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Newsletter 23/11/2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

I cannot believe how fast this half term is going, we are already half way through it!

Well done to everyone who took part in any Children in Need activities last Friday. We raised £284.21, thank you.

Last Friday was Year 4 sleep over, I am so proud of all the children who took part. A number of them were unsure having never been to a sleep over, or managed to stay all night, before but they all had a great time and were rightly proud of themselves for doing it.

The children from Merlins and Eagles who are in Parliament visited Derby Cathedral at the invitation of The Bishop to take part in a debate. They were so inspired by the experience they are determined to organise one at school.  I am looking forward to some interesting arguments.

Alison Brown from the Diocese visited on Tuesday and was impressed by the children’s learning behaviours and the work they were doing as part of RE week. It was a real pleasure to show off school to her.

There are a number of bugs going round school at the moment a nasty cold like one and a sickness one. Please can I remind you that children who have been sick or had diarrhoea have to be off for 48 hours (2 days) from the last incident.  This is to try and reduce the spread of infection.  Whilst I am on attendance the number of children arriving late to school has increased. The children must be in by 9am.

If your child took part in the Glossop Jog please can you return their sponsor money as soon as possible as the Rotary Club are trying to round up this fundraising activity.

On Friday 1st December the Kites will be leading our assembly and the week after on the 8th it will be the Kestrels leading their first one.

Next Friday 1st December it will be non-uniform day for the fair.  For the privilege of coming in their own clothes we ask the children to bring in donations for the Christmas Fair (which is on Friday 8th December).  We are asking Kestrels Peregrines and Ospreys to bring in chocolate for the chocolate tombola and everyone else to bring in a gift for the wrap stall.  On the wrap stall the children can buy presents for their family and we will wrap it up for them so it can be kept secret for the big day.  In other words please send in something you might like to receive!


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 16/11/2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

I do hope your child came home last week and told you all about the first aid they have learnt. It was a fantastic two days and I know the children learnt a lot.  The parents also enjoyed the session they had on Friday.  Let’s hope we don’t have to put it into practice any time soon.

Thank you to all the members of the PTA who put on the fantastic fashion show evening on Friday. I know everyone who was there appreciated all the work that had gone into making the evening a success.  If you would like to get involved in the next PTA event (the Christmas Fair) there will be a meeting in school at 3.30 on Monday 20th November.  I know help would be appreciated.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the poppy campaign and made a contribution to the British legion. The money raised will go towards supporting soldiers and their families who have been killed or injured.

Tomorrow Friday 17th November it is Children in Need.  This year we are asking the children to be bright and or spotty.  They can come to school dressed in bright clothes or spotty clothes or both!  Please don’t go out and buy something they can come in anything they have at home, we would much prefer the money went into the Children in need.  All we ask is that they bring in a donation for Children in Need.

Friday 17th is also Osprey’s Assembly and Year 4 sleep over.  The children are very excited about the sleep over.  We have a sleep over to get the children used to staying away from home in a known space to prepare them for the residentials in Years 5 & 6.

Applications for places in next year’s reception class have opened. If you have or know of a child who will turn 4 by 30th August next year applications for school need to be in by 15th January to . It has been lovely to welcome so many families coming to look round our school.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 09.11.2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Well the cold weather seems to have arrived I am back to scraping my car before leaving for school. I know when the weather is bad it takes a bit longer to get sorted for the day but this is no excuse for lateness.  The number of families arriving late for school is increasing again.  The children need to be in school before 9am in order to make the best start to their day.

Congratulations to the children who have been part of the football team for the way they have played across the tournament we are very proud of them.

If you would like to buy copies of your child’s photo they need to be returned to school by Tuesday 14th November as the order is being picked up on the 15th. After this date you will have to deal directly with the company and pay for postage.

Tomorrow Merlin’s are leading our assembly do join us if you can.

Tomorrow afternoon remember there is a first aid course running for parents, I am sure there is still time for you to sign up.

The fashion show is tomorrow evening; you can still get your ticket from the office.

On Friday 17th November it is Children in Need.  This year we are asking the children to be bright and or spotty.  They can come to school dressed in bright clothes or spotty clothes or both!  All we ask is that they bring in a donation for Children in Need.

Friday 17th is also Osprey’s Assembly and Year 4 sleep over.  Another busy day at St Luke’s!

If like me you are feeling bereft now bake off has finished and fancy yourself as a bit of a baker the solution is here. I have been asked to let you know that applications are now open for the next series.  You can apply at email them for more information at I am very happy to taste any creations!

The flu immunisations are on Monday for the children in Reception, Y1-4 whose forms have been returned.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 02/11/2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

I do hope you all had a lovely half term break, listening to the children they all certainly enjoyed it.

Thank you to everyone who sent in some old textiles for our bag 2 school collection, there looked to be a lovely big pile.

Last night our Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer attended a glittering awards ceremony, where they were brilliantly entertained by some wonderful dancers before being awarded a gold sports award. This award is in recognition of all the sports we do at St Luke’s. A huge thank you to all the staff and parents that help this happen, without your organisation, transporting, kit finding and cheering on we would not be able to offer the range, quantity and quality of sporting activities. Another thank you goes out to Dawn Richardson, Anna Flannigan and the rest of the High Peak School Sports Team who coordinate all the sporting opportunities.

Yesterday, was clearly award day, as in assembly, school was awarded the Music Partnership Excellence Award in recognition of all the music, school offers to the children. Again thanks goes out to the staff and to our music partners for helping us provide such a rich curriculum.

Tonight there is a PTA meeting 7pm in The Friendship Pub, please come if you can.

There is no family assembly on Friday because we are working with the NSPCC on the children understanding how to keep safe.

Next week Friday 10th November Merlins will be leading our assembly.

We do have poppies available in school if you send your child in with a donation.

Next week as you will have read the children are all learning first aid. The trainer has also given you the opportunity to learn or brush up your first aid skills, if you remember she wrote: On the afternoon of the 10th of November, I invite parents who would also like to learn CPR themselves, to attend a 2 hour baby and child first aid class. In this class I teach how to deal with burns, bleeds, breaks as well as how to perform CPR and deal with a choking casualty. This class is £20 per person and you would be welcome to bring younger children along with you. If you would like to attend this session, please email me at to express your interest or for any further information.

The fashion show is fast approaching, do get your ticket as soon as possible to attend what should be a fantastic evening on 10th November ( I know it is a busy day!).

Alice Littlehailes

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