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Newsletter 24/01/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you to everyone who came to the PTA meeting last Thursday the turnout was good. The new PTA constitution will be coming out soon for you all to see and comment on. Also thank you to all the parents that ran the PTA film night on Friday it was enjoyed by all.

We had a lovely day on Tuesday enjoying the huge snowflakes that were falling and even better all the roads were clear by home time – my kind of snow!

Next week the children in Ospreys are off to the Lowry to take part in a dance workshop and art activities to support their work on L S Lowry. We are all very excited about it.

On Friday next week 1st February the Ospreys will be leading our assembly do join us if you can.

If your child is in choir and you haven’t returned the letter about the Kinder Choir Concert please can you.

We have received the following:

Dear Parents –

With online payments on the rise, Eduspot (as providers of SchoolMoney) would like to remind you to be extra vigilant when making payments.

Recently, there have been a small number of reports of attempts to defraud parents whilst using SchoolMoney. We thoroughly investigate all reports of attempts to defraud parents using our system (including separate, independent checks) and can confirm that we found we found that no fraud, data breach or malicious attack has occurred.

We believe however, that it important to remind parents to be extra vigilant when making payments online. NEVER give out your ATM pin to anyone – no system or person should ever require this to complete an online transaction. If something looks suspicious, do not complete the payment, close down your browser and start again making sure you are using a genuine website.

You should also ensure all system and app updates are applied to your PC or mobile devices and that they have reliable, up-to-date anti-virus software installed. Increasingly, mobile devices are the targets of malicious software so it’s important that these also have adequate protection.

Eduspot remains committed to protecting your online security and providing you with an easy to use solution to securely make payments to your schools. If you spot something that doesn’t look right relating to SchoolMoney, please contact us at

The Eduspot Team

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 17/01/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had another lovely week in school. I am enjoying getting regular pictures from Mrs Clayton in India. It sounds as if she is having an amazing not to mention mind blowing time. She has worked with the children in the school we are linked with and been training some of the teachers who work in Kolkata. We are looking forward to hearing all about it when she returns next week.

In school the children are all having great Eureka moments. There have been letters to dinosaurs, space station visits, stepping inside Lowry paintings, Fairy Tale telling, Teeth exploring, Beowulf imagining and shadow making to name but a few of the learning experiences the children have had.

We have been very busy changing the use of some of the rooms in school and tomorrow we will be opening our ‘Bookwormery’ (fiction library) and ‘Questionarium’ (non-fiction library). A huge thank you to all of you who through the PTA have provided £3,000 worth of books for these rooms.

There is an important PTA meeting tonight 7pm at The Cricket Club. One of the agenda items is the new PTA constitution. I hope a lot of you can be there.

It is Film Night on Friday. I am looking forward to watching a film with the children.

Next Wednesday 23rd January all the staff have to leave promptly to get to a training session so please ensure your children are picked up on time as nobody will be available to look after them.

Cookery Club is cancelled next week 22nd January as Mrs McLaren and Miss Byron are at training. Next week is a busy week for staff after school!

Well done to all the children who are helping their class reduce the number of lates they have. Merlins continue to be our punctuality super stars. If your child arrives at school after 9am they are late. Please can you make sure your child is in school before 9am.

No snow is forecast for here over the next few weeks but as the ‘S’ word has been mentioned let me remind you that we always try our best to keep school open if it is safe to do so. If school has to be closed either because not enough staff can get to school or it is not safe for the children to walk to school a text message will be sent out as early as possible. Let us just hope any white stuff falls at a weekend.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 10/01/2019

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Welcome back and Happy New Year. I hope you all had just the kind of Christmas you enjoy whether that be busy or quiet. It has been lovely to welcome all the children back into school.
A huge thank you to everyone who sent in a donation for the school we are linking with in Kolkata. Mrs Clayton is going there on Friday – tomorrow.

The Peregrines were welcomed back in with the news a space shuttle had crashed in the playground!
Luckily Keith is very good at clearing up messes so no evidence remains of the incident!

Our lovely choir, following their fabulous performances over Christmas, have been invited to take part in a concert on Sunday 10th March in Buxton. I know lots of them have regular commitments on a Sunday but we would appreciate it if they could miss them just this once. They should have brought a letter home about it yesterday.

