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Newsletter 28/03/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

The Eagles are in Whitby as we speak. All the reports are that they are having a wonderful time.

We have had another busy week with us enjoying a performance by the English Touring Opera on Friday, it was lovely to welcome Dinting School to share that with us.

The girls enjoyed playing football as part of the league, well done to all of them.

The choir sang beautifully on Sunday and they also got to enjoy listening to an orchestra play. Thank you for all you did to get the children there and thank you to Mrs Hillier for making it possible.

On Monday the Ospreys had a fantastic trip to The Lowry where they got to look at the art gallery and take part in a dance workshop. We also welcomed the NSPCC into school to help the children learn how to keep themselves safe.

For comic relief we raised £192.55 thank you for your generosity.

Next week on Thursday 4th April Ospreys are meeting at Glossopdale to take part in a dance day.

It has been reported to me that a parent is regularly seen texting as they are driving outside school. This is very dangerous and illegal. Please can we all put the children’s safety first.

You have all been invited to St Luke’s Church’s Messy Easter session on Wednesday 3rd April 2019 at St Luke’s church.  Doors open at 3.45.  I know this is enjoyed by lots of our families.

Today is the last swimming session this term.

Today is also the last evening for school led clubs.

The Year 3 & 4 production is almost upon us. It is on Monday 8th April at 6pm and Tuesday 9th at 2pm.  If you haven’t asked for tickets yet remember to do so.

I hope the selling of raffle tickets for the Easter raffle is going well.

Alice Littlehailes


Newsletter 21/03/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Congratulations to Kites and Harriers who raised £150 for Mummy’s Star and Reuben’s Retreat, what a great bit of service.

Thank you for all your support of the book fair there was a great buzz around school talking about reading.

I hope the children enjoyed Red Nose Day – they all looked very odd!!

Those of you with children in Merlins and Ospreys I hope you enjoyed Monday Night. I was blown away by the quality of their dances.  They were so proud of themselves for overcoming their fears and dancing on that proper stage. The other schools staff complemented us on the dances and the stories they told.  Well done to everyone involved.

On Wednesday four of our children went to New Mills Leisure Centre to be trained as our change for life champions. I hope they are going to be able to encourage us all to lead healthier lives.

On Friday it is a very busy day:

  • Eagles are leading our assembly
  • It is the dinner Ospreys have chosen for us, chilli I believe.
  • The older children get to see The English Touring Opera
  • The girls continue their football tournament
  • It is scoot and Skate after school.

On Sunday the choir are again in concert, what it is to be popular.

On Monday the NSPCC are in talking to the children about keeping safe. They will be talking about the speak out stay safe programme This is a nationwide programme for every primary-school-aged child in the UK and Channel Islands. With the help of their friendly mascot Buddy, they’ll be presenting an assembly to the children in our school as well as a workshop for Years 5 and 6.  They will also be talking about the underwear rule this helps children understand that their bodies belong to them and them alone.  For more information, go to

Also on Monday the Ospreys are going to the Lowry. This is the trip which was postponed due to the weather.

Eagles are off to Whitby on Wednesday the class is full of excitement and trepidation in equal measure! I know they will have a great time and come back feeling so proud of themselves.

As I am sure you know Mr Cooke is off sick at the moment and likely to be off until Easter, Mrs Grange is covering the class for us. He was always going to leave at Easter and I am very pleased to let you know that Miss Done will be taking over Peregrines after the holiday.  I am sorry for the slightly unsettled time but we are working with the children to keep things as settled as possible.

Remember next week is the last week of the school run afterschool clubs until after Easter.

Alice Littlehailes


Newsletter 14/03/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had a lovely dance filled week. The children in Eagles and Merlins worked with a dancer from The Northern Ballet. Wow, what an opportunity!  She was very impressed with the work they did.  The younger children have got into the dance groove and Kestrels have been choreographing a dance, we have been treated to a dance assembly by two of the children and some of the children are setting up a lunchtime dance club.  Merlins and Ospreys are very busy preparing their dances for the dance festival on Monday.  We will be leaving school just before the end of the school day and going by coach to Buxton.  We will be rehearsing and eating our packed tea before performing on the stage at the Opera House.

Eagles class also enjoyed visiting St Philip Howard for a taster lesson. They are learning a bit about what life is like at secondary school and what kind of lessons they might have.  I believe they were looking at Shakespearian insults.

Remember it is the Book Fair after school today and tomorrow the selection of books looks great this year.

You should have had your child’s class photo order form yesterday. If you would like a copy of the photo please return the order form to school by 22nd March.

Tomorrow is Red Nose Day the children are invited to come in something odd for a donation to comic relief.

The Kestrels have been preparing to lead our assembly tomorrow I believe it is going to be laughter filled. Do join us if you can.  Next week Friday 22nd March Eagles will be leading the assembly.

There is a PTA meeting tonight 7pm at The Cricket Club please do come if you can. Talking of the PTA, if the weather improves there will be a scoot and skate on Friday 22nd March after school.  The children can stay after school and use the playground to scoot and skate on – if they have a helmet on.  Watch out for further details.

School run after school clubs will finish on Thursday 28th March.

The girls taking part in the football tournament had a good session last week, winning more games than they lost but more importantly playing well as a team. I hope they do as well this week.  Thank you to Mr Warburton for giving up his Friday after school to enable them to play.


Alice Littlehailes


Newsletter 7/3/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

The children in Kites and Harriers had a lovely day out on Monday they learnt a lot about the justice system and how a court works. I know they enjoyed the workshop and museum as well as the train ride and walk into Manchester.

On Tuesday there were lots of pancakes in school with the children enjoying making and eating them. I have to say the Year 6s were fantastic pancake makers. At dinnertime the children were loving their pancakes provided by the kitchen.

Remember Eagle’s Assembly has moved to Friday 22nd March. Next week 15th March Kestrels will be leading our assembly.

Tomorrow we are having a special dinner chosen by the Kestrels class it is going to be sausage pasta bake. The week after it will be Peregrine’s menu they have chosen Red Nose Day Pizza. If your child usually has packed lunches and wants to join in any of the special days just let us know.

It is class photos on Monday.

The children in Ospreys and Merlins are performing in the Peak Dance Festival on Monday 18th March thank you so much for all the offers of lifts back. If your child needs a lift back do let us know so we can help sort it out.

There is a PTA meeting on Thursday 14th March 7pm at the Cricket Club. This meeting is open to all parents and it would be lovely to see you there.

On Monday 11th March at 6pm we are holding a meeting for the parents of the children going to Whitby to finalise arrangements and answer any questions.

The choir concert with Kinder Choir is almost here, excitement is building. The children need to meet us at the Octagon Pavilion Gardens Buxton at 9.45 on Sunday 10th March with a packed lunch. I hope you have managed to get your tickets for the concert at 3pm.

Alice Littlehailes

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