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Newsletter 11/07/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you to everyone who helped at or supported the Summer Fun event I believe it was great fun. I am sorry I was not able to be there.

Congratulations to the girl’s cricket squad who performed well at the county final and were a credit to the school. Can I take this moment to thank all the parents who have made it possible for the children to attend so many sporting events. We could not do it without you.

This week we have welcomed visitors from the DFE who came to see us because of the work we do on being an inclusive school and supporting all children. We feel very honoured to have been chosen for this visit, not because we get it right all the time because we don’t but because it is recognition that we are always striving to meet everyone’s needs.

Tomorrow the Kestrels are leading our assembly and next Friday 19th July the Peregrines will take the lead. You are all welcome to our Friday Assembly.

Next week is the Y5&6 production of Treachery at Traitor’s Quay if you haven’t ordered your tickets yet please do.

On Friday 19th the choir are going to Buxton Opera House in the morning and are then singing as part of the Buxton Fringe between 1.30-2.30 hopefully on the Opera House forecourt, if we are not allowed to be there just round the corner in the Pavilion Gardens. If you are available please do come and support us at what is always a lovely event.

We are reaching the end of the school year and this year there are a number of members of staff whom we are saying goodbye to. Mrs Radford and Mrs Jones are retiring after many years’ service. Mrs Howe has been promoted so will be leaving our kitchen and Mrs Lamb has taken up an exciting position in another school. We wish them all well with their next step. If anyone would like to make a contribution to a leaving present for any of the staff leaving please send it into the office in a labelled envelope.

If your child is in Kites, Harriers, Eagles or Merlins next year and they would like fruit remember to send in their slip and money.

Not everyone has returned their blue permissions letter please can you as soon as possible.

Please can you remember to pay all dinner money debts.

The last disco of the year is on Monday 22nd July.

On Tuesday 23rd July there will be the leaver’s assembly, leaver’s lunch plus their leavers party at Pizza Express. It is also the last day of term.


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 04/07/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

My apologies for the shortness of this newsletter but I hope I have remembered all the really important things!

Thank you to everyone who supported the summer concert, it was a lovely event.

Speaking of lovely events the summer fun day is almost here and excitement is building. I hope you are all able to stay after school on Friday, or come specially. It should be great fun and a chance for everyone to enjoy being together.

Remember it is Harrier’s Assembly tomorrow and Kestrel’s Assembly on Friday 12th please do join us for these family assemblies.

Next week is the last week of school led after school clubs.


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 27/06/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Let me start with a correction I am so sorry but I got the start dates for next September wrong Y1-6 will start back on Wednesday 4th September the children in Reception will start on Thursday 5th September.

It was a pleasure to welcome the parents of the new Reception children on Monday and we are looking forward to their children’s visits in a few weeks. We are also hoping you will be able to take up the invitation to attend the Summer Fun Event on Friday 5th July from 3.30.

Thank you to the PTA for putting on the fashion show on Friday. It was much enjoyed by the people who attended. The PTA are very busy at the moment as they are organising the Summer Fun Event for next Friday 5th July straight after school. As every parent is a member of the PTA it would be lovely to see more of you having an input into the events, I know more help would be much appreciated for the 5th. I have been asked to put this message on the newsletter: “Preparations for the Summer Fun day are underway and the weather forecast is good! – The PTA are putting the plans together to make this a great event for the children including the very popular Inflatable Assault Course, Wet the Parent, Face painting, Tin Can Alley and many more!! This is a request for helpers, whether it’s baking cakes for the day, taking part in Wet the Parent or manning a stall/activity, any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you can help. Many thanks, Julie Shepley”

Kites are leading our assembly this Friday 28th June and Harriers will be leading it next Friday 5th July. You are very welcome to join us for our Friday assembly.

On Monday 1st July Harriers are treating us to a clarinet concert. Fresh from their triumph at The Bridgewater Hall they are preparing to wow us all. Please do join us for this just after 9am.

On Tuesday 2nd July it is our Summer Concert at 7pm. This is an opportunity for the choir to sing and anyone who is learning an instrument to perform. It is a lovely event and I hope lots of you will be able to come.

Most of the Year 6s have transition visits to their new secondary schools next week. I am sure they will all have a good time and start to feel more relaxed about the move to a new school.

It looks as if the summer might actually finally be here so can I remind you about putting sunscreen on your children before they come to school. If it needs reapplying during the day the children can bring in a named bottle that they can apply themselves. If you are going to send a bottle in please remind your child it is just for them and they should not be putting it on anyone else! A hat is also a good idea.

Please can the choir return their permission letters for the theatre and fringe concert by Wednesday 3rd as we have to sort tickets and transport. If their permission slip is not in by then we may not be able to take them.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 20/06/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Welcome to all our new families who have been added to the newsletter list. We are looking forward to getting to know you.

We have had a very musical week this week with the Glossop Music Festival providing workshops for the children in Y6 and Y4 then the children in Reception and Year One going on a dinosaur hunt with The Halle Orchestra. Then the Y4s got to play with The Halle in a truly inspiring concert.

The musical theme will continue with the Y4s treating us to a clarinet concert at 9am on 1st July and our summer concert being on Tuesday 2nd July at 7pm. This concert is an opportunity for the choir to perform for you and for any child who is learning an instrument to share what they have been doing. This is always a very joyful concert enjoyed by all. The choir will all be performing but if your child would like to play an instrument just let Mrs Hillier know.

This weekend Cameron Bowers is taking part in the climb I told you about before. If you want to support his efforts and have lost the just giving page it is .We all wish him well and hope he climbs high.

It has been reported to me that there has been dog excrement left on the land just outside the gate. It is important we keep the are clear of dog muck as we want our children to stay well. Please can you clear up after your dog.

Remember on Friday we are having a Maths challenge day. At the end of the school day to company running it for us will be opening a shop for you to buy any of their resources. I know that my children loved them when they were younger, in fact still do!

I hope you have all bought your tickets for the Fashion Show in school on Friday night.

Remember there is a PTA meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 25th June. I think it is at the cricket club, if I am wrong about that I will let you know.

On Friday 28th June Kites will be leading the assembly do join us if you can.

Remember the Summer Fun Day is almost here – keep Friday 5th July clear in your diary and hope for good weather.

We will be sending out new permission sheets over the next few weeks please sign and return them to us as soon as possible so we know what we do and don’t have permission for.

Alice Littlehailes

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