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Newsletter 17/05/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I am finding it hard to believe another week has gone already this term is flying by. As ever I have been very impressed with the work I have seen around school. I have seen amazing marble runs, explorations of determination, marvellous Maths, studies of Mills, super symmetry, imaginary trips to the seaside and very hungry caterpillars! The Year 6s and Year 2s have also been tackling their SATS. I must say they have shown fantastic focus and determination. The Year 6s finish today the Year 2s will carry on until the end of term.

Last week we were also lucky enough to have the Northern Ballet deliver a dance workshop based on their production of The Ugly Duckling. The children absolutely loved it. I am just disappointed that the performance at Buxton Opera House is on a Saturday (26th May 2pm & 4pm). If it had been on a school day I would have taken the children. Maybe some of you will manage to go and see it. If you do I would love to hear about it.

We are about to start one of our favourite weeks of the year Take One Picture Week. Every year The National Gallery chooses one of its pictures to be the inspiration for children across the country. The children are asked to make a response to the picture and follow any line of enquiry that excites them. I love to find out what direction the children choose to go in as it invariably is something I hadn’t thought of. Do not worry the Year 2s will be fully involved even though they may be finishing off their tests.

There are some spaces from September for children interested in learning to play the clarinet. If your child will be in Y4 upwards and would like to learn the clarinet just let the office know. There will also be spaces for children in Y6 from September to learn the Oboe, how exciting, again let the office know if your child is interested.

Next week is a busy week. As well as take One Picture we have cricket tournaments, a tri golf tournament, a dance workshop, Year 5 are visiting St Philip Howard on Tuesday, lunch will be provided by them, and it is Walk to School Week. Let us see if everybody can walk at least a bit of their journey to school. We will all be ready for the holiday, the children finish on Friday 25th May.

The next bag to school day, when we ask you to bring in any old textiles, is on Thursday 7th June. Your child should be bringing a bag home tonight for you to fill, but any bag will do.

Remember it is the PTA meeting tonight 7pm in The Prince of Wales Pub. I do hope a lot of you can come.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 10/05/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I do hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend, we could not have asked for better weather.

I don’t have a lot of news for you as it has been a very short week for the children. I can report that the boccia squad did well. Not only did they have a great time but the b team came second. I don’t often get to take our children out to such events but I was so pleased to go with them this time as it reminded me just how much our children understand kindness and community. Boccia is an inclusive sport so we were playing with teams from all ages and abilities. Without being asked to our children encouraged and praised everyone, they helped others play the side games even if it wasn’t something they wanted to do. They showed good sportsmanship and made me very proud.

Tomorrow 11th May The Ospreys will be leading our assembly please join us if you can.

Next week is SATs week when the Year 6 pupils take the national tests. There is no need for anyone to worry about this. The tests are just to get a snapshot of where the children are at in their learning, all the pupils are well prepared and should feel confident. As parents all you need to do is make sure they have a happy restful weekend, get plenty of sleep, don’t put any pressure on them and make sure they come into school on time having had breakfast. Please remember all our young people are fantastic individuals with a huge range of talents and abilities. What we want is for each of them to be happy confident members of the community. We are already proud of each and every one of them, nothing will change whether they get 0% or 100%. There is nothing for them or you to get worried about.

Kim the crossing patrol will be absent on Friday 25th May.

The next PTA meeting is on 7pm Thursday 17th May at The Prince of Wales Pub. Please do come if you can.

We are planning some developments in the grounds. Is there anybody out there with knowledge, skills, interest, capability, spades, diggers etc who can help? If so please chat to Mrs Hillier.

After School Clubs

As there are only three takers for film club at the moment we have taken the decision to cancel it for the rest of the school year.

On Tuesday 15th there will be no staff led clubs as we have a meeting. This means PAS is on but gardening is not.

On Monday 21st May there will be no science club or ICT club.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 03.05.2018

Newsletter 03.05.2018

Dear Parents,
I am sorry scoot and skate had to be cancelled but nobody would have enjoyed standing in the cold and wet!

It has been a busy week with the Ospreys visiting Staircase House to get a real feel for what life was like at the time of The Great Fire of London. They had a great time and learnt a lot. We are lucky to have this resource so close. Kites and Harriers visited St Luke’s Church to compare it to other places of worship. They enjoyed having time to explore the building and gain an understanding of the significance for Christians of different features. Some children went out to a writing workshop which they thoroughly enjoyed. The cyclo-cross squad showed great teamwork and sportsmanship and were awarded the Spirit of the Games certificate. We are very proud of them. I hope the Boccia squad also enjoy today. The Eagles and Merlins continue to impress all visitors with the depth of their discussions. All this and dinosaurs are invading the continuous provision in Kestrels and Peregrines!

We have a bank holiday on Monday, which I hope you all enjoy. Remember on Tuesday school is closed to children as the staff have a training day.

On Friday 11th Ospreys will be leading our assembly, do join us if you can.
I have been made aware of people stopping for a chat on the paths into school and blocking the way for others. I am very pleased St Luke’s is a friendly community where people are pleased to see each other and I would not want to lose that but please can everyone be considerate of others.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 26.04.2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Well the sun didn’t last long did it! At least the weather was glorious for the children on the Whitby residential. They all had a great time and returned feeling very proud of their achievements. Thank you to all the staff that gave up their time to make it possible.

Welcome to the parents of the children who will be joining us next year we are very pleased you will be part of our school.

On Monday the children in Y1 and Y2 enjoyed a morning of cricket. They had a great time at Hadfield cricket club learning some skills.

Last night we were invited to see some of last year’s Y6s at Glossopdale, they shared their work and their stories of their new school. It was lovely to see them doing so well.

On Friday Eagles will be leading our Assembly just after 9am do join us if you can.

Tomorrow is also the PTA scoot and skate after school – weather permitting. Unfortunately the forecast is for cold and wet.

As you know we are part of PEGS, a collaboration of local schools. Being part of this group helps us continue to improve the education we can offer your children. This collaboration has led to a Pupil forum called High Peak Kids Council. HPKC has decided they would like to have a litter picking week around our schools next week. If you have any litter pickers or gardening gloves we could use we would be very grateful. The day we do it will depend on the weather I am hoping for Wednesday or Thursday.

A quick reminder about medicines. We are happy to administer proscribed medicines during the school day but you need to fill out a form detailing things like dosage. There is a copy of the form on the website to help those of you who cannot pop into the office in the morning. The medicine and permission need to be given in by an adult not left in school bags. Sometimes we are asked to give pain relief such as Calpol. We are prepared to administer this with a permission form but we will not accept bottles of paracetamol in school, we ask that you bring sachets. The reason for this is that paracetamol overdoses are incredibly serious and sometimes the side effects are irreversible. We would all hate for a child to get hold of a bottle of paracetamol and do serious damage to themselves.

A few of the Kestrels still don’t have PE kits in school. They all need shorts, t-shirt and pumps.

Alice Littlehailes

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