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St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe but this is probably the last newsletter of 2016, unless I have forgotten something and have to write a supplementary one!
Exciting news we now have a crossing patrol on North Road Kim is there to help the children cross over safely.
I hope you are beginning to feel festive, I know all the children are. The excitement and exhaustion levels are high. When I walk around school children are busy creating, and working with a real sense of anticipation. Talking to them many of the children are hoping Father Christmas will bring them something techie that connects to the internet. The web is fantastic but also contains dangers for children such as them being exposed to something they are not ready for. Please be vigilant when they are on line to make sure you know what they are seeing and doing.
The sporting year continues to be a good one with the swimming squad winning the Gala on Wednesday and we are waiting to hear about the football league. The football team only lost one match so they are first or second. Even more importantly than this the children have performed with great sportsmanship.
A number of parents have been to see me concerned that other parents have approached their child in the playground to remonstrate with them for something that happened during the school day. Children have gone home very distressed. Can I remind you that things that happen between children during the school day should be dealt with by school staff, please let us know if something has happened to upset your child rather than dealing with it yourself.
The PTA Christmas Fair raised about £900 well done to everyone who supported this event in any way. Remember to get your quiz sheets in by tomorrow no matter how many questions you have answered!
The Christmas events we have held so far have gone well. The play has been enchanting, the party exciting and the choir singing beautiful. There are still many events to go:
Friday 16th December Year 5/6 party.
Sunday 18th December Choir singing at St Luke’s Carol service meet there in uniform at 6.15pm
Monday 19th Kestrels/Peregrines & Osprey’s party
Tuesday 20th Our carol service at St Luke’s church at about 9.20ish. Please do join us. There will be refreshments afterwards.
Tuesday 20th finish for the holiday. School reopens on Wednesday 4th January.

If I don’t see you in person before Tuesday let me wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Alice Littlehailes


Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone who supported the Christmas Fair in any way. It was lovely to welcome so many people into the building last Friday. I don’t yet know how much the PTA raised I will let you know as soon as I know. There is still time to finish that quiz and get it in. The closing date is next Friday 16th December. The prize is a really nice hamper of goodies, I know it is nice because it is sitting in my office winking at me!
This week we welcomed Ann King the head of St Mary’s New Mills to our school. She came to have a look at what we were doing. She was very impressed by the children’s learning behaviour and the standard of their work. She said that the children were happy confident and very polite. I am sure you are as proud of them as I am.
The football team continues to cover itself with glory – they are still unbeaten this season with this Friday being the last night of competition. The Boccia team who went to Buxton on Tuesday had a wonderful time and represented the school so well. As the children know the way to make me proud is to be sporting, it is lovely to win but what is important is the manner in which you play. This year I have been proud of all our sports teams.
The rehearsals for the Kestrel’s, Peregrine’s and Osprey’s Christmas Play are coming on well. The children are all very excited about putting on their costumes and performing for you next week. On Thursday 15th for the 4pm performance we will keep the children at school give them a drink and a snack and get them ready for the grand performance. We haven’t managed to go right through without stopping yet but my best guess is that the play lasts about 30 minutes.
We are getting into the full Christmas Spirit here with lots of activities planned. As well as the play the choir are singing at The Methodist Church Christmas Tree festival on Wednesday 14th December at 10.00 for about half an hour if you can come and support us it would be great as the audience can be a little sparse at this event. The choir are also singing at St Luke’s Carol Service on Sunday 18th December at 6.30 the children need to meet there in uniform at 6.15. School Christmas Dinner is on Thursday 15th December I hope everyone will join in this lovely occasion.
We also have parties coming up. On party day the children can come in their party clothes or get changed at lunchtime (please remember that it will be a normal school morning so whatever they wear must be manageable!). The Kites’ and Harriers’ party is in Wednesday 14th, Eagles’ and Merlins’ on Friday 16th and Kestrels’, Peregrines’ and Ospreys’ on Monday 19th.
We will be holding our Carol Service in church on Tuesday 20th December at about 9.20 / 9.30 it would be lovely if you could join us. We finish for the Christmas holiday on that day school reopens for the children on Wednesday 4th January.
Mrs Tinker has very excitingly got a new job so will be finishing with us on Tuesday 20th we are very pleased for her but will miss her. We are getting together a collection to buy her a leaving present, if you would like to make a contribution towards it please send it in an envelope marked Mrs Littlehailes.
Alice Littlehailes


Dear Parents,
Just a short newsletter this week as it is all about the Fair! Yes, the much anticipated Christmas Fair is tomorrow.

Please come along at 5.30 – 7.30. Hand your quiz sheets in, buy your raffle tickets, and get thoroughly Christmassy.

Also tomorrow, the Harriers will be leading our Assembly; please join us if you can.

Yesterday the children produced some amazing, thought provoking Christmas trees in their houses. The Fair is a great time to see them.

Next week is the last week of after school clubs.

If your child would like to join in our Christmas dinner on Thursday 15 December, do let the office know.

If you haven’t yet sent in a request for tickets to see your child’s play (Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys), they are going like hot cakes.

See you at the Fair.

Alice Littlehailes


Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone who sent in a donation for Children in Need last Friday we raised over £250. It was a busy Friday as we then had Film Night and Year 4 Sleep Over. I know there were some issues around tickets for Film Night and the PTA are going to discuss this at their next meeting. Year 4 sleep over went well with all the children actually sleeping! A great time was had by all.
The rehearsals for the Kestrel’s, Peregrine’s and Osprey’s Christmas Play are coming on well. You should have had a ticket letter come home last night, if it hasn’t made it home just let us know. All the children will need their pumps in school for this.
Tomorrow 25th November is Non Uniform day for donations for the Christmas Fair. Children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys are asked to bring in chocolate tombola prizes and the other children are asked to bring in items for the wrap stall. This is a stall where children can buy their Christmas presents and the staff will wrap any purchase for them. They are asked to bring in different colours, but any colour will do. Kites colour is silver, Harriers is gold, Eagles green and Merlins red.
This Friday 25th November Kite’s are leading our assembly and the week after on the 2nd December Harriers will be taking the lead. Please join us if you can.
The children are still enjoying the special class menus and this Friday it is Kite’s menu, Friday 2nd is Osprey’s and Thursday 8th is Peregrines. Christmas Dinner is also coming up on 15th December, this where just about everyone has a dinner. Staff and children eat together and enjoy each other’s company. If your child normally has packed lunches but would like to join in this very special event just let us know and send £2 in a labelled envelope into the office if your child is in Key Stage 2.
Next week is the last week of swimming for the term.

Friday 2nd December is our much anticipated Christmas Fair 5.30-7.30pm, everyone is welcome. If you can not make the fair but would like to participate in the raffle, tickets can be purchased at the school office. Tickets are £1 a strip and prizes include; a bumper Christmas Hamper, £20 voucher for The Sett Valley Trail cafe, and prizes from Forever Love, Harvey Leonards, Row House, Barbarella and Active Tameside amongst others. This year we are also running a quiz, attached is the quiz sheet have a go at it and if you want to enter your attempt send it in with £1.

Alice Littlehailes

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