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St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear All,
What a turnaround! we have gone from my least favourite week to one of my favourites. This week is Take one Picture Week when we use the children’s responses to a picture to base all our work on. This year’s picture is Penelope and Her Suitors. On Monday the children worked in their houses and the Year 6s took the lead. A great day was had by all. There has been work about boats, castles, weaving, Greek myths, angles, taking the characters on adventures the range and quality has been amazing.
This week is also walk to school week – so of course it has been rainy. I have been very pleased to see the number of families who have still walked. Let’s see if everyone can walk at least part of the way on Friday.
Today the Year 5s are off to Castleton. I am sure they will find out a lot during this Geography field trip.
Tomorrow 19th May our High Peak kid’s Council representatives are going to New Mills to meet Andrew Bingham (a meeting arranged before the general election was called). This is in preparation for their trip to Parliament next month.
Next week is our science week, and what a week is planned. There will be scientists working with the children on experiments, a planetarium, animals and a science show.
The children in choir brought home a letter on Tuesday detailing all their gigs. Please could you return the slip as soon as possible so we know you have seen it. If the letter has not made it home please ask for another copy.
The PTA is as ever very busy; today is plant pick up day and preparations are well in place for the Family Fun event, incorporating scoot and skate. There will be stalls, bouncy castle, food and loads of other things. If you have a bit of time and would like to help with this event just let us know.
The Peregrines are off to Glossopdale Hadfield site on Wednesday 24th for a sports festival. Please send the permission slip back.
We have a fantastic reason to celebrate we have been awarded Music Excellence Partner status. We are the only school in this part of the county to have this award. It is in recognition of all the work we do, both within the curriculum and outside it, to promote music. Huge congratulations to all the staff and instrumental teachers for this. Remember if your child is interested in learning an instrument just let us know.
Remember the lollypop crossing may not be staffed next week. Derbyshire County Council is hoping to be able to staff it but cannot guarantee it.
Alice Littlehailes


Dear All,
My least favourite week of the year is almost finished – SATs week. The reason I dislike it so much is we are required to make the children sit tests which have little or no impact on them and their future, they are mainly used to judge schools. I am delighted with the calm and purposeful way the children have approached the tests, doing their best but not getting too stressed. This is just what we aim for. We will hopefully let you know how the children have done when they get their reports in July. I say hopefully because some years some schools haven’t had their results until during the summer holidays. We will be back to offering a broad and balanced curriculum next week after a weeks interruption.
Next week we are, as is traditional, having our Take One Picture Week. This is a project run by The National Gallery. Every year they choose a picture and invite schools across the country to make a response to it. The response does not have to be an artistic one but can be anything. I cannot wait to find out what the children will come up with this year. The week after will be science week when we will be celebrating all things scientific.
Next week is also walk to school week when children across the country are encouraged to come to school on foot, bike or scooter. If you need to come by car you could think about parking further away from school and walking some of the way.
This Friday 12th May the Peregrines are leading our assembly do join us if you can. We have had to change the date of the Eagle’s assembly to Friday 23rd June.
There have been a number of concerns raised about dogs. I know a number of you combine picking your child up with walking your dog, which is understandable. Thank you for not bringing them into the playground. Please could you tie them up away from the footpaths both in school and alongside school. I know you feel confident your dog can cope with large number of children walking past them, and possibly interacting with them, but not everyone shares your confidence. Some people are wary of dogs and feel unsafe passing them. Some dogs who are normally calm and passive can become agitated when surrounded by large groups of children and might react. I don’t want anxious dogs or people. My suggestions are if you are meeting an older child you could arrange to meet them near the gates where you can supervise your dog and keep them away from other children, or tie them up somewhere like the fence on the other side of the carpark gate, where gardening club made that lovely spring flower display. I am not a pet owner so do not always have the answer if anyone has better suggestions please let me know.
Tom Rank has let me know that there will be no ICT Club on 22nd May as he is unable to be there.
Remember if you have ordered any plants from the PTA the pick up will be on Tuesday 16th May.
Eagles are off to Castleton next week, 18th May, if you haven’t sent in your permission slip yet please do so as soon as possible.
Alice Littlehailes


Dear All,
I hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend. This one always feels strange when Easter is late but a three day weekend is always a lovely treat.
Thank you to the parents who sent in a petition following the consultation about and decision to change the colour of the school uniform. The points raised had been considered in the decision making process. Please be reassured it was a genuine consultation and the points raised in favour and against were carefully considered. I am sorry the decision that was made does not please everyone, but it was never going to.
Thank you to everyone who has sent in Sainsbury’s vouchers, we have never collected them before as there isn’t a very local one but we now have enough to be able to order something. We are going to use the vouchers for cookery club. If you have any or know anyone who has any we would love you to send them in.
Tomorrow, 5th May, Kites will be leading our assembly and on Friday 12th Peregrines will be taking the lead. Do join us if you can.
Kim our crossing patrol (lollipop lady) will be away from 18th May to 11th June. There may not be anyone crossing the children over the road during this period.
Remember there will be no clubs except PAS on Tuesday 9th May as the staff all have training.
The next PTA meeting is on Wednesday 10th May 7.30 at the Cricket Club

The children are all very excited about science and this event will further feed this excitement.
The University of Manchester Community Festival on 17 June: (open to all) 11-3pm
Come and experience our free Community Festival packed with fun family-friendly interactive activities. We are throwing open our doors for our local neighbours to discover the variety of things we do. Go behind the scenes at the University to find out all about our work and get hands-on with our exciting activities. More information at:
Alice Littlehailes


There is so much to celebrate this week.
The children in Kites and Harriers put on a fabulous show this week. They acted and sung their hearts out making parents and staff so proud. Well done to all of them.
The children who took part in Aquasplash had a great time, I was told it was “sooooo much fun”. They behaved beautifully and were a credit to the school.
The girls football squad are celebrating because they finished top of the league. Well done to all of them and thank you to parents and staff who gave up Friday early evenings to make it possible.
Friday is our Easter Service in church. It will start as soon as we can walk the children over from school. The Merlins have written a moving account of the Easter story. Do come and join us, If you can, tissues in hand.
This Friday is also the PTA Easter coffee morning and raffle. After church at about 10.30 you are invited to come to school and have coffee and cake. Adult’s £2. The children also come out of class to have a drink and some cake for £1. Once everyone is fed and watered we will pull the raffle. Just who will be going to that Little Mix concert? Whose hair will look amazing? And just how many Easter eggs will be won this year? Do come along and find out.
We also finish for the Easter Holiday on Friday. The children return to school on Tuesday 25th April (Monday 24th is an INSET day for staff).
On Wednesday 26th April kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys are off to the Ballet. They are seeing Goldilocks and The Three Bears at Buxton Opera House.
Thursday 27th April Harriers will start swimming.
On Friday 28th April The Kites will start doing some Forest Schools work, on site. This is where the children learn outside it has been shown to have many benefits. The children will be going out in all weathers so will need suitable clothes ie waterproof coats and wellies if it is raining.
After school clubs run by school staff will restart the first week back. Gardening club will also restart on Tuesday 25th 3.30-4.30 it is open to any child from Y3 upwards. If your child would like to go please let the office know. Again wellies and waterproofs are useful.
The new menu for next term should be in your child’s book bag, it looks delicious.
The consultation on the possibility of a new uniform has finished. Some excellent points have been made by people in favour and against, so thank you for the thought you put into it. The majority of parents are in favour or not against this and the pupils are very positive about it so we will be phasing in a purple uniform from September. I will be sending out full details in the new term.
Thank you for all your support this term. I hope you have a lovely Easter.
Alice Littlehailes

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