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Newsletter 13/06/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had an exciting week. The children loved the Fisherman’s Tale thank you so much to Whitfield Parish for organising this and inviting us to attend. The girl’s Kwick Cricket High Peak Final was on Thursday and the girls won!! This means they have progressed to the Derbyshire Final. Congratulations to them. The boy’s final has been cancelled for tomorrow due to a wet pitch! This will now take place on 27th June.

The cake sale was a huge success thank you for all your support with this. The children who organised it did a great job and should feel very proud of themselves.

The Y4s are attending a workshop with Glossop Music Festival today and Y6 are tomorrow. I am sure they will have a great time.

Remember tomorrow 14th June is Bag 2 School day, please bring in your old textiles. It is also non uniform day for bottles. As if that was not enough excitement for one day it is also Eagle’s Assembly.

On Tuesday 18th June all of Reception and Year 1 are going on a very exciting trip to The Bridgewater Hall to see the Halle Orchestra. This is an amazing opportunity for the children to experience world class live music and we are all very excited about it. If you have not yet sent your slip back please do so as soon as possible I would hate your child to miss out on this.

Change of date The Osprey’s Assembly is now on Thursday 20th June at 2.30. The reason we have had to change it is because we have been offered a Maths Challenge Day on the Friday.

On Friday 21st June the children will be taking part in a Maths and teambuilding challenge day run by The Happy Puzzle Company. I have worked with this company before and their games and puzzles are amazing. After school they will be running a shop for you if you would like to purchase any of their games and puzzles.

Remember the PTA Fashion Show is on Friday 21st June, tickets available from the school office or Blossom. The PTA have asked me to circulate the message below:

The summer fun day will soon be here (5th July) which is always a great event, especially as next year’s parents and children are also invited. To get things started, we need to have a meeting to discuss ideas/plans and start putting together what help we need both before and on the day. If you would like to be involved in the planning we will be meeting on Wednesday 19th June (venue and time to be confirmed but it will be after 7pm). If you can’t attend but would like to help please let me know”.

There will be no ICT club on Monday 17th June as Mr Rank is not available.

These are the classes for next academic year, as ever things do sometimes change but at the moment these are our plans:

Reception        Mrs Hillier & Mrs Bilidt

Year 1             Miss Done & Mrs White

Year 2             Mrs Eltringham, Mrs Bewley, Miss Campbell, Miss Grandige & Mrs Woolleson

Year 3             Mrs McLaren, Mrs Holland, Mrs Lamb & Mrs Swift

Year 4             Mr Holt, Mrs Holland, Mrs Lamb & Mrs Swift

Year 5             Mrs Clayton, Mrs Day & Mrs Harris

Year 6             Miss Byron, Mrs Day & Mrs Harris

Mr Warburton will be working in Y2-Y6 Ms Lee will be teaching French in Y3-Y6 Mrs Gallagher will be in Y1 &R

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 06/06/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Welcome back I hope you all had a good week and a bit off, I know lots of you took the opportunity of the slightly longer holiday to get away on a cheaper holiday than you can in the summer.

We came back to a lovely event where one of the children received The Bishop’s Badge and the work of the Kites and Harriers supporting Reuben’s Retreat and Mummy’s Star was recognised. It was such a pleasure to have our children recognised and rewarded by the Bishop.

Today and tomorrow all the children from Y2 upwards will be walking up to St James’ Church to do some RE work either on Thursday or Friday. This is a drama performance called The Fisherman’s Tale. We are looking forward to what is always a good session. We are very grateful to Whitfield Parish for putting on this event.

On Friday 7th there will not be a family assembly. On Friday 14th June Eagles will be leading our Assembly.

Today you should be getting a bag 2 school bag, please fill it with old textiles and shoes and bring it back to school on 14th June.

On Monday some of the Year 3 children have planned and organised a cake sale in aid of homeless charities. They have asked me to ask you to send in cakes to sell (preferably small cakes and biscuits) and also to send your child in with a donation. I am so impressed with the work the children have put into this and I hope you can support their efforts.

On Monday the choir are singing in New Mills Arts Theatre as part of the PEGS annual concert. I am sorry the letters came out so late. Please can you return the permission slips as soon as possible.

