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Newsletter 27/02/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a good week last week, the weather was fantastic and the children have been telling me all about their adventures it sounds as if you all made the most of it. The children have come back ready to learn it is great to see them all.

We have had to change the date of Eagle’s Assembly to Friday 22nd March because a number of them are involved in other things on the original date. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Merlins will be leading our Assembly this Friday 1st March and Kestrels on 15th March do join us if you can.

Tonight three of our year 6 pupils are representing us at the High Peak School Sports Awards where they will be receiving our Gold Games Mark Award. We are very proud of the quantity and quality of physical activity we offer to the children.

On Monday the Kites and Harriers are meeting at the station and going to the Manchester Police Museum. I know they have been very excited about their preparation for a trial!

World book day is almost here it is on Thursday 7th March. The children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite character from a book. Please don’t feel you have to go out and spend money on this. Talking of books following the success of the Book Fair last year we have booked it again. We will be opening the book fair on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th March after school.

As part of our work on character virtues we are exploring service. The children in Harriers and Kites have decided they would like to run a bake sale and second hand toy stall on Thursday 7th March to raise money for two local charities Reuben’s Retreat and Mummy’s Star. If you would like to support their endeavours, please send your child in with a small amount of money on the 7th so they can visit the stalls.

On Monday 11th March at 6pm we are holding a meeting for the parents of the children going to Whitby to finalise arrangements and answer any questions.

The choir concert with Kinder Choir is almost here, excitement is building. The children need to meet us at the Octagon Pavilion Gardens Buxton at 9.45 on Sunday 10th March with a packed lunch. I hope you have managed to get your tickets for the concert at 3pm.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 14/02/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe but the half term holiday is almost here, this half term has flown by with lots of things learnt and experiences had. Eureka is proving to be a topic which is leading to lots of reflection around ideas and learning and those light bulb moments. Exploring the lives of people who have made a difference to the world we live in has shown the children that education and hard work is important. It has also given them the confidence to believe that they can make a difference.

Today is our annual House Verse Speaking competition. I am looking forward to finding out what each house has done with the poems they have learnt. Thank you for all your work helping the children learn the words.

Thank you also to everyone who helped with the disco on Friday the children all had a lovely time. Whilst the primary aim is not to make money at the discos but to give the children a good time it did raise £384 towards PTA funds which are used for the children.

I am sorry but we have had to change the dates of the Year 3/4 production. It will now be on Monday 8th April at 6pm and Tuesday 9th April at 2pm.

There are a few dressing up days coming up so I am giving you an early warning! World Book Day is on Thursday 7th March when the children are invited to come as one of their favourite characters from a book, and comic relief is on Friday 15th March. This year we are inviting the children to come in something odd! Please do not spend lots of money on dressing up clothes a nod towards the theme is all that is needed.

Mrs Hukin has asked me to remind you that dinner money should be paid in advance and to ask you to clear any dinner money debts.

The Harriers are leading our Assembly tomorrow and the first Friday back (1st March) Merlins will be leading it. Everyone is welcome to join us for our Friday family assemblies.

When we did internet safety day we realised that the children are still confused about real friends and online friends. Some of them have not understood that people can pretend to be anybody online and that just because an online friend says they are a ‘9-year-old boy’ doesn’t mean they are. I am telling you this to remind you to be vigilant when your child is playing or chatting online. Keep an eye on what they are doing and saying.

I hope you all have a lovely half term and I look forward to seeing everybody back on Monday 25th February.

A huge enormous thank you goes out to The Car Care Centre in Padfield who have carried out all the work which needed to be done to the bus to enable it to stay safely in our playground. They have refused to take any payment. What kind people.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 06/02/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

The children in Y5&6 had a fantastic time at the Police Museum not only did they have a guided tour of the museum but they enacted a trial. The trial was based on a real case and was around internet safety. This fitted in really well with Tuesday being internet safety day.

On Tuesday all the children did some work around internet safety, they discussed how to keep themselves safe online. The internet is a wonderful thing and has brought so many benefits to all of us but is another area of life where we have to teach the children how to be safe. We talk to children about only going on age appropriate games and sites, especially those with online chat or play. We make sure the children understand what to do if someone says something on line which makes them feel uncomfortable – tell an adult and report it using the report it button. We talk about not posting anything which might upset anyone – the advice we use is that they should never post anything which they would not say to Mrs Littlehailes’ face! We talk about friends we make online not being real friends and how we should not arrange to meet up with them. The older children explore how everything on the internet is not always true and we should always check information. The problem is when children are sat at home online they often forget all they have been taught so please as parents keep monitoring what they are doing on line and keep reiterating the safety messages.

Your child should have brought home a sheet with two poems to learn. This is for our House Verse Speaking competition on Thursday 14th February. Lots of the children, yes even the youngest children, have learnt their poems. Please help your child make sure they know them.

The Peregrine trip which was cancelled due to the snow has been rearranged for March 25th. The change for life event will now be on Wednesday 20th March.