Clubs restart on Monday. If any children would like to leave or join a club please just let us know. Remember it is the second group at cookery club.
Day Time Open To
Orchestra Monday 8.30-9.00 Anyone learning an instrument
Creative Club Monday 3.30 – 4.30 Years 2-6
ICT Club Monday 3.30 – 4.30 Years 4-6
Cookery Club Tuesday 3.30-4.30 Years 3-6
Gardening Club Tuesday 3.30 – 4.30 Years 3-6
Key Stage 1 Club Tuesday 3.20 – 4.00 Year 1-2
Ignite Wednesday 3.30-4.30 Years 3-6
Running Club Thursday 3.30-4.30 Years 3-6
Drama Club Thursday 3.30 -4.30 Years 2-6
Film Club Thursday 3.30 – 5.00 Years 3-6

On Monday the Harriers are going to treat us to a Clarinet Concert in Assembly just after 9am. Please do join us to hear just how good they are becoming.

There is a PTA meeting on Thursday 17th January 7pm at The Cricket Club. Please do come if you can we need as many people as possible to help.

Friday 18th January is Film Night from 3.30 – 5.20. Look out for flyers about this.

The closing date for applications for a place for due to start in Reception next Year is fast approaching. The deadline is Midnight on Tuesday 15.1.19. Make sure you get your school preference in and remind anyone you know who may have forgotten to do it. Late applications are dealt with once the whole of the county has been allocated places.

The children tell me they have got a whole lot of new internet enabled devices, lucky them. A parent has told me about an app which helps them both know what the children are on and set limits for screen time. It:

Allows you to create child accounts for under 13s and they need to be part of a google family group which parents may already use to share apps.

Over 18 accounts can be set as ‘parents’ in the group.

Most apps on the device can be disabled / enabled remotely.

Time limits for individual days and overnight lockdowns.

Also gives you locations for devices and will get them to make a noise even on a tablet or phone on silent when lost at home!

Gives a report of how long each app has been used for. There is also a version for apple devices.

Sounds good to me.

Whilst we are talking all things electronic the children are also telling us that a number of them have been given or are playing with their fathers on ‘Grand Theft Auto’. This is an 18 and is an 18 for a reason it is very violent, and exposes children to a number of inappropriate sexual content such as rape. I would urge you not to let your children play on this game or watch others play this game until they are old enough.

I am attaching the dates for this term with the usual warning that things may change.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 20/12/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We are all very busy with the final Christmas Fun but we cannot see past the bus! Wow, Wow, Wow how fantastic is it for us to have a bus on the playground to provide some extra outside space for us. We are so grateful to Stagecoach who have donated the bus to us. A number of people have asked ‘Why a bus?’ to which my first answer is why not! But really the plan is to use it as a space to make the playground more creative and provide another option for children who are struggling to find something to do on the playground.

The choir were amazing when they were singing in Church on Sunday and Tesco on Wednesday. I am so looking forward to listening to them in Norfolk Square and at the Carol Concert. If you remember the sing in Norfolk Square is a meet by 6.20, we are singing first and then we are giving your children back immediately to enjoy the rest of the carols with you.

On Friday it is our Carol Service, which I know you all enjoy so do join us if you can. It is held in St Luke’s Church and starts 9.15-20ish depending when we are all there. The children in Kestrels will be sent home with their costumes tonight. Please can they meet us at church at about 9.00 dressed up and with their uniform in a bag. They don’t need their book bags. We would like the choir and the children reading to also meet us at church at about 9.00.

On Friday it is also our Christmas Dinner Day and I am very excited because you have only let us know about 3 children not having Christmas Dinner with us. It is always a great event and is best when as many children as possible participate.

We finish for Christmas at the end of the day tomorrow and school will reopen on Monday 7th January.

Dinners for next term are £2.10 which works out at £63 up to half term and another £73.50 to Easter so £136.50 for the whole term. If you still owe any money for this term please pay it.

I hope you all have a lovely festive period and that 2019 is a great year for one and all.

Alice Littlehailes

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