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Newsletter 21/06/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We are having such a fantastic science week. Thank you to everyone who has, or is going to come in and talk to us. We have found out about thermal imaging, DNA, Arctic exploration, materials, batteries, magnets, animals and loads more. Some other schools joined us for our Great Science Share and we all joined in with other’s experiments.

The Y4s played with The Halle Orchestra on Tuesday. This was an amazing experience where the children not only heard a world class orchestra but joined in with them.

Tuesday was a very busy day because not only was it scientific, and musical but the Quad Kids Squad was also in action. They won the Glossop meet so have progressed to the High Peak final on Monday. Many congratulations to all of them. The cricketers did well last Thursday and enjoyed the final they were in.

On Wednesday we had a very good presentation on drowning prevention, the children learnt a lot about keeping safe near water.

The Summer Fun Event is almost here. It is tomorrow. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible tomorrow after school. As this event is a very busy one for the PTA there will be no toast on Friday.

On Monday 25th The Harriers will be treating us all to a concert playing their brass instruments. Please join us if you can at just after 9am.

Friday 29th is both Peregrine’s Assembly and non-uniform day for bottles. For the privilege of coming in casual clothes the children are asked to bring in a bottle of anything.

On Tuesday 3rd July we are holding our annual summer concert at 7pm. The choir perform for you and any child who learns an instrument at home or at school who would like to perform is invited to do so. If your child would like to participate please let Mrs Hillier know.

On Tuesday 10th July we are holding an enterprise afternoon. The Pupil Parliament have organised this. Every House is making things to sell. I do hope you will be able to support the children in this. Any money raised will go to Tourette’s Action a charity which supports people suffering from Tourette’s and research into this condition. One of our children is being sponsored to have their hair cut in aid of this charity. Not only will this raise money for Tourette’s but will also help provide a wig for a child in need of one.

The next PTA meeting is on Thursday 28th June at 7pm, I am not sure where but will let you know when I know.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 14/06/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I cannot believe another week has gone by! But here we are on Thursday again after another busy week.

Sports day went very well, congratulations to all the children for taking part in such a sporting way. Thank you also to all of you who were able to come for supporting all the children not just your own to make sure everyone had a good time.

We have eggs hatching in school at the moment, the first one hatched yesterday so hopefully we will soon have a little brood of chicks. They are with us as in preparation for science week next week when we will be welcoming lots of scientists into school to work with us and having an all-round good scientific time! Hot off the press we now have 5!

Ian came into assembly on Monday to offer guitar lessons to the children, he has some spaces. Yesturday Helen the violin teacher came in to do the same as she also has space from September. If your child is interested in learning a musical instrument do let us know.

Talking of all things musical on Monday the older choir members and Year 6 took part in the PEGS concert at New Mills. They performed very well and the whole concert was a treat.

Lee Baker from the police came in to talk to Eagles and Merlins about knife crime. This is part of our ongoing work to keep all the children safe throughout their lives.

Our High Peak Kids Council is meeting with Ruth George today in preparation for their visit to The Houses of Parliament next week.

Tomorrow Kites will be leading our assembly do join us if you can.

The Summer Fun Day is almost upon us, it is a week on Friday, 22nd June from 3.30. Get ready to come and have some fun.

We have finalised the classes for next year and the only change to teaching staff will be Mrs Eltringham in Year 2. We are delighted for Miss Nicholls as she is leaving us to be the Headteacher of Biggin Primary School, we are however a little sad for us. There will be no change to the staff supporting individual children.

I have been told about a girl’s football festival at Chapel High School on 4th July 6-7.30 it is open to any girl aged 5-11.

It has come to my attention that some of you super sleuths have managed to work out the code for the gate and are letting yourselves in. I must ask you please not to do this but to wait until a member of staff comes to open the gate as it is closed for our children’s safety.

Running Club is cancelled next week, 21st June, as Mr Cooke is at a meeting after school.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 07/06/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Welcome back I hope you all had a good break in the sun.

There isn’t much news as we have had a short week but already the Peregrines have been on a visit to The Station House Dental Practice where they learnt about keeping their teeth healthy. They got to explore the dentist’s surgery and find out what they do. They were made very welcome. A huge thank you goes out to everyone at Station House.

Today the Kites are off to the Hat Museum. They are particularly interested in the machinery as they are studying the mill industry in Glossop. I know they will enjoy this visit.

It is Sports Day tomorrow morning. We will start as soon as we can so about 9.15. Your child will need their sports kit and if possible a sun hat. We will make sure the children have plenty to drink. Parents are very welcome to come and support everyone. The theme this year is sporting heroes. We are asking the children to think about who their sporting hero is whether it is a Paralympian or a footballer a swimmer or an archer and use their determination and love of sport to inspire them. The children can come in their sports kit and get changed into school uniform later if they want to.

On Friday 15th Kites will be leading our assembly do join us if you can.

I have had some very sad news, Daniel Robinson who left our school a few years ago has died. Our thoughts go out to all his family and friends and everyone who is grieving for him.

I have had complaints that people are bringing dogs into the school grounds, please can I remind you not to do this.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 24/05/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It has been a fantastic and busy week this week. The children have been loving Take One Picture Week this week. On Monday the children stepped up and organised their own learning in Houses. The leadership, organisation and co-operation shown by the children was exemplary. The work they produced was very varied from a play including a bird cage they had made to scientific experiments. There were pompom birds and feathered hats, fact files and new inventions. The engagement with the picture and their learning has continued throughout the week. I am looking forward to Friday when the children are going to share their learning with each other.

Amongst all of this, the Year 5s had a visit to St Philip Howard. We participated in two cricket tournaments and a tri-golf tournament. All the children did well with the golfers getting silver medals and even more importantly the sportsmanship award. Congratulations to everyone involved in this.

Well done to everyone who has or is going to participate in walk to school week. I know the children enjoy walking at least part of their journey to school.

Thank you to everyone who came along to the PTA meeting. What came out of that meeting was that lots more help is needed for the Summer Fun Event after school on Friday 22nd June. If you could spare a little bit of time on that afternoon to be on a stall please let the office or a member of the PTA know. We really do need your help.

We finish for half term on Friday and the children are back on Wednesday 6th June. On that day the children in Peregrines have been invited to Station House Dental Practice to find out about what the dentists do, don’t worry nobody will have any dental work done! It is bag 2 school day on 7th June, you should have had your bag to start filling with textiles. Please return the bag on the morning of the 7th. Friday the 8th is Sports Day weather permitting. Parents are very welcome to come along and watch.

Speaking of holidays, I need to remind you that holidays in term time are not authorised except for exceptional circumstances and any such holidays may result in fines which are calculated per parent per child. This is a national governmental policy.

The office staff have asked me to remind you that dinners should be paid for in advance. There are a number of people with dinner money debts. Please could you arrange payment as soon as possible.

It has been lovely to see the field being enjoyed by the children at the end of the school day but I have to remind you that they still need to abide by the school rules and their behaviour is your responsibility. Children have been climbing over the fences, messing in the sensory garden, playing with sticks, pushing each other off the tyre and play fighting. Not only are these behaviours dangerous but because you have allowed it outside school time the children try to behave like this in school time so playtimes stop being enjoyable for everyone.

There is one last piece of very happy news, Mr Cooke is getting married on Saturday. We wish him and his bride a very happy future together.

Have a lovely half term holiday.

Alice Littlehailes

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