On Thursday and Friday next week the Year 4s and Y6s have been offered a music workshop by the Glossop Music Festival. We are all looking forward to these events.

On Friday 14th June it is a non-uniform day. For the privilege of coming to school in sensible casual clothes the children are asked to bring in a bottle for the PTA. The bottle can be of anything; shampoo, sauce, pop, wine – anything. Thank you for supporting school in this way.

On Friday 21st June the PTA are holding a fashion show in school. Tickets, which cost £5, will be available from the school office and Blossom.

Public Health are consulting with the public and local stakeholders on creating ‘additional smokefree public spaces’. One of the main aims of any future work in this area is to try and protect children from second hand smoke. The consultation can be found here


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 23/05/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you to everyone who came and supported sports day it was a lovely if cool event. It was great to welcome Biggin School. The children were very excited to see Miss Nicholls again and they made some new friends.

This week we have been very busy with Take One Picture Week. The children’s work is coming from the picture Men of the Dock. We have had seascapes, bridges, trips to New York, interpretations of the picture in different media, drama and many other things. The House Captains did a lovely job on Monday of helping the children lead their own learning.

We finish tomorrow for half term and start back on Wednesday 5th June.

If you owe any dinner money, please can you settle your bill. Dinner money for next half term is £73.50.

When we come back all the children from Y2 upwards will be walking up to St James’ Church to do some RE work either on Thursday or Friday. This is a drama performance called The Fisherman’s Tale. We are looking forward to what is always a good session.

On Friday 7th there will not be a family assembly. On Friday 14th June Eagles will be leading our Assembly.

It was lovely to have Julia in Assembly this week, if a little sad that this will be her last assembly with us, she is moving on to her new curacy.

A date for your diary – on 22nd June at New Mills Football Club there is a family fun day to raise money for local children’s charities. The afternoon includes a football match with an all stars team including Emmerdale stars. Kick off at 2pm.

There is an opportunity for girls to have a golf taster session. This is on Saturday 1st June 3-5pm at New Mills Golf Club SK22 4QE. If you are interested you can book via Sam Shaw 01663 746161

I hope you all have a lovely holiday, see you on the 5th June.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 16/05/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

What a beautiful sunny week it has been. With the improving weather can I remind you to apply sunscreen to your child before school and send them in with a hat.

It is sports day tomorrow and the forecast is perfect dry with some cloud cover. All the children need to have sports kit in school (Please can the Kestrel’s come dressed in their sports kit and bring their uniform to change into later). They do not need to bring drinks as we provide them. Parents are invited to come and watch, we will start at about 9.15 on the top field. The format of the morning is that we start with sporting stations the children go round in their houses followed by some races. During the races can I remind you that parents need to stay back from the track and at the side, we would like all the children to enjoy the morning and not be intimidated by the crowd. The children from Miss Nicholls’ new school Biggin will be joining us at some point over the morning.

The children are very excited about our new goal posts, thank you very much to the Sales-Jones family who donated them.

Over the next month we are very excited to have been chosen to work with a professional film maker to make a film for ‘The Mighty Creatives’ about the importance of arts and pupil voice. The film will be used to help other schools develop their work. Some general shots will be taken around school as well as some interviews with some children. We have your permission slips in and will not be interviewing any children we do not have permission for. If you have concerns about your child appearing in a general panning shot please can you let me know as soon as possible.

Cameron Bowers is part of the Youth Development Climbing Team over in Stockport whom are sponsored by SkillForce, he and his team mates are climbing the height of Everest in a day! They are attempting this feat on 22nd June to raise money for Prince William Award. If you would like to support this their just giving page is:

The forest school club is going very well on a Thursday. Inside Out who run it have these activities running over half term:

Inside Out Forest School will be holding a 2 day Whit Week camp at Gnat hole Farm in Glossop on Tues 28th May and Wed 29th May 9-4pm. To book visit our website and search under Children-holiday clubs.

We are also holding a 2 day camp to accommodate children from St. Lukes only on the Inset days of Mon 3rd and Tues 4th June with a reduced price of £20 per child, £15 a sibling. The booking system is now open and look under children, Holiday Clubs then click on Glossop.

I look forward to seeing as many as possible of you tonight for a PTA meeting 7pm in school.


Alice Littlehailes

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