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Newsletter 08/11/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a lovely week last week. The children have certainly returned refreshed.

Congratulations to the football squad who won the league on goal difference.

The Merlins and Eagles had great session exploring how people might have felt during WW1. Thank you so much to PEGS for organising this.

There will be no ICT club for the next 2 weeks as Mr Rank is away.

We have been reviewing Film Club and the present participants in the club are finding it too long after a day at school so we are changing the finish time to 4.30.

We have lots of exciting thigs coming up, today we have the Welsh Birds of Prey Centre coming in and working with the children. Next week is Parliament Week so the older children will be holding a debate on Wednesday. On Tuesday we have been chosen by Derbyshire Catering Service to have the National School Meals Roadshow come to us. As if all this was not enough on Wednesday it is flu vaccination day. Remember this is not an injection just a nasal spray. Children in reception to Y5 who have brought their permission back will receive the spray.

The PTA have asked me to thank you for all the books in good condition you have been sending in for the used book stall. Please remember the stall is just for children’s books.

We are very pleased that Dark Peak is using our school for music on a Tuesday evening. They are running a Dalcroze session 5.30-6.30 in the hall. Dalcroze is a fun and interactive, creative and highly effective method of music education based around movement. Children develop their understanding of all the elements of music and it helps them become confident and expressive musicians. If you would be interested in finding out more about this please email or ring 01457 853137.

Merlins will be leading our assembly this Friday and Ospreys next Friday, 16th November, please join us if you can.

High Peak Kids Council have designated this as litter picking week so we will be out and about tidying up our local environment.

I hope the gymnastics squad enjoy the competition on Friday.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 25/10/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

There are a lot of weary faces around school this week, the children are ready for the half term holiday. They break up at the end of school today (remember tomorrow is an INSET day) and return on Monday 5th November.

The children all worked very well together last Friday on the House Challenge afternoon and produced some wonderful things from tableaus of historical events such as Grace Darling’s epic rescue to inventing new countries. The team work involved was fantastic. They should all be very proud of themselves.

Last Friday the football team played the last matches of the league and remain undefeated.
Thank you to all parents who voted and gave feedback on the bike shelter proposal. The majority response was a ‘No’ which was largely a ‘No’ to the cost and not the idea of a bike shelter. The outcome of this vote will be discussed at the next PTA meeting, Tuesday 20th November, 3.30pm at school.

Thank you to all the people who helped with the disco last Friday – good fun was had by all.

School photos have been sent home. Please return orders to school by Thursday 8th November. After that date you will have to deal directly with Braiswick Photography.

If you still have Glossop Jog Sponsor money to come in please can you send it in ASAP.

There will be no clarinet for Year 4 on Monday 5th November.

On Wednesday 7th November Merlins and Eagles will be going to a workshop at New Mills Town Hall organised by the PEGS schools, they will be doing work around WW1.

On Friday 9th November Merlins will be leading our Assembly do join us if you can.

Please pay any dinner money arrears. Dinner money for next half term will be £73.50 for those of you who like to pay a whole half term in advance. The new school meals menu is coming home in book bags tonight.

The number of children arriving in school late, after 9am, has shot up recently. On Monday this week 20 children were late. I have been chatting to the children about how to improve this and they have come up with the idea to have an award for the class with the best punctuality that week. We will start this new push for punctuality after half term.

Over half term it will be Halloween and I know trick or treating is a very popular activity. The police every year ask us to remind everyone that it needs to be done safely. If you choose to let your children go out they need to be with an adult. Please respect other members of the community by only knocking on doors of people you know or who have indicated that they wish to participate. A number of older or more vulnerable members of the community are scared by people knocking on their doors at night, and feel intimidated by unknown people in the dark. I know you are all kind people who are enjoying an event but others don’t know this. I do know that lots of you will be attending a party or organising something at home rather than going out on the streets so that the occasion can be safely enjoyed by everyone.

As usual we are collecting for the Royal British Legion and so have poppies for sale in school for a donation. This year The Royal British Legion has also sent a small collection of gifts for sale for 50p or £1. They include pencils, rubbers, pencil sharpeners, reflective tags and rulers. If you would like your child to buy any of them Y6 will be selling them after half term.

I hope you have a lovely half term.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 19/10/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I am sorry this newsletter is a day late this week, just keeping you on your toes.

Over the last week school has continued to be a vibrant learning community with children learning both inside and outside the classroom. The Year 6s had a great time at Whitehall challenging themselves to go that little bit further than they thought they could. A huge thank you to the staff who went with them. It is a massive commitment to give up that amount of time to help the children have these type of experiences.

It is the last evening of the Boy’s Football league tonight. Well done to all the boys who have taken part. We look forward to hearing what the results are.

Thank you to everyone who managed to attend the Maths Workshop. For those that couldn’t there is a website which can help you support your child at home. It does explain the principals on the opening page. If you want to use it and have any questions do ask and we will try to answer them. The link is

Parents of Y6 pupils remember to apply for secondary school places by the 30th October.

Next week is Walk to School Week. We encourage all the children to try to walk or scoot/cycle at least some of the way to and from school.

Remember there are no school led after school clubs next week.

We break up for half term on Thursday 25th October. The children return to school on Monday 5th November.

The managers of the Oakwood have asked me to let you know they have a family friendly day planned on 31st October. Haywill Animal Sanctuary is also having an event on Sunday 28th October 12-3.

I am looking forward to Peregrine’s Assembly this morning and seeing everyone at the disco 5-6.30 tonight.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 11/10/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had a lovely week enjoying the late Indian Summer and making the most of the lovely site we have. The children are loving the autumn leaves. The children at Whitehall had a fabulous afternoon yesterday and fingers crossed the forecast rain will hold off for as long as possible.

There are lots of slips which are due in so here is a general reminder please return:
• Parents evening slips
• Parent Governor election ballot papers
• Bike shelter consultation slips
• Maths workshop slips

Remember Kim finishes on the crossing on Friday. I know we will all miss her happy smile as she helps people across the road. The local authority has no plans to replace her at the moment so be aware this crossing point will not be staffed from next week.

Tomorrow is Eagle Classes’ assembly do join us if you can. The following Friday 19th October is Peregrine’s assembly.

It is individual and family photos day next Wednesday 17th October. If you would like to have a family photo taken including preschool children please be at school at 8.30 and we will do those photos first. All the children in school will have family and individual photos taken during the day.

Walk to school week is coming up on the week beginning 22nd October so start making plans to walk, cycle or scoot at least part of the journey to and from school that week.

There will be no school led after school clubs on the week of 22nd October due to parents’ evenings being held that week.

Ian Perks who teaches guitar has got a space. If your child is in Y3-Y6 and would like to start learning to play the guitar, please see the office.

Alice Littlehailes

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