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Newsletter 20.07.2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

It is hard to believe but this is the last newsletter of this academic year, just where has the year gone? It has been another fabulous year at St Luke’s with the children experiencing many different things, learning lots, including how to get on in a group, and enjoying working together.  Thank you to all of you for supporting the work we do here.

Thank you to the PTA for all their work this year, and for the disco on Tuesday. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Sports Day went very well yesterday, despite the forecast the weather was perfect, warm, cloudy and dry. The children worked well together in their houses and all had a good time.

Talking of sports we have again been awarded Games Mark Gold in recognition of all the sport we offer the children.

Some of our sports kit has yet to be returned 3 shirts are missing (numbers 17,18&19) as are 3 pairs of shorts (numbers 13,17&18) also 11 pairs of black socks with PB Sports written on them. Please can you have an extra look at home for them as we need the kit for future events.

If you have not settled your dinner money debt yet please do so immediately. We would hate to have to refer anyone to the legal department in order to begin proceedings against them but we may have no option if the debt is not paid.  Dinner money debt comes out of the school budget we have to educate your children not out of a pot at the council.

We finish for the summer tomorrow. We will be saying goodbye to the Year Six children in true St Luke’s style with celebrations not tears.  They will be leading the assembly in the morning have lunch with the staff and meet up for tea at Pizza Express at 5pm.

School restarts on Tuesday 5th of September for everyone except the Reception children who start on Thursday 7th.

As well as some of our children we will be saying goodbye to Andrew the Vicar who is moving to a new role in the south and to Mrs Farrell who, after a huge number of years supporting a huge number of children (I am not allowed to say how many but it is a lot), is leaving us to do other things. Thank you to both of them for all they have given the school.

I have been sent information about an event in Norfolk Square on Friday 28th July 9.30-3.  People are being asked to come along and write a love letter to Glossop.  This is a chance to think about our town and why we like it.

Remember the library reading challenge over the summer.

There will be no toast tomorrow as we will be busy with leaving events.

Have a lovely summer, stay safe and see most of you in September in our lovely new uniform.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 13.07.2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Congratulations to the children who went to Cyclocross yesterday, I understand one of our teams came first but more importantly they all behaved well and had a good time.

I hope all of you who have been able to come to the Eagle’s and Merlin’s production of Treasure Island enjoyed it. There was a fine display of piratical behaviour, skulduggery and creatures.  I also hope you have managed to get ‘Cheese on Toast’ out of your head.

This week we have had two important visitors in. One of the Librarians from Glossop Library came in to talk about the summer reading challenge. This is organised every year by the library and is a great way to keep your child reading over the summer without having to buy loads of books.  Just go along to the library and you can sign them up for the challenge.  Everyone who has taken part before has enjoyed it.  Don’t worry if you are not registered with the library it is a simple thing to do.

The second visitor was our violin teacher who does a great job helping children start to learn this lovely instrument. If your child is interested in starting to play the violin just let the office know.

The children in Kestrels will be leading our assembly this Friday 14th. Do join us if you can.

Next week is the last week before the summer holiday and is full of exciting learning, no we will not be winding down! On Tuesday morning the children will be working in their new classes with their new teachers.  These are staying the same: Reception Mrs Hillier, Y1 Mr Cooke, Y2 Miss Nicholls, Y3 Mrs McLaren and Mr Warburton, Y4 Ms Lee, Y5 Mrs Clayton and Mr Warburton, Y6 Miss Byron.

Wednesday 19th – weather permitting will be sports day in the morning.


Remember on Thursday 20th The choir are singing in Buxton as part of the Fringe Festival.  Please come along and support us if you can.  1-2pm near the Opera House.  Choir need packed lunch for that day.

On Friday 21st Y6 will be leading our Assembly, they will have lunch all together and will then go out for tea.

If children in Key Stage 2 would like to have fruit next term the letter needs to be returned by Monday. We have to put the order in next week and may not have spare fruit for people who ask for it in September.

If you have dinner money outstanding please settle your bill as soon as possible as we need to balance the books for this academic year.

Early warning Kim the lollypop lady will not be working in the month of September.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 06.07.2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

Firstly well spotted you eagle eyed people tomorrow’s assembly will be led by Harriers not by Kites as I accidently said last week.

Thank you to everyone who supported our non uniform day the bottles came flooding in. The PTA are very grateful, as they were for the support at the Summer Fun Day which raised £606.

The Year 6 pupils have been busy visiting their new secondary schools. It is lovely to see their happy relieved faces when they come back recounting tales of daring do, surviving big sites and talking to new people.  They realise it is something they are ready for.

Next week we have the Eagle’s and Merlin’s summer production full of spots, pirates, treasure, adventure and skeletons in closets! Just another day at St Luke’s then. If you haven’t requested tickets yet please do so. The performances are on Tuesday evening 6.30, the children back at 6 please, and Thursday 2pm.

The Derbyshire Safeguarding Team have made me aware of a new problem with snapchat which you may not be aware of – I wasn’t. Snapchat has automatically updated and added snapchat maps which allows people to see where other people they know, or people they know know, are and what they are doing.  If you or your children use snapchat the advice is to ensure you are set to ‘ghost’.  Snapchat has many really good features and I am not recommending you stop using it just making you aware of this new issue. Here is a link to a 14 year old explaining much better than I can all about the potential problems.

As we are getting towards the end of term and people are starting to think about uniform and equipment for next year here are a few reminders, including some the children would rather you didn’t know. The uniform next year will be white polo shirt, purple sweatshirt or cardigan and grey trousers, skirt, shorts, dress plus sensible school shoes.  If you have red uniform that you still want to use you can of course use it until it needs replacing.  The children do not need, in fact please don’t send in pencil cases and pens etc we provide everything they need.  Also please, please, please do not send in back packs we do not have room for them.  The children only need a book bag and a PE bag.

Talking of old uniform we have had a request that the children are very excited about. In Nigeria the children can only go to school if they have a uniform, but many children cannot afford one so do not go to school where they get an education and also a meal.  One of our visitors has links to a school which has a red uniform and asked if we would donate all our old uniform to them.  The children love the idea that the uniform they have finished with helps another child to go to school so please send in old uniform and we will get it to them.  I just wish I had known this before and we would have done it every year.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 29.06.2017

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear All,

I cannot believe that June is nearly over we seem to be hurtling very quickly towards the summer holiday.

Thank you so much to everyone involved in The Glossop Festival for putting on the concert for schools last Thursday. It was such a treat for our ears and for our performers.  The children were genuinely moved by the music.

On Friday our gymnastics squad performed very well and were awarded bronze medals. Congratulations to them.

This week Year 6 were all geared up to be extras in a film and Monday went well, however the weather put paid to Tuesday’s filming. The director says she will try again at the start of next week but does not know if the children will be needed.  I suggest they bring their film clothes into school for Monday and Tuesday next week and then we are ready if needed.

Thank you so much to Glossop Cricket Club who invited the children to watch the county match taking place this week. Luckily we picked Monday as the day to go.

It has been so nice to welcome the new Reception Children into school this week. We are looking forward to seeing them on Monday for a story and their lunch.

Friday is a busy day with Osprey’s leading the assembly in the morning, non-uniform day for a bottle and Forest schools for Y3.

Remember clubs run by staff members finish this week.

Next week sees our lovely Summer Concert on Tuesday 4th July.  This is an opportunity for all our musicians to perform and for everyone to hear the choir.  Please can all the performers, musicians and choristers be back at school by 6.50 for a 7pm start.  We do not issue tickets for this event but please do come along and enjoy a musical treat.

The last few weeks are so busy, and dates Keep changing so I thought I would give you an update.

Monday 3rd      New Reception Lunch

St Philip Howard Transition week starts

Tuesday 4th     Y6 Rounders’ tournament

Chapel Transition Day

Summer Concert 7pm

Wednesday 5th Last Y2 swim

The Great Science Share – This involves the Choir plus some scientists going to The Etiad

Longdendale transition


Thursday 6th    New Y3s visiting

Last Year 4 swim

Glossopdale & Longdendale transition

Friday 7th         New Y3s visiting

Kite’s Assembly

Glossopdale & Longdendale transition

Monday 10th    Y3/4 trip to Manchester Museum

Tuesday 11th   Cyclo cross competition

Y5/6 performance 6.30pm

Thursday 13th Year 5/6 performance 2pm

Friday 14th       Kestrel’s Assembly

Tuesday 18th   PTA Disco 5-6.30

Wednesday 19th Sports Day

Thursday 20th Choir perform in Buxton Festival Fringe

Friday 21st       Merlin’s Assembly

Leaver’s meal out

Finish for the summer

Tuesday 5th September Children return to school

Thursday 7th September New Reception Children start.


Alice Littlehailes

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