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Newsletter 04/10/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you to the PTA for a lovely scoot and skate last Friday. A good time was had by all.

On Saturday I was privileged to represent St Luke’s at the Grand Opening of Glossopdale School. What a magnificent building. The learning spaces have been so well thought out. It will provide the children of our community with a very positive learning environment. We were shown round the building by some delightful, enthusiastic young people who were articulating what the building meant to them and their learning. I am so pleased Glossopdale now has state of the art facilities.

It is our harvest festival tomorrow. We will register quickly in school and then walk over to church. We are asking the children to bring in donations of food for Glossop Foodbank. You are very welcome to join us in church for about 9.15/20.

As it is harvest festival there will be no Friday toast.

The PTA have sent out a consultation about the possibility of a bike shelter. Please return your slip by 12th October to let us know what you think.

You should also have had a letter about the PTA Pizza and Prosecco do on Thursday 11th at the Cricket Club. This is a free event but they need to know numbers so if you would like to attend please return your slip as soon as possible by 8th October at the latest.

On Thursday 18th October we have a maths specialist coming into school to talk about how you can support your child at home. He is going to run the workshop twice at 2.45 and at 5pm. During the workshop he will be introducing a new free resource to use at home. More details to follow.

The children in Harriers have asked me to remind you that we can recycle batteries and branded printer cartridges in school. The recycling point is in the entrance hall along with a donation box for Glossop food bank.

Sunday is Glossop Jog day. We ask the children and parents taking part to register at the school’s table by 10.50 ready to start the run at 11.00. The PTA are providing a refreshment stall so do come along and support the runners.

The Year 6s are off to Whitehall on Wednesday for a 3 day outward bound residential. We are all hoping for good weather for them.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 27/09/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

The children have had a very sporty week with a squad of girls taking part last Thursday in what was billed as a soccer session but resembled water polo!! They came back very wet but very happy, a good time was had by all. On Tuesday some children enjoyed a sunny afternoon at Glossop Rugby Club learning lots of rugby skills. Across the year we try to have every child take part in a sporting event either competitive or collaborative.

As you may well have heard the very lovely Kim is finishing as the crossing patrol on North Road on Friday 12th October. At the moment it looks as if she will not be replaced. There certainly will be nobody there for the foreseeable future. Prior to Kim we went over 12 months without anyone. Hopefully now Glossopdale are all on the Hadfield site the road will be quieter.

There has been lots of lovely learning around school for example the naughty bus has been on lots of adventures, the habitat of insects has been explored, Anglo-Saxon cooking has been done, Viking pots have been made, forces have been investigated, journeys have been planned and vocabulary explored. All this and English and Maths enjoyed.

Tomorrow weather permitting we are going to have another go at scoot and skate night. This is an opportunity for the children to ride their scooters or skate in the playground for an hour after school. We ask that everyone riding wears a helmet. The forecast is for sunshine so we hope it will go ahead.

Glossop Jog is on 7th October if your child wants to take part please return the slip or let the office know. Once you have got your booklet you can start getting sponsors.

There will be no ICT club on Monday 1st October as Mr Rank is unavailable.

On Tuesday 2nd October the Y6s are visiting St Philip Howard School during the school day.

There is a meeting for the parents of the children going to Whitehall 6pm on Tuesday 2nd October.

On Friday 5th October we are holding our Harvest festival in St Luke’s Church. It will start as soon as we can get across from school so between 9.20-9.30. Please do join us for this celebration. There will be no toast on that Friday morning.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 20/09/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Congratulations to all the children taking part in Bikeability everyone worked very hard and did their best.

On Tuesday I had the privilege of attending the Induction of The Revd Toby May the new vicar of Whitfield Parish which is made up of St James’ and St Luke’s Churches and schools. I was able to formally welcome him and his wife Helen on behalf of the school. They are very excited to be starting their lives in the parish and we are excited to be able to work with them. It is a time for hellos and goodbyes in the Parish as on Friday we say goodbye to Dan who has finished his training as a curate and is about to take up his first post as Vicar of St Marks Church Haydock. We thank him for all the work he has done for school and wish him and his family well for the future. St Marks are lucky to get him.

Yesterday we had a fantastic morning being entertained by Image Musical Theatre’s production of Robin Hood. The children were mesmerised, enchanted, amused and surprised, in other words it was everything a theatre production should be. Thank you for making this possible, the regular contributions the PTA put into school fund helped to pay for this.

Good luck to the girls playing football this afternoon we hope they have fun.

Remember it is the phonics workshop after school today at 3.30 and the PTA AGM at 6.45 for 7 at the Cricket Club tonight.

Tomorrow weather permitting is scoot and skate night. This is an opportunity for the children to ride their scooters or skate in the playground for an hour after school. We ask that everyone riding wears a helmet. The forecast is for showers so we hope it can go ahead but a final decision will be made tomorrow afternoon.

I have a rather strange request – do any of you have a 2 wheeled bike you no longer need, suitable for children aged 4-5 which you would be willing to donate to school? The younger children are getting really good on the co-operative bikes and we would like to give them the opportunity to try and ride 2 wheeled bikes.

Swimming starts next Thursday 27th September for Y2 and Y6. The Ospreys (Y2) meet at the pool at 8.45.

Glossop Jog is on 7th October if your child wants to take part please return the slip or let the office know.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 13/09/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

What a great week we have had!

The new Reception children have all settled into school so well, it is such a pleasure having them here at St Luke’s.

The children in Harriers have started their wider opportunities lessons and are building up to learning the clarinet.

Lucy from Buxton Opera House came in and did some drama workshops. The older children learnt about the history of the opera house as well as trying out a number of drama techniques.

On Tuesday we welcomed the Peace Runners into school. They were welcomed with pictures songs and ideas about peace. They let the children hold the torch and we showed them our torches.

As well as all of that it is bikeability week and children from Merlins and Eagles are learning about how to ride safely on the road.

Clubs start next week, you should get a note confirming which clubs your child is in. Please remember to tell us if they are unable to attend one night or decide that club is not for them. Unfortunately there were not enough children who signed up to Ignite Club so it will not be running.

On Thursday 20th September Mrs Hillier is running a phonics workshop for parents at 3.30. We will be providing a crèche so you do not need to worry about child care.

It is the PTA AGM on Thursday 20th at the cricket club 6.45 for 7.00. The AGM will be brief and followed by a meeting to plan future events and spends. Please do come if you can.

We are very short of spare tights and socks for those soggy moments. if you have any at home you could donate we would be very grateful.

We are always in need of people to be relief cleaners or Midday Supervisors. If you might be available 3.30-5.30 to clean school should one of our cleaners be off or available 12-1.15 to help supervise lunchtimes please let the office know.

Thank you to everyone who is parking considerately and so keeping our children safe. I know everyone wants to get as close to school as possible but parking a bit further away not on the zigzags, across people’s drives or around the gates helps make the drop off and pick up times happier and safer.

Alice Littlehailes

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