If your child is in Merlins or Ospreys put Monday 18th March in your diary, they will be taking part in a dance festival it Buxton Opera House. The festival is at 7.30, I know it is late but we have no control over times. Tickets are on sale from Buxton Opera House at £7. I know tickets sell fast so I would get them sooner rather than later.

Friday looks like it will be a very exciting day with Kites leading the assembly in the morning and the PTA disco at 5pm. Harriers will be leading our assembly on Friday 15th February. You are as ever very welcome to join us for our Friday Assemblies.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 30/01/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you to all of you; we received lots of positive messages about staying open yesterday. The staff did an amazing job trying to get in those that couldn’t come spent ages in their cars attempting the journey. We cannot promise to always manage to stay open as the staff increasingly live a distance away but we will always try. We had a lovely day working hard and then having a whole school play out in the snow. I am sorry we had to postpone the Osprey’s trip, we are trying to rebook it.

Monday is Merlin’s and Eagle’s trip. They need to be at the station by 9am and picked up from the station at 3.59. If you haven’t returned the permission slip yet please do so or else we will not be able to take your child on the trip.

This Friday Ospreys will be leading our assembly and next week 8th February the Kites will be taking the lead. Do join us if you can.

The Disco is almost here – hooray. On Friday 8th February it is the PTA disco 5-6.30. I know the children always look forward to disco night.

I have had a request through for you to take part in a research project:

We are researchers from the University of Leeds, and we are conducting a study to find out more about children’s eating habits and food in the family home. In particular, we are interested in the views of parents of primary school aged children. We have developed an online questionnaire and are trying to get as many parents to fill this in. The questionnaire takes about 8-12 minutes to complete, is anonymous and voluntary.

We would be grateful if you would consider sharing the questionnaire link (below) with parents of children at your school (e.g. in your school newsletter/bulletin)

*Questionnaire link – *

If any of you would like to help I know they would be grateful.

I have attached some new information about how to keep your children safe online that I have been sent by Derbyshire. I think it is worth reading.

I hope we all have a good week and it warms up!

Alice Littlehailes

In-game chat: What you need to know

Video games have always been popular among children – even more so now that online multiplayer games like Fortnite, FIFA and Overwatch have evolved into social spaces, where friends and strangers meet and play together.

Many children make new friends by playing online and get to know each other via voice or text chat while playing.

In-game chat refers to the game’s own built-in chat function which lets the entire group of people playing together, friends and strangers, talk. It’s also popular to use external chat platforms, like Skype or Discord, in which only invited members can join the chat. Being a part of an online community where like-minded people can talk to each other can be great fun — but not everyone in in-game chats has good intentions, and there are a few things to be aware of if your child is using in-game chat functions.

Online grooming

Online grooming is when an adult, sometimes using a fake identity, establishes a relationship with a child online to exploit them sexually — perhaps by asking for nude photos or to meet in person. There have been several reports of children being targeted by abusers through games like Fortnite, and it’s important that your child knows how to handle contact with people they don’t know in ‘real life’.

Explain to your child that people online aren’t always who they claim to be and that they shouldn’t be sharing personal information (their real name, their address, their school’s address) or agree to meet up with people they haven’t met in person before.

Sometimes, abusers will be quite explicit about their intentions and show their interest in children within their username or profile. Make sure your child takes this seriously and doesn’t dismiss it as ‘just a joke’.

They should be aware that abusers might start chatting during a game, but then ask to stay in touch on social media. They might even offer to send children a phone so that they are able to keep their conversations secret.

If you’re worried that your child might not yet be ready to speak to people they don’t know online, all games consoles feature parental and privacy settings that you can adjust so that your child can only communicate with people on their friends’ list – check online for information about your child’s console.

As your child grows, you might be more comfortable with letting them communicate with players they don’t know – but get to know the reporting mechanisms of the game they’re playing first, and encourage them to quickly block and report anyone who harasses them, or makes them uncomfortable.

If you come across something you suspect might be online grooming, go to the NCA-CEOP site where you quickly report it.

Read more about online grooming

Online bullying

Playing online with others, especially in ranked matches, can lead to heated arguments, swearing, and insults— especially when one player performs badly. Most in-game communication, whether it’s via text messages or voice chat, is immediate and unmoderated.

When a child is on the receiving end of mean comments or insults, they’ll probably be tempted to respond aggressively or seek revenge. Remind your child that this usually makes the situation worse, and that they should try not to take it personally – the issue is not with them, but rather the bully. Let your child know that they can talk to you if they have been cyberbullied and you’ll always help them.

Keep a record of the abuse – take screenshots of text messages, for example. Reporting tools vary depending on the game but they’re normally easy to find. If a game doesn’t have them, it’s probably best to avoid it.

If your child seems very upset after being bullied, there are several free support services available that can help them recover.

Read more about bullying in video games on Parent Info.

Think about alternatives to in-game chat

As we’ve mentioned, you can limit who your child can communicate with by adjusting the settings so that they can’t be contacted by people who are not on their friends’ list.

But another option is to set up a private chatroom for your child and their friends using platforms like Discord, which is very secure.

And some games, like Minecraft, offer the ability to set up a private server so that only approved players can enter the gaming session.

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