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Newsletter 25/01/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

This week I showed a colleague round from another school which was a real pleasure as I got to see school through someone else’s eyes. She was so impressed with the atmosphere in school.  She commented on the busy happy children who understood what good learning looked like. She noted that the children were happy to have a go at things even if they might get it wrong.  You should be very proud of your children, I know I am.

I am sorry the children have been coming home muddy this week, they seem to be mud magnates. The wet weather has caused muddy puddles to form in the soil at the edges of the playground and it has also washed some mud down from the bank.  We are forever talking to them about not going in the mud but it is so appealing. The only way to ensure they stay mud free is to not allow anyone out until the ground dries up, which is months away!  Nobody wants that.  We will continue to remind the children to stay on the playground and hope for some dry weather.

We have had an invitation from New Mills Secondary School for you and your children to take part in a moonwatch on Thursday 1st February between 5-7pm.  They will have a variety of telescopes set up so people can see the craters, mountains and lunar landing sites on the surface of the moon, weather permitting of course.  If you and your child would be interested in taking part please fill in the attached form and return it to the office.

Glossop North End Juniors are collecting pennies. They are trying to create a world record so if you have any pennies hanging around at home please bring them in.


PTA Quiz night is tomorrow. If you would like to join in this fun event please buy your ticket £3 by the end of the day today.

Harriers will be leading our Assembly tomorrow 25th January and then will be treating us to a concert on Monday 29th both just after 9am.  Do please join us for these.  Kites will be leading the Assembly on Friday 2nd February.

The girls are starting their football league on Friday we hope they all enjoy this.

Alice Littlehailes



Newsletter 18/01/2018


St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Thank you to the PTA for organising another great film night, the children really enjoyed it.

Congratulations to Mrs Clayton who has had her work to help the children understand democracy recognised with a Silver Parliament Champions award. We are all very proud of her.

Our character virtue for the last two weeks has been fairness which has brought up some interesting discussions around what is fair, and is what feels fair to one person the same as what feels fair to another. We have also been considering if equal and fair are the same thing and come to the conclusion that they aren’t. The level of discussion the children have engaged in has been fantastic.  Next week we move on to the virtue of friendliness.

Tonight there is a PTA meeting 7pm at the cricket club.

Tomorrow Eagles are leading our Friday assembly do join us if you can. The following Friday 25th Jan Harriers will be leading it.

Friday 26th January is the ever popular PTA quiz tickets £3 a person. You can come in a ready-made team but don’t need a team as teams will also be assembled on the night this is a great way to get to know other parents.  If you would like a chippy supper that can also be ordered.  Tickets go on sale on Friday 19th.

We are in need of some more relief Mid-days. If one of our Mid-day supervisors is off for any reason we need somebody to cover lunchtime.  If you are available at relatively short notice between 11.45 and 1.20 and fancy working the occasional lunchtime just let the office know.

Harriers have been making good progress with their brass lessons and would love to show you how well they are doing. They are going to put on a concert for you on Monday 29th January in the morning assembly. I do hope you will be able to come.

You may remember way, way back in the autumn the choir were filmed singing on Glossop station, this has been combined with the films of other schools to produce the Derbyshire Song ‘The Best That You Can Be’ The song and video is now available to download via priced at £1.49. It is a lovely video and it is great to play spot the children we all know. I am sure a number of you will want to buy the video.

I have been told about this opportunity to Volunteer in restorative justice!

Receive 3-day training in restorative approaches (Training dates are 27th, 28th Jan and 3rd Feb 2018) and ongoing support and development opportunities

  • Want to support all those affected by crime / conflict? üAble to volunteer a minimum of 6 hrs per month? üGood listener? üGood communicator? üAbility to remain impartial? üLike to help others?


If you can commit to the three training dates and answered “yes” to the above then we would love to hear from you! To register interest or for further info please contact Restorative Communities CIC on 07960 551 815 or e-mail



Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 11/01/2018 & Term Dates

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

The last week has been a busy and enjoyable one in school. I have seen mystery objects and marble runs, been taken on a red bus tour of a model of London, seen children responding to and interpreting great works of art and discussed whether we like them or not.  The children have explored the digestive system and the workings of Grandfather clocks. I have seen children excited about maths problems, relishing writing and gushing about Geography – maps and globes are wonderful! We have all enjoyed exercise and acting.  In other words a normal week at St Luke’s.

Friday night is film night. The PTA are putting on a film night for the children straight after school so all the children who have bought tickets for it will be taken into the hall at the end of the day to enjoy the film and some snacks.  Tickets are £3 and available from the office.

On Monday 15th Jan Y5 are going to St Philip Howard to do some PE in the morning so they need to make sure they have their PE kits into school.

On Thursday 18th Jan there is a PTA meeting at 7pm at The Cricket Club do come if you can.

Eagles are leading our Assembly just after 9am on Friday 19th January and Harriers the week after.  Do join us if you can.

I don’t know if you saw the Lego Masters series on Chanel 4 last year, I loved it the models were amazing, anyway they are looking for entrants for this year’s competition, adults or children. Applicants must be over 9 on 31st March 2018.  If you are interested email, if the applicant is under 18 a parent or guardian needs to phone.

I am attaching the dates for this term, as ever things may well change so do keep an eye on the newsletter. Talking of dates there have been a number of enquiries about May half term dates; we finish on Friday 25th May and return to school on Wednesday 6th June.


Alice Littlehailes


Dates Jan – March 2018


Friday 12th            Film Night

Monday 15th         Y5 to St Philip Howard

Tuesday 16th         High Peak Kids Council

Wednesday 17th   Y2 & Y6 Fire and Rescue talks

Thursday 18th      PTA meeting 7pm Cricket Club

Friday 19th            Eagles leading assembly

Friday 26th           Harriers leading assembly


Friday 2nd            Kites leading assembly

Tuesday 6th         Internet safety day

Friday 9th            Kestrels leading assembly

PTA Disco

Friday 16th         Ospreys leading assembly

House verse speaking

Finish for half term

Monday 26th      School reopens


Thursday 1st       World Book Day

Friday 2nd           Merlins leading assembly

Monday 5th        Class photo day

Tuesday 6th        Y5 to St Philip Howard

Thursday 8th      Y5 to Halle concert

Friday 9th           Peregrines leading assembly

Friday 16th         Easter Raffle and breakfast

Monday 19th      Y3/4 production 6pm

Tuesday 20th     Y3/4 production 2pm

Parents evening

Wednesday 21st House Netball and Football

Parents evening

Thursday 22nd   Easter Service

English Touring Opera

Children finish for Easter


Monday 9th        School reopens


Newsletter 04/01/2018

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Happy New Year. I hope you have all had a good Christmas break.  It is lovely to see everyone back ready to learn.

Clubs will restart on Monday 8th January except Arts and Crafts. It is cookery club group 2s turn cooking on Tuesdays.

Swimming restarts for Ospreys on 11th January.  Eagles are also starting swimming on the 11th, please return any outstanding forms as soon as possible.

On Monday 15th January the Year 5s are visiting St Philip Howard School during the school day.  They will need their PE Kits.

Dinner money for the term is £102, £64 to half term, £10 for a week. Please remember dinner money should be paid in advance.

Alice Littlehailes


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