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Newsletter 06/09/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Welcome back I do hope you all had a great summer, we could not have asked for better weather.

We have been very busy settling into our new classes and carrying out important start of year tasks such as elections. I have been very impressed by the way the children have engaged with these elections. Congratulations to everyone who stood.

There is a PTA meeting after the Friday morning assembly – with cake! Every Friday we have an open assembly which everyone is welcome to attend. Following the assembly this Friday there will be a PTA welcome meeting for new and existing parents. Please do attend if you can, pre-schoolers are welcome.

The council has increased the cost of school dinners to £2.10 a day which works out at £10.50 per week. You are asked to pay for the meals in advance either online or by sending money in to the office. If your child is in Years 3-6 they need to pay for their lunches unless they are eligible for free school meals. If you think you might be eligible you can apply via phone 01629 536400, email or via the website at .

I am attaching a copy of the letter about clubs available this year for your information. Your child should bring home a copy of this as well.

The start of the school year is a good time to remind you all that attendance and punctuality are really important and make difference to your child’s education. Holidays in term time can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Here is the official statement from Derbyshire:

In September 2013 the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 came into force. These regulations make it clear that Headteachers should not grant approval for any leave of absence during term-time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances. These regulations also state that holidays cannot be authorised retrospectively.

Any requests should be on an official school absence request form and handed into the school office for consideration prior to any holiday/leave arrangements being made.

You may be issued with a Penalty Notice should leave be taken which is not authorised. If unpaid this could lead to prosecution under section 444(1) of The Education Act 1996.

I am also including the information about our facebook page again just so you have it.

if you are a Facebook user we would welcome you to ‘like and follow’ the St Luke’s Church of England Primary School official Facebook page. The Facebook page has been established by the staff and governors to share information and events about the school to the school and local community. Its aim is to be a source of information, it is not to be a page for queries and/or concerns regarding your child/children. If you have any questions regarding school matters then these should be directed through the traditional channels of the school office or your child’s class teacher. The School staff will of course respond to comments as soon as possible should a response be required but this may not be immediate. We would be very grateful if you could respect this page and the users who use it – we will have to delete inappropriate comments should this be required. The staff and school governors hope that this will be a great new additional communication tool for the school, all the other communication channels will remain in place.

The school Facebook page can be found using the following link:

We recommend that you set up the St Luke’s Facebook page as a ‘favourite group/page’ by following these simple steps (from a desktop computer):

1) Like and follow on your personal Facebook profile

2) When on the St Luke’s Facebook page. Click the ‘following’ button and under ‘in your news feed’ section, tick the ‘see first’ button. This will ensure that when a new item is posted on the official page you will see this first in your newsfeed.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

There will be no toast tomorrow because of the PTA meeting. On Friday mornings we have toast as a treat. The children bring in 20p and for this they get a slice of toast. It is part of our economic education so once the children reach Year 3 if they forget their 20p they do not get toast. This is not us being mean but us helping them understand the relationship between money and food. If you are available on a Friday morning and would like to help make toast we would love to hear from you.

I am attaching the dates for this year. We do sometimes have to change dates so please keep an eye on the newsletters for updates.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 19/07/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I cannot believe we are at the end of another school year already!

Thank you so much to everyone that helped with the PTA disco a good time was had by all.

We had a lovely day yesterday when all the children had a taster of their new classes. It was such a pleasure to meet all the children joining us through the school next year.

Last Friday the choir took part in the Buxton Festival Fringe; they had such a good time. If you were able to attend the organisers would love you to fill in the audience survey which can be found on their website. Here is the official review of the children’s performance.:

The children of St Luke’s Primary School in Glossop returned for a second successful year at the Fringe and could clearly adopt the tagline ‘Glossop’s Got Talent’. Unlike last year, the weather presented more of a challenge in terms of sunshine outside the Opera House, but again they were not deterred.

The choir were led by their musical director, Mrs Emma Hillier, who is, I suspect, something of a legend at the school and is a reception class teacher for ‘Kestrels’. They’d obviously worked hard on their show, and like that other Fringe favourite The Shakespeare Jukebox, the audience were in charge of selections, so they really had to know their stuff!

Everybody in the choir seemed to enjoy themselves and the audience clearly enjoyed the show too. The headteacher, Mrs Littehailes, the school and of course the parents should all be proud of the children, and perhaps some of them may be back next year?

So, a big Thank You St. Luke’s, well done again, and we’ll see you next year!

Whilst we were there we were approached by the Royal Northern College of Music who asked me to let you know about a mini Carmen event they are organising in Buxton on Saturday 10-11 for ages 8+

I have also been told about some activities being organised at Edale YHA over the summer on the weekend of 25th / 26th August they are organising taster sessions for climbing, canoeing, abseiling and weaselling. If you are interested in finding out more call 01433 670302.

If you haven’t paid for all your child’s school meals this term please remember to do so as soon as possible.

There have been reports of threadworms doing the rounds. Please be vigilant and treat the whole family if you find them.

There have been some important recent updates on Snapchat so the National Online Safety Team have updated their guide for parents and carers accordingly. It can be found here:

if you are a Facebook user we would welcome you to ‘like and follow’ the St Luke’s Church of England Primary School official Facebook page. The Facebook page has been established by the staff and governors to share information and events about the school to the school and local community. Its aim is to be a source of information, it is not to be a page for queries and/or concerns regarding your child/children. If you have any questions regarding school matters then these should be directed through the traditional channels of the school office or your child’s class teacher. The School staff will of course respond to comments as soon as possible should a response be required but this may not be immediate. We would be very grateful if you could respect this page and the users who use it – we will have to delete inappropriate comments should this be required. The staff and school governors hope that this will be a great new additional communication tool for the school, all the other communication channels will remain in place.

The school Facebook page can be found using the following link:

We recommend that you set up the St Luke’s Facebook page as a ‘favourite group/page’ by following these simple steps (from a desktop computer):

1) Like and follow on your personal Facebook profile

2) When on the St Luke’s Facebook page. Click the ‘following’ button and under ‘in your news feed’ section, tick the ‘see first’ button. This will ensure that when a new item is posted on the official page you will see this first in your newsfeed.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

There will be no toast tomorrow because of the leavers service.

I hope you all have a lovely summer and good luck to everyone who is leaving us to go on to another school, you will still be part of the St Luke’s family and we will miss you all.

See you on 4th September, new Reception children on 6th September.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 12/07/2018

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Wow this term is flying by, I cannot believe we only have one week left after this one.

The children are all still working hard. As I walk around school I see lots of thinking, writing and tricky maths problems being tackled. I see those lightbulb moments when a child ‘gets’ a new concept. We will continue to work right up to the end as your children’s education matters and we don’t want to waste any available time.

The Merlins and Eagles have not only been working hard on traditional subjects but have also been honing their performance and public speaking skills. These are such important skills for the world they will work in. I am of course referring to the play they put on for us all. What impressed me most was how much all the children were enjoying what they were doing. A special well done to all the children who stepped in at the last moment and ensured the show went on.

Our enterprise skills were put to the test on Tuesday with the children learning about the difference between takings and profit! Different strategies were used by different houses with some going for low cost high volume items and others for higher cost items. The sums are still being done so I am afraid I cannot give you a total amount raised yet. Thank you for all your support for this.

We have been welcoming the new reception children this week. The present Year 5s are very excited about meeting their buddies and having lunch with them on Monday. Next week we will also be welcoming the children joining us in other year groups. Most are able to come on Wednesday when we have our move up morning when the whole school practices being in their new class. This is an important occasion which helps the children feel settled and ready for the new school year.

Today we have two exciting events on. Some of the Kites and Harriers are going to St Philip Howard School to share their art work with other schools. Other children are going to Tideswell to receive an award from the Bishop for our work on the virtue of community. Very excitingly one of our Year 2 pupils has been nominated for a Bishops Badge for his work. We are very proud of him.

Tomorrow is Harriers Assembly at just after 9am. In the afternoon the choir are singing in Buxton as part of the Buxton Fringe. We are singing outside the Opera House at 1.30 please do come and support us if you can.

Tomorrow is a very special school dinner it is seaside day. The children will have fish and chips and ice-cream cones outside just as if they were by the sea. If your child normally has packed lunch they are welcome to have dinners. A dinner is free for KS1 and costs £2 for KS2. Speaking of dinners if you owe any dinner money for this year please pay it by Tuesday so we can settle the accounts.

Tuesday 17th is Disco Night. A chance for the children to don their beach clothes and strut their stuff on the dance floor. If you would like to help, the PTA are always looking for people, just let us know and you will be welcomed with open arms.

On Friday next week it is the Leavers Assembly when we celebrate their time with us and wish them well for the future. After school we will be taking them out for tea.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 05/07/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Thank you to all of you who sent in bottles to support the PTA last Friday. Your generosity is much appreciated. Every one of you is part of the PTA by virtue of being a parent. Unfortunately there is a decreasing number of people able to come to PTA meetings. If there is a better time or place to hold them which would enable you to come along please let me know. If there is something putting you off from coming along please let me know then we can look at ways of involving more people.

On Tuesday night we were treated to a fabulous concert. A huge thank you goes out to the children who performed, the music teachers who helped the children prepare and Mrs Hillier who organised it. An extra thank you goes out to Mrs Elliott who played for us what a treat!

The Year 6s have been visiting their new schools this week. All the reports we have had back from the children are good.

Letters have gone out to all the children who will be in years 3-6 next year about fruit. If your child would like fruit next term please remember to return the slip. We cannot guarantee fruit for children who return their slips late.

Just a quick reminder that children in Years 3-6 pay for school dinners so the present Y2s will start paying from September, they cost £2 a day. If you think you might be eligible for free school meals you can apply by phoning 01629 536400/535743 by email: or at

On Friday the Kestrels will be leading our assembly. The following Friday 13th July the Harriers will be leading it. Do join us if you can.

On Tuesday 10th July 2.30-3.30 it is enterprise day. In houses the children are going to be making things to sell. You are welcome to come and be a customer and or send your child in with a bit of money to spend. Please do support this event. We are also having the grand hair-cut. If anyone would like to sponsor the pupil please send a donation in in a labelled envelope.

Remember clubs finish today so only PAS is still on next week.

Next week is performance week for Merlins and Eagles. The evening performance on Tuesday 6.30 is a sell out so you must remember your ticket. We will not be able to admit people without one. The children need to be back at school for 6pm. There are still some tickets left for Wednesday afternoon.

Alice Littlehailes

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