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Newsletter 13/12/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It was lovely to see so many of you at the Christmas Fair last Friday. Thank you to everyone who supported it by sending in contributions, coming along, organising it or running a stall. The fair is enjoyed by all the children and it raised £988 for school. We are all so grateful to you all.

Money raised by you has been used to buy lots of lovely new books for all the children to enjoy so a huge Thank You from everyone at St Luke’s.

In sporting news our Boccia squad really enjoyed the tournament they took part in last week. Congratulations to our swimming squad who came second in the gala. An especial well done to the pupil who stepped in at the last minute when another child was injured.

The Peregrines and Ospreys treated us to a fantastic production well done to all of them. Thank you to all of you for helping them learn their lines.

Kestrels will be performing on Friday when they lead our assembly. Do come and join us if you can, it will be at just after 9am.

The choir have several bookings they are singing at St Luke’s Church carol concert at 6.30 on Sunday (they need to be there for 6.20 in uniform). They are also singing as part of the carols round the tree in Norfolk Square on Thursday 20th again at 6.30. They have been invited to sing at Tescos during the day sometime next week we are just negotiating when. It is always lovely to have an audience so please do come along.

Next week is full on Christmas we have parties, the carol service and Christmas dinner!

For the parties the children can come to school in their party clothes or change into them at lunchtime. If they are coming in their finery please remember that the children will be doing normal school activities in the morning including playing out so their clothes need to enable them to take part. The parties are:

Merlins & Eagles Tuesday 18th

Harriers & Kites Wednesday 19th

Ospreys, Peregrines & Kestrels Thursday 20th

On Friday 20th we are going to start the day with our Carol Service in St Luke’s Church. The Kestrels, Choir and Readers will meet at church at just after 9am everyone else will meet at school at normal time and walk across to church. The service will start as soon as everyone is there so about 9.20. We would love to have you join us. We then will go back to school and have Christmas dinner. In the afternoon we have our traditional whole school sing, prize giving and safety talk. Then everyone will go home for Christmas.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 06/12/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

School is looking great with the Christmas trees and wreaths made by the houses. You should be able to see them when you come to the Fair tomorrow.

The Peregrines and Ospreys are busy preparing their Christmas Play for you. Tickets should be coming home in book bags today. Please look after your tickets as you will need them to get in as we are very close to the fire limit.

The Kestrels are also very busy preparing their Assembly for you on Friday 14th. It will be at just after 9 do join us if you can.

Mrs Goddard our new Midday Supervisor started this week, we are very pleased to welcome her onto the team.

All after school clubs finish this week. They will restart in January week beginning 14th.

Today is the last swim before Christmas.

Tomorrow is Christmas Fair Day 5-7pm – hooray!!! The choir will open the fair at 5pm. There will be lots to see, do buy and enjoy. The PTA have put a lot of work into it and I am sure you will all enjoy it. I look forward to seeing you there.

Because of the fantastic fair there will be no toast on Friday.

Parties are the last week of term 5&6 on 18th, 3&4 on 19th, R,1&2 on 20th.

A reminder to the Choir that they are also singing on Sunday 16th December at St Luke’s Church Carols by Candlelight service. The children need to be there by 6.20. And at 6.30 on Thursday 20th December in Howard Square.

If your child is in Key Stage 2 and would like fruit next term please return the form.
Some children who took part in the Glossop Jog have yet to return their sponsor money, please can this come in as soon as possible.

On Sunday 9th December there are carols in Howard park 2.30-3.30, this is always a lovely event.

I don’t know if you caught the Channel 4 programme Lego Masters – it has had me hooked, creativity and engineering and Lego bricks. Well, they are looking for teams for the next series:

Following the success of current series, we are again on the hunt to find Britain’s most talented building duos. This year we had 7 incredibly talented and wonderful children on the show and it was their dream come true. With that in mind I was hoping to see whether you would mind distributing the flyer below to your staff and students or parent’s network to see if the next winner of the series is either attending or working at your school – as we are looking for creative adult teams too! Applicants must be aged 9+ by 03/02/2019. If you are interested in finding out more please email

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 29/11/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Wow what a week. Monday saw the older members of the Pupil Parliament visiting London. An early start was well worth it for an amazing day out. We were made to feel important from being welcomed over the tannoy at Stockport to entering the Houses of Parliament through the Queen’s entrance. We saw the changing of the Guard at Horse Guards and found loads of the Take One Picture pictures in the National Gallery. The children were a delight to spend the day with. We drew breath and then the Harriers were off to Chester on Wednesday. Much Roman learning was done and a good time was had by all. Today Eagles and Merlins are off to Biggin and Hartington schools to do some work on team building and understanding different faiths.

Tomorrow Kites will be leading our Assembly do join us if you can.

The Christmas Production is almost here!! Oh help! Children get those lines learnt. What I really meant to say is that if you haven’t ordered tickets yet please do so soon so we can allocate any spares. The production features children from Peregrines and Ospreys.

Kestrels will be giving us their Christmas presentation in their Assembly slot on Friday 14th December. They will also be performing in Church at our Carol Service on Friday 21st.

Our Christmas Dinner is on Friday 21st if your child usually has a packed lunch but is going to join in this festive event, this is usually just about everybody, please let the office know.

School led clubs will finish next week. Thursday 7th is the last day of clubs.

There is a Christingle Service in St Luke’s Church on Wednesday 5th December doors open for this at 3.45pm. This is always a lovely service enjoyed by the children who go.

Last but very definitely not least the Christmas Fair is almost here. Tomorrow is non uniform day for contributions for the fair, chocolate from Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys and presents for the wrap stall from everyone else. The Fair is on Friday 7th December 5.00-7.00. There will be games, and stalls, face painting and hopefully a visit from Father Christmas if he is not too busy at The North Pole. The Fair will be opened by the Choir singing at 5.00 which is always a treat not to be missed. I look forward to seeing you there.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 22/11/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It has been another busy week at St. Luke’s. The Year 4s thoroughly enjoyed their sleep over. Their excitement was evident in everything they did from playing games to cooking, making picture frames to singing round a campfire. We did wonder if they would calm down enough to sleep, but they did in the end. They woke up with just as much excitement as they had shown the evening before.

A RSC production of Romeo and Juliet was enjoyed by the Merlins and Eagles on Wednesday. Eagles have been having a busy week as they will be enjoying a dance workshop at Glossopdale today.

The Peregrines and Ospreys have started preparing the Christmas Play, they were wonderfully dramatic during the first rehearsal I think you will be in for a real treat. The performances will be on the afternoon of Tuesday 11th December 2pm and early evening on 12th December 6pm. A letter about tickets will be sent out soon.

Tomorrow Harriers will be leading our Assembly and Kites will be leading it on Friday 30th November.

Next week is a week full of trips. On Monday the older children on our Pupil Parliament will be visiting Westminster to find out more about how our democratic system works. I am sure it will be a great day. On Wednesday Harriers will be visiting Chester and on Thursday Merlins and Eagles will be visiting Miss Nicholls new school and doing some work with children from a secondary school around different faiths. (letters will be coming out today I hope).

Thursday is our next Bag 2 School day. We ask you to bring in any old textiles, these are reused and if they cannot be reused they are recycled. It also raises money for school. You should have a bag sent home to put your textiles in but any bag will do.

Friday 30th is non uniform day for the PTA Christmas Fair. The children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys are asked to bring in donations for the chocolate tombola and the older children are asked to bring in donations for the wrap stall. On this stall children (or adults) can buy presents for their family and have them wrapped up ready for Christmas. In other words send in something you would like, or at least not be unhappy, to receive!

On Friday 21st December it is our School Christmas Dinner. This is a wonderful event at which the children and staff sit down together and enjoy a delicious dinner. If your child usually has packed lunch and would like to have a dinner on that day please let the office know. The cost of a dinner is £2.10. It is most unusual for a child not to have dinner on this day.

Remember ICT Club is back on Monday 26th but Creative Club is not on.

This newsletter felt like a lot of dates and not much news I am sorry but there is a lot coming up you needed to know about.

Alice Littlehailes

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