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Newsletter 08/03/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

What a start to the half term! Such a short half term already and then everything was thrown up into the air by the weather. Anyway, hopefully we can get back to normal now.

Kestrel’s Assembly will now be on Wednesday 14th March at just after 9am please join us if you can.

Wednesday 14th March is also the rearranged reading extravaganza when you are invited to come into school from 2.30 have a look at /join in some of the reading activities the children are doing. Pick your child up as normal and then there will be a book fair in the hall and a book swop, both child and adult. We will run a reduced café (reduced because of the Easter Tea on Friday) where drinks and biscuits can be purchased. We held World Book Day on World Book Day for those children who were able to be in school but I know some children had costumes ready and were not able to come in so if your child would like to get dressed up on the 14th they are very welcome to even if they have already got dressed up last week.

Friday 16th is our annual Easter Raffle and Tea. You have all had raffle tickets to sell,if you need more there are spares in the office. Please return ticket stubs and money to the office by Wednesday 14th. On the Friday afternoon from 2pm you and the children are invited to tea where drinks and cake will be available. At this event the raffle will be pulled. The children are asked to bring in £1 for their drink and cake. There will be no toast that Friday because the PTA are very busy getting the afternoon ready.

The Y3/4 production is on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th March. If your child is in Kites or Harriers you should have had a letter about tickets. Please return this as soon as possible so we can allocate them.

That week also sees Parents evenings again you should have received a letter inviting you to book an appointment. It is very helpful if you can tick more than one time slot as it is impossible to fit 30 parents into a half hour slot!

Last week we had a fabulous assembly by Maria Snowden who teaches the flute and Anna her pupil. She has some spaces available for children who might be interested in learning the flute. A letter inviting children to express an interest should be coming home.

Wow three quarters of a page and I haven’t even shared with you the snow fun we had, the amazing archery some of our children had the opportunity to participate in, the trip to St Philip Howard, the trip to Manchester University, the trip to listen to the Halle, the delicious menus created by Kites and Harriers, the wonderful House Verse Speaking (won by Willow House), High Peak Kid’s Council and some fabulous learning I have seen around school – I blame the snow.

This Friday 9th March is Peregrine’s Assembly as ever please join us.

Osprey’s Lunch is on Thursday 15th March and Peregrine’s on Thursday 22nd.

I have been asked to let you know Inside Out Forest School is running activities over Easter; you have had a flyer about these.

I have probably forgotten something if so sorry.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 15/02/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Thank you to everyone who helped with the disco I understand it was a huge success. I was sorry to miss it but I was on a course in South Normanton and couldn’t get back in time. As ever these events only happen because of the huge amount of work the PTA put in.  Talking of PTA events the next one is the Easter Raffle.  After half term your child will bring home some raffle tickets to try to sell.  This has always been a big fundraiser for the school so thank you for your continued support.

The children have taken part in a number of sporting events, the girls enjoyed the football league and the indoor athletics squad had a great time on Wednesday. These events are some of the ways we are encouraging all our children to be active.  Our aim is for every child to find a sport or physical activity which they enjoy and that they will continue into adulthood.

On Friday we finish for half term and return on Monday 26th February.  World Book Day is on Thursday 1st you should have received a letter about the plans we have for this day.

Thursday 1st March is also Kite’s Lunch day, I am looking forward to finding out what they have got planned for us.

Tomorrow Friday 16th Osprey’s will be leading our assembly and on Friday 2nd Kestrels.  Do join us if you can.

Class Photo day is on Monday 5th March.

People have been asking me about term dates for 2018/19, such organised people. Here they are:

Term starts Tuesday 4th September (new Reception children will start on Thursday 6th)

Half term Friday 26th October – 5th November (children finish on Thursday 25th)

Term ends for Christmas Friday 21st December

Term starts Monday 7th January

Half Term 18th – 22nd February

Term ends for Easter Friday 12th April

Term starts Monday 29th April

Half term is Monday 27th May – Tuesday 4th June (children back in on Wednesday 5th)

Term ends for the summer on Tuesday 23rd July

This includes all the INSET days

The first week back after half term there will be no school led after school clubs. Clubs restart on Monday 5th March.

Alice Littlehailes


Newsletter 08/02/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

I hope you have all had a good week, I know we have in school. The children have been taking advantage of the clear cold weather and have been exploring ice, there was even an ice dragon!  Some children went to New Mills Leisure Centre and met Dame Sarah Story.  They listened to her talking about her life, got to see her gold medals and learned to play boccia. We welcomed some of the schools in PEGS to St Luke’s on Wednesday, they came and did some drama with us.

Merlin’s menu was delicious last week, everyone tucked into fajitas and sweet potato chips. Today it is the turn of Eagle’s who have chosen chicken wraps or Quorn mince tacos – yum.  Next Thursday it will be the Harrier’s menu consisting of messy meatball buns or vegetable curry.

Merlin’s will be leading our assembly this Friday and Osprey’s next Friday, 16th February.  As ever we would love you to join us.

Tomorrow is Disco day 5-6.30. We look forward to seeing the children dance the night away (well the early evening anyway). Thank you to the PTA for organising this.  The pTA is always looking for more people  and new ideas please do get involved if you can.

House Verse Speaking day is almost upon us, it is Friday 16th February.  Please help the children polish up those poems.

Is anyone available next Thursday morning, 15th February, to help with swimming?  A number of the TAs are on first aid training so we need someone to help walk Ospreys back from the pool at 9.30 and two people to walk Eagles up to the pool at about 10.10 and back again after their lesson.  If you could help out we would be very grateful.

We finish for half term on Friday 16th February and return to school on Monday 26th. That first week back is going to be a special celebration of reading week as World Book Day falls on the Thursday 1st March.  This  year we are inviting the children to dress up as their favourite character from a book and bring the book in with them.  More details about the week to follow.


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 01/02/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

It has been another busy week at St Luke’s. The girl’s football team had a great time on Friday night and will continue in the tournament this Friday.  I have been assured that there are dragons living in the courtyard, there have been several sightings but there is some argument about what colour they are! The older children have been thinking about how believers from different religions get through difficult times.

Your child should have brought home a sheet with the poems they are learning for their house. This is for our House Verse speaking challenge where every year all the children learn one poem set by me and one chosen by their house.  These poems are then performed by the whole house together on Friday 16th February when our poor judge will award points.  Please help your child learn their poems, I know it seems like a lot to learn but every year they surprise me by picking them up really quickly.

Thank you to everyone who helped with or came to to the quiz night last Friday. A good time was had by all with much laughter not only that it raised £70 for PTA funds.

Next Tuesday is Internet Safety Day as part of our ongoing work on internet safety we would like to set up a working group with pupil, parent and staff representatives on it. If you would like to be part of this group please let the office know.


There have been a number of reports of headlice, please be vigilant and keep checking heads.

We are having class menus again this year. Today is Merlin’s menu they have chosen fajitas or vegetable lasagne.  Next Thursday 8th Feb will be Eagle’s menu.  If your child usually has packed lunches but would like to join in these special days they are very welcome.  A dinner costs £2.

The PTA disco is fast approaching make sure you keep Friday 9th February free 5-6.30.  If you are available to help the PTA are always grateful for volunteers.

There will be an INSET day on Tuesday 8th May when school will be closed to children for staff training.  This will make this a 4 day weekend as this is the day after the bank holiday.

Alice Littlehailes

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