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Newsletter 21/12/2017


St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Well here we are on the final day of term having negotiated choir concerts, carol services, Christmas Dinner and parties! The children have been amazing at all of them, you should be so proud of them.

Thank you to everyone who managed to get their children to the Methodist Church on Thursday last week, I know it was very difficult and understand completely why some just could not make it. I could not have got my children there if the roles had been reversed.

Also thank you to the choir and their parents for attending the carol service on Sunday. It was a lovely service and the children read and sang beautifully.

As we head into the festive season when Father Christmas may well bring children internet enabled devices can I remind you to always consider your child’s safety online. Keep an eye on what sites they are accessing and who they are playing games with online.  It is so easy for children to fall into the trap of trusting someone because they have been chatting online, we need to be vigilant for them.  It is also easy for them to send a message which is meant as a joke but is hurtful to others.  I ask them to use the Mrs Littlehailes test ie if I wouldn’t say it to Mrs Littlehailes’ face I don’t send it.

Term restarts on Thursday 4th January.

I hope to see a number of you in person to wish you a happy Christmas but if I don’t: Thank you for all you have done to support the school in 2017, I hope the holiday is a good one and that 2018 brings us all peace and happiness.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 14/12/2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

I am so sorry I have had to close the school today, for only the second time in seven years, unfortunately nothing I can do about Gas Pipes!

Tomorrow is Christmas Dinner day so I am glad the engineers think they will have finished the job today so school can open tomorrow.

Well done to the children I Peregrines and Ospreys who put on an out of this world performance this week and thank you to you for supporting them.

Wow what a fantastic Christmas Fair the PTA put on, on Friday. Thank you to everyone who supported it by volunteering or coming and spending money.  It provisionally made about £1,200 so well done to all.

Congratulations to our swimming squad who came first in the gala, what lovely little fish!

On Sunday the choir are taking part in the Carol Service at St Luke’s Church. They need to be there by 6.15, not 5.45 as I said on the letter.  For some reason I had it in my head that it was starting at 6 rather than 6.30.  Please can they come in school uniform.

On Monday it is Merlin’s and Eagle’s party on Tuesday Kites and Harriers party on down and on Wednesday it is Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys turn. On their party day the children can come in party clothes or bring them with them to get changed at lunchtime. All I would say is remember they are having a normal morning in school so their clothes need to be suitable to work in and more importantly play out in.

On Thursday it is our Carol Service which will start at about 9.20ish, it depends how long it takes us to come across from school. The children in kestrels will be dressing up as part of this service so we would ask them to meet us at church in their costumes (which we will send home) at about five past nine.  Please can they bring their uniform to change into in a named bag.  The naming is really important as matching all those children to unnamed uniform is a real headache.  I would also ask that the readers and the choir meet us at church at 9.05.

If your child is in Key Stage 2 and would like to have fruit next term you need to return the letter by Wednesday. We cannot guarantee fruit for children whose parents have not returned the slip.

If you have any dinner arrears please pay these as soon as possible. Dinners need to be paid for in advance.  If you are having difficulty paying for school meals contact the office as you may be eligible for free school meals.

We finish for Christmas on Thursday 21st and school reopens on Thursday 4th January.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 07/12/2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Well another busy week at St Luke’s! Even better we are going to round it off with The Christmas Fair.

The children all made Christmas trees in their houses and the results are spectacular. Every year I think they can’t match last years and then they do. If you get the chance to pop in and see them do.  One of them will go down to The Methodist Church to be part of the Christmas tree festival.  A great time to see all the trees there would be on Thursday 14th December at 10.15 when the choir will be singing and we would love an audience.

On Monday the children were in awe at The Snowman concert put on by The Music Partnership.

A huge thank you goes out to Hannah Laxton, she has come in and worked with all the children helping them learn about the sheep and sheep farming. The children got a lot out of the sessions and were buzzing with enthusiasm after them.  We are very grateful to her.  We will miss the sheep when they return to their home field tomorrow.

Congratulations to our Boccia squad who came first in the tournament.

All afterschool clubs finish this week.

Friday is a busy day with Harriers visiting Bramall Hall, Kestrels leading our assembly and then at 5pm the much anticipated Christmas Fair. The fair will start with the choir entertaining us with a few songs and then everyone is free to play the games, try to win prizes on the tombolas, eat delicious Christmassy food and of course meet the main man.

Next week sees the Christmas Production by Peregrine’s and Osprey’s, they have been very busy learning their lines, practicing their songs and getting into character. If you haven’t requested your tickets yet for Tuesday 12th at 6pm and Wednesday 13th at 2.30pm please do so as soon as possible.

Friday 15th December is Christmas dinner day, children who usually have packed lunches need to book their dinner if they would like one.

Sunday 17th December is the traditional Carol service at St Luke’s Church our choir will be singing and some of our children will be reading.  Do come along for a really Christmassy feeling.

On Thursday 21st December it is our Carol Service at about 9.15am.  This is a lovely occasion and we would love to share it with you.  The children tell the story of Christmas through song, readings they have written and the children in Kestrels forming a tableau.

If you have some free time over the coming weekends and fancy some festive fun in the forest Insideout Forest Schools is offering Festive Forest Experiences on 16th, 17th and 23rd December.  For more details visit their website

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 30/11/2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Last Friday we were delighted to welcome Ruth George our MP and representatives from The Arts Council into school to celebrate our commitment to the arts. The children all round school spoke eloquently about how an arts rich curriculum enhances their learning.  The choir sang beautifully and the Ospreys performed their refugee dance.  The school council were very keen to find out more from Ruth about how she became an MP and what her job involved.  Everyone left very impressed by St Luke’s and our children.

On Friday 1st December the Kites will be leading our assembly at just after 9am and the week after on the 8th it will be the Kestrels leading their first one.  Please do join us if you can.

Tomorrow 1st December it will be non-uniform day for the fair.  For the privilege of coming in their own clothes we ask the children to bring in donations for the Christmas Fair (which is on Friday 8th December).  We are asking Kestrels Peregrines and Ospreys to bring in chocolate for the chocolate tombola and everyone else to bring in a gift for the wrap stall.  On the wrap stall the children can buy presents for their family and we will wrap it up for them so it can be kept secret for the big day.  In other words please send in something you might like to receive!  The fair is nearly here it is on the 8th December at 5pm.

On Monday most of the school will be walking up to St James’ church to listen to a concert put on Derbyshire music service including The Snowman. This will be a magical start to the festive period.  Please make sure your child has a coat.

If your child is in Peregrines or Ospreys remember to return the slip asking for tickets to their production as we will be allocating tickets soon.

If your child usually has packed lunches on a Friday they should have brought home a letter inviting them to join in Christmas dinner on Friday 15th December.  This is an occasion much loved by children and staff.  If your child would like a dinner on that day just let the office know.

Children in Key Stage 2 will be coming home with a letter for fruit for next term. Please return the letter with payment if you would like your child to have fruit.

After school clubs that are run by school staff will finish next week (week ending 8th December) until the New Year.



Alice Littlehailes

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