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Newsletter 28/09/2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

I have been reading a lot of reports recently about sleep. Research is showing the long term effects on our health and wellbeing of sleep deprivation.  Amazingly an adult who has six hours sleep a night for 10 days functions as poorly as someone who has zero hours for two days.  As we know children need significantly more sleep than the seven hours seen as ideal for adults so we need to ensure they are getting at least ten hours a night.  Maybe we all need to make our resolution to sleep more.

There have been a number of sporting events over the last week where our children have conducted themselves really well so well done to all the footballers for such great sportsmanship.


On Wednesday it was European Day of Languages which we celebrated by the children all experiencing three languages. Everyone had a great day. There were huge smiles all round.


There is a phonics meeting for Reception parents tonight straight after school.


Remember scoot and skate has been rescheduled and we will try again this Friday 29th September.


The Y6s are off to Whitehall on Monday for three days of adventurous activities.


On Thursday 5th the choir will be filmed singing the Derbyshire Song.  If you haven’t sent back in the permission they will not be able to join in so please do so as soon as possible.


Peregrines will be leading our Assembly on Friday 6th October, do join us if you can.


Can I remind you that You must not use the staff car park at the beginning or end of the school day unless you have special permission.


Glossop Jog is on Sunday 8th October there is still time to sign up if you would like to.


PTA meeting is tonight at 7pm at the Cricket Club.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 21.09.2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

I am afraid I am going to have to start this week’s newsletter with a rant about parking as I am still getting complaints from the neighbours about unsafe and illegal parking. I know parking around school is difficult as it is around all schools however this does not mean people can park on the zig zags, across drives or in the school carpark.  All these things put our children in danger.  You may need to park a little further away in order to ensure everyone is safe but this is a small price to pay in order to keep children out of danger.  We do not want the near misses we have had to become hits!

This week has been a busy week with Year Six visiting St Philip Howard School to take part in a trampoline lesson and the whole school enjoying a production of Wind in The Willows.

Tomorrow, Friday 21st, is our Harvest Festival run by Eagles’ Class, which we are holding in school.  We are asking all the children to bring a donation of timed or dried food which will be given to the Glossop food bank.  Please do join us if you can.

It is also scoot and skate night on Friday. Children are welcome to stay after school and enjoy an hour of scooting round the playgrounds, something they are not usually allowed to do.  It is a PTA fundraiser so we ask for £1 for the privilege and there will be refreshments on sale.

The children in Key Stage 2 who have signed up to bikeability should have had a letter saying which group they are in and so when their bike needs to be in school. If the letter has not made it home please contact the office.

I don’t like doing this just after clubs have started but the staff have a number of meetings after school next week so Cookery Club is cancelled on Tuesday and Key Stage One Club on Thursday.

Glossop Jog is fast approaching, it is on Sunday 8th October.  You should have had a letter inviting your child to sign up for this very popular annual event.  It is run by Glossop Rotary Club and is a sponsored run, jog, walk, toddle, meander depending on your fitness and inclination.  The participants are sponsored for the number of laps they do.  A number of parents do the jog with their children.  I do hope as many people as possible will take part.  If you have mislaid the letter and want to join in please let the office know.

If you are looking for something exciting to do at half term you may be in luck. I have been asked to tell you about the below:

Autumn Half Term Forest School Camp run by Inside Out. Our autumn activity camp enables young people who love the outdoors to learn, discover and connect with their natural surroundings. Inside Out holiday camps include shelter building, bush craft, campfire food preparation and cooking, nature art and craft, forest games, bug hunting and nature identification Venue: GLOSSOP – Dinting Cricket Club Friday 20th Oct, Mon 23rd and Tues 24th Oct 2017

Times/Prices 9-4pm £25 each, siblings £20/£15 (book all 3 days receive a 10% discount). Bring a packed lunch but snacks and drinks are provided.

To book your place on any of these sessions please contact Esther on 07979 381833 or email

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 14.09.2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

What a soggy week it has been this week great for ducks and welly wearing children who like jumping in puddles less good for people trying to keep dry. I am sorry about the large puddle that appears by the gate, the council are still promising it will be sorted!  On Monday when there was a torrential downpour just as everyone was arriving at school a problem developed, Keith had to ask people to walk through the car park because the path had turned into a river which should have been safe because parents are not to use it to drop children off.  Unfortunately a number of people decided to drive into the school carpark putting everyone in danger.  Please park outside school we want all the children to be safe.

Despite the wet the children have all been settling well into school. I have seen Anglo Saxons making bread, children working on their handwriting, fish swimming through Kestrels class and crayons being taken on adventures in Peregrines, books being enjoyed and numbers being partitioned.  In other words a happy working school.

I do have some sad news for you Mrs Gallacher’s husband died on Friday. Please hold her and her daughter in your thoughts and prayers.

You know I said last week dates might change well …..having got the dates from Glossopdale I realised our Whitehall meeting clashed with their Open Evening so I have changed the date of the Whitehall meeting to Tuesday 19th September at 6pm.

After school clubs start on Monday.

Next Friday, 22nd September, Eagle’s will be leading our Assembly.  It will be our harvest assembly and we are asking the children to bring in donations for Glossop Food Bank.  The assembly will be in school, do join us if you can.

That Friday is a busy day because it also sees a girl’s football tournament for some of the Y5/6 girls and Scoot and Skate. This is a PTA event.  The children are invited to stay after school for an hour and play on the playgrounds with their scooters or skates.  The cost of this event is £1.  We ask that the children all wear helmets.

I have been given information about a new Boccia Club which is starting up in Glossop on Wednesdays 5-6pm at St Philip Howard School. For further information please contact Jacob Meaton on  07786144414 or via email at

Derbyshire are auditioning for soloists to sing ‘Walking in the Air’ and ‘Close Your Eyes’ from Cinderella. Auditions are being held here at St Luke’s on Tuesday 10th October 4-7pm. For more information and to apply for an audition go to their website by following this link

Children in Eagles and Merlins have been offered the opportunity to do their Bikeability Course. They should have brought information home.  If you would like them to do it and letters have not come home please ask in the office.

The flu immunisations for Years Reception, 1, 2, 3 & 4 will take place on 13th November.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 07.09.2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Welcome back it is lovely to see everyone after the long summer break. Also welcome to all our new children and parents, not only do we have the lovely Reception children starting today we have also welcomed children across the school.  I am sure you will already have spoken to the new parents in the playground.

The children have made a good start with fantastic hustings for the elected positions in school. The speeches the children made were well thought out and delivered with passion.  It is going to be so hard to decide who to vote for.

Thank you to everyone who sent in old red uniform for us to donate to a school in Nigeria, if you still have uniform to send in please do it by next Friday as we want to get it sent off.

Friday Assemblies are family assemblies where everyone is welcome to join us. They start at about five past nine.  After this week’s assembly the PTA are holding a meeting to welcome new parents and talk about the coming year.  If you are new to the school or not please do stay for this get together, there will be cake.

The staff very generously give up their time to run clubs after school. We will be sending out a separate letter about these. If your child in interested in attending any of the clubs please fill in the slip below and return it to the office. The clubs will start the week beginning 18th September.

There will be toast tomorrow. On Fridays we offer the children the treat of toast at break time for 20p. This is a way of making a bit of money for school and everyone looks forward to it.  Very kind parents come into school and cook the toast for us.  If you are free on Friday mornings and would be willing to butter (well marge) hundreds of slices of toast please let us know.


I am attaching the list of dates for this term, as ever some dates may change and extras events will be put in so do keep an eye on the newsletter.


Alice Littlehailes


Dates Autumn 2017


Friday 8th PTA    Welcome meeting after assembly

Professor Lightbulb trip

Monday 18th        Clubs start

Wednesday 20th  The Selfish Giant performance in school

Thursday 21st        Swimming starts Y6 and Y2

Y6 parents meeting for Whitehall

Friday 22nd            Eagle’s Assembly

PTA Scoot and Skate

Monday 25th          Bikeability starts

Tuesday 26th          European Day of Languages


Monday 2 – 4      Whitehall visit

Friday 6th              Peregrines Assembly

Sunday 8th            Glossop Jog

Friday 13th            Harrier’s Assembly

PTA Disco

Tuesday 17th         Parent’s Evening

Wednesday 18th    Photo day

Parent’s Evening

Thursday 19th        Finish for half term

Monday 30th          Return to school


Friday 3rd              NSPCC Speak out stay safe

Friday 10th            Merlin’s Assembly

Fashion Show

Friday 17th             Year 4 Sleep Over


Friday 1st               Kite’s Assembly

Non uniform day for fair

Monday 4th           Whole school to ‘The Snowman’

Friday 8th              Kestrel’s Assembly

PTA Christmas Fair

Tuesday 12th         Peregrine’s and Osprey’s Christmas Play Performance 6pm

Wednesday 13th    Peregrine’s and Osprey’s Christmas Play Performance 2.30pm

Thursday 14th        Choir Singing at The Methodist Church

Friday 15th             Christmas Dinner

Monday 18th           Y5/6 Party

Tuesday 19th           Y3/4 Party

Wednesday 20th    Reception/Y1/Y2 Party

Thursday 21st         Carol Service including Reception Class Nativity

Finish for Christmas


Thursday 4th           Term starts



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