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Dear Parents,
We have now managed to catch up with all the postponed Bikeability sessions. The children all did very well and are now much more confident about cycling on the road.
We have been getting excited messages from Mrs Clayton all week! She is in London being trained at the Houses of Parliament in how to teach children about our government and legal system. She is having a fantastic time and learning loads. We are looking forward to hearing all about it. She will then help us develop our teaching. Thank you to Andrew Bingham who told us about the course.
Glossopdale Drama students came into school on Wednesday to perform a show they had developed around friendships and internet safety. The children all enjoyed it and learnt a lot.

There is no clarinet lesson this week for Harriers but they will restart on Friday 3rd February. They will be preparing for their rescheduled concert on Friday 10th February.

This Friday 27th January the Kites are leading our assembly, from what I have seen as I have been walking around school it is looking good. Do come if you can. The Harriers will be leading the assembly on Friday 3rd.

Friday 3rd February is also the date for the PTA disco – very exciting. The theme is characters from films and books, if the children would like to come dressed up that would be great but they don’t have to.

The children have all been given two poems to learn as part of our annual House Verse Speaking Competition. Every year the whole school learns one poem I have chosen and one poem their house has chosen. They then decide as a house how it will be performed. On Friday 10th February they will perform both poems to our esteemed judge. It seems like a lot two poems to learn off by heart but every year the children do it and do it well. Any help you can give your child to learn their poems would be appreciated.

Alice Littlehailes


Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help with Friday toast the rota is now filled. If you might be free in the future we are always looking for new toast makers.
I am sorry the snow caused us to cancel so many things it came down at just the wrong time. We have managed to rearrange most of them. We are still working on Kite’s trip but bikeability day two is happening in two groups one today and one tomorrow. The clarinet concert is now on Friday 10th February.
We had a lovely snowy day in school with lots of work done as well as playing out in the snow.

Last week two of our pupils attended The High Peak Kids Council for the first time. This is held in the very grand council chamber at New Mills Town Hall. The children enjoyed the meeting and have brought back some work for us to do around dog fouling and anti-bullying week. This collaborative work is the advantage of being part of PEGS, a group of schools in this area who work together to ensure your children get the best education they can.
The PTA quiz has been postponed to Friday 24th February as it clashed with another event. I hope lots of you will be able to come to this popular event.
Remember the PTA disco is happening on Friday 3rd February 5-6.30pm. The theme is story book and film characters. The children can come dressed up or not.
The staff have been working with Manchester University looking at science teaching and how to help all our children think scientifically. We have looked at the impact of this work and are very pleased with what we are seeing. There is a real buzz about science around school and the children are asking questions and seeking to understand the world around them. I was privileged to see all the children engaged in science lessons enjoying what they were learning.

The Peregrines are leading our Assembly tomorrow 20th and Kites on the 27th, do join us if you can as the children love an audience.

Alice Littlehailes


Dear Parents,
Well, there is huge excitement around school because of the possibility of snow!!! Kestrels have already taken advantage of the cold weather and made ice sculptures overnight. I will always try to keep school open no matter what the weather, however it is always dependent on the number of staff members that can get into school safely. If I have to close school I will let everyone know via the texting service and the website, if you hear nothing school is open.
The school is going cycling mad this week and into next with children working hard on their Bikeability training, you might remember it as cycling proficiency. Well done to everyone for how well they are doing.
Tomorrow is an exciting day with the Kites visiting the Air raid shelters, and the Harriers treating us and you to a clarinet concert in assembly. The Kites can come dressed as evacuees tomorrow if they want to.
If you have a pre-school child who will turn 4 by the end of August the closing date for applications for a primary school place is midnight on Sunday (15th January). If you have not applied yet you can do this on line at or by phoning call Derbyshire on 01629 533190.
I have had an email from the BBC who are looking for families interested in taking part in the next series of Eat Well for Less, that is the programme where Greg Wallace and Chris Bevin help families reduce their food bill and still eat tasty food. If you are interested in finding out more the contact details are: 0117 970 7698 Or Twitter:@EatWellForLess
The very popular PTA quiz is back! The date of the quiz is on Friday 27th January 7.30. Tickets cost £3 with an optional chippy supper for a further £3. Tickets will be available from the office from Friday.
I am attaching this terms dates as always they may change. There is one more INSET day which I am trying to finalise. The staff will be updating their first aid on that day and I am waiting for a date from the trainers. As soon as I know I will let you know.
Next Friday 20th January the Peregrines will be leading our assembly, I hope you can join us.
There are a few Fridays where there are no volunteers available to make the toast. If you might be able to spare a little bit of time on a Friday morning to help let us know in the office and we will pass your details on to Mrs Williamson who does the rota
Alice Littlehailes


Dear Parents,
Happy New Year. I hope you all had a good Christmas.
It is lovely to see everyone back after the holiday ready to learn.
The Year 1s are going to start swimming on Wednesday 11th January. They will meet up at the pool on a Wednesday morning. The Year 5s will be starting swimming on Thursday 12th January. Letters and forms will be coming home.
Clubs will restart on Monday 9th January except Gardening club which will wait until the lighter evenings. Cookery Club will be group 2. Mr Warburton is going to start an art and craft club on Tuesdays, it will run until 4.30, for children in Key Stage 2. If your child would like to join this club please let the office know.
The Harriers will be showing us just how much they have learnt on the clarinet by putting on a concert on Friday 13th just after 9am. Please do join us if you can as they would love to perform to an audience.
The next PTA meeting is on Friday 13th at 3.30 in school; please do try to come along.
I will send the dates for the term out soon.

Alice Littlehailes

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