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Dear Parents,
We have had a busy few weeks, thank you to the children from Harriers who stayed after school and helped with the staff training on science. The staff got a lot out of the session. The footballers have made a good start in the league, they are unbeaten at the moment. They play again this Friday so good luck to them.
We have now had three of the special class dinners and I must say the children are excellent at choosing a menu. Next week it is Kite’s menu on Friday. As always if your child normally has sandwiches but would like to have a dinner on that day that is fine. If you just let the office know and send in £2.
Thank you to everyone who