is also the PTA Disco 5-6.30pm Do put your glad rags on and join us.

On Tuesday, the last day of term, it is the leavers assembly where we are entertained by the Year 6s as they celebrate being ready to move on to Secondary School. They also have leaver’s lunch at lunchtime. The leavers do is at Pizza Express. The Year 6s can go home get glammed up and meet us at 5pm.

Thank you again to everyone who supported the summer fun event you raised £695 whilst having fun.

A few reminders; bikeability letters need to be back for children in Y4&5 who would like to take part in this important safety event. Whitehall letters for children in Y5. Fruit money for children in Key Stage 2 next year needs to be in and please pay any dinner money debts.


I hope you all have a lovely summer and I look forward to seeing you all back at school on Wednesday 4th September. The new Reception children start on Thursday 5th September.


Alice Littlehailes

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