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Newsletter 19/04/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It is lovely to see so many smiles now the sun has come out – long may it last.

Since the last newsletter we have had a couple of sporting events Aqua Splash which was much enjoyed by the team and three of the younger children got to go to New Mills Primary to find out what they do for PE. They came back buzzing, full of ideas of games we had to play and equipment I had to buy. They were so excited they were falling over their words. We are very grateful to New Mills for this.

The children in Whitby are having a great time and learning lots including independence! We could not have picked better weather for this residential.

Last week the head from Eyam came to do some work around Character Education with some of the Pupil Parliament, she was very impressed with the children’s thinking and how well they articulate their ideas. She was particularly impressed with how the whole school lived the ethos and cared about each other.

You know I said last week that dates may change well …….sports day is now on Friday 8th June in the morning!

The next Scoot and Skate is almost here, start getting your scooters and helmets out because there is less than a week to wait. It is after school on Friday 27th April. Fingers crossed for weather like this week.

Talking of wheels the Glossop Go-Ride Bike Club starts up again this Saturday at Glossopdale- at the Glossop site. (Turn left at main entrance to park & walk round the back of building passed Tennis courts towards the running track) Arrive 9.45am with your bike to be checked to start 10-11.30am. £3 per session. 1st & 3rd sat of each month Bikers need to wear helmet & gloves.

There is a Macmillan coffee afternoon at St Luke’s Church this Friday, 20th April 2.30-4.30 they say you are welcome to take the children after school for a drink and a cake.

The summer must be on its way because Glossop Cricket Club is starting the ever popular Friday Night coaching sessions. Registration is on Friday 27th April 6-7pm at the club. Membership is £20. Coaching starts on 4th May at 6.45 for an hour. I know lots of you will be keen to sign up.

There has not been much take up of the Ignite club after school on Wednesday, which is a surprise as this was a very popular club at lunchtime. If your child would like to join this club please let us know by Monday as we may have to cancel it.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 12/04/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Welcome back I hope you all had a good Easter it is lovely to see the children back bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to learn.

We had a very important visitor yesterday, The Gingerbread Man came to school! He was spotted in the sensory garden and the Kestrels invited him to come into school and see what they were doing. This led to some very good scientific experiments to see what would happen if a biscuit got wet. The results led to bridges and boats being built to protect the Gingerbread man.

We are very pleased to be welcoming Glossop Sailing Club who are coming in today to talk to the Year 5 & 6s and offer some free taster places.

Your child should have brought home a battery recycling box, this is part of a new initiative at school to encourage the recycling of batteries. In the entrance hall as well as the ink cartridge recycling box and the Food Bank collection box we also now have a battery recycling box.  We are asking you to pop spent batteries into the little box and bring it into school when it is full.  The box can then be used to collect more batteries.  This initiative is part of our learning about the environment and what we can do to protect it.

Today your child should be bringing home a long letter about Data Protection and a form to sign. As I am sure you are aware, due to the number of companies emailing you, the rules around data are changing and we have to inform you of the data we hold about your child and seek positive consent for it.  All the data we hold is either statutory or necessary – such as contact details.  If any of you have concerns around the data we keep do contact me.  Please could you fill in and return the declaration sheet.

Excitement is rising in Eagles, as are nerves, as the residential in Whitby is fast approaching. Next Wednesday they will be setting off for three days of learning and fun.  I confidently predict they will return on Friday tired, grubby and very proud of themselves for having done this.

On Saturday 14th April 12-2 the Friends of Manor Park are holding and enchanted forest event with refreshments, crafts, storytelling and more.  They are aiming to raise money for an accessible roundabout.  It sounds like a great event and the weather is forecast to improve by then!

I am attaching the dates for the term. As ever things might, in fact probably will, change so do keep an eye on the newsletter.

Alice Littlehailes



Dates April – July 2018


18th                  Whitby trip

20th                  Return from Whitby

23rd                  Ospreys and Peregrines Cricket

24th                  High Peak Kids Council

25th                  Tintwistle choir visiting

27th                  Eagle’s Assembly

PTA Scot and Skate


1st                    Osprey’s trip to Staircase House

7th                    Bank Holiday

8th                    INSET Day

10th                  Dance Workshop

11th                  Osprey’s Assembly

14th                  SATS week starts

17th                  PTA meeting 7pm

21st                  Take one Picture Week starts

24th                  Urban Gongs Project

25th                  Finish for half term


6th                    Return to school

7th                    Sports Day am

Bag 2 school

11th                  PEGS Concert

12th                  High Peak Kids Council

15th                  Kites Assembly

18th                  Science week starts

19th                  Harriers Play With The Halle

21st                  High Peak Kids Council Parliament Trip

Y5 to Glossopdale

22nd                 PTA summer Fun

28th                  PTA meeting 7pm

29th                  Peregrines Assembly


6th                    Kestrels Assembly

10th                  Merlin’s and Eagle’s production evening performance

11th                  Merlin’s and Eagle’s production afternoon performance

13th                  Harriers Assembly

Buxton Fringe

20th                  Leavers Assembly

Leavers Do

Finish for summer

Newsletter 22/03/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Well believe it or not it is the end of term already – how could that have happened. But what a lot we have crammed into this half term, we have managed to fit six weeks into four!

Thank you to everyone who helped or supported the Easter Raffle and tea. The PTA made an amazing £1,454.89 which will be used to enhance your children’s education.

A huge well done goes out to the Kites and Harriers everyone thoroughly enjoyed their play and we are all relieved those rats have gone.

I also want to thank Esme’s parents who have given a book to all of the Kestrels to celebrate World Downs Syndrome Day this was so kind of them.

On Wednesday we celebrated Sports Relief by holding House Netball and Football and Key Stage One Sports. Despite the cold a good time was had by all. Sycamore won the Football and Beech the Netball.

Today we have been to church for the Easter Service, what a good job was done by the Merlins.

This afternoon the older children are going to enjoy a production by The English touring Opera of Shackleton’s Cat.

The children return to school on Monday 9th April. As well as the INSET day tomorrow we have one on Tuesday 8th May.

There are a number of outstanding dinner money debts. Please could everyone pay their dinner money as soon as possible.


ScienceX is a weekend-long science and engineering festival organised by the Faculty of Science and Engineering at The University of Manchester. On 14-15 April this free event returns to intu Trafford Centre for the third year running and will be packed with amazing interactive activities to excite and amaze visitors. At ScienceX, we hope to showcase what science and engineering is really all about and inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers with our exciting programme of fun, hands-on activities. There is something for everyone at ScienceX – from the very young to the young at heart. Thrill seekers can have a ride in a flight simulator or try our Formula 1 racing car for size. Those who like technology can come and dance with robots or see the universe differently with a virtual reality experience. There are plenty of opportunities to get hands-on with a whole host of experiments and
to meet world-leading scientists and engineers from the University of Manchester. For the full line-up, visit the ScienceX website –

I hope you all have a lovely holiday.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 15/03/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for the reading extravaganza yesterday there was a lovely buzz around school. I know some people weren’t able to make it so we will open the book fair again during the Easter Tea and just after school on Friday.

The last week has been a very cultural week with not only literature but also Eagles attending a concert by The Halle in Manchester and Merlins watching a live broadcast of Twelfth Night performed by The Royal Shakespeare Company. Add into the mix a lunchtime art club run by Glossopdale students and we have nearly all the Arts covered.

Tomorrow is the very exciting PTA Easter Raffle and Tea – I hope I win this year! From 2pm you are invited to join us for a drink and some cake, during the afternoon the raffle will be drawn. The children come into the hall in classes and have their drink and cake on the stage whilst you get to sit around the tables. We then all assemble for the raffle. The cost of the event is £2 for adults and £1 for children. I do hope lots of you can join us.

Next week is another busy week with:

• Kites and Harriers production on Monday at 6pm (please can the children be back at school between 5.30-5.40) and on Tuesday at 2pm.
• Parents evenings on Tuesday and Wednesday if you haven’t asked for an appointment yet please contact the office.
• Sports Relief on Wednesday with all the school taking part in sporting activities. I know we have been asking for money for a number of things recently, sorry, but if you would like to send a donation in we will be collecting for the good work sports Relief does.
• Thursday 22nd is our Easter Service in church at a little after 9am, well as soon as we can walk over there. We would love you to join us.
• Thursday is also the parents meeting for Whitby at 6pm.
• The children finish for Easter on Thursday 22nd, the staff have training on the Friday. We return on Monday 9th April.

With all this going on there will be no school led clubs next week, these will resume on Monday 16th April.

Whitfield Parish annual Easter Peg Hunt. It’s in Howard Park on Saturday 24th March from 3 to 5pm. They would love you to come with your children, grandchildren or indeed any children at all. Children find their pegs in the park in exchange for eggs. They will be serving hot and cold drinks as well.

Alice Littlehailes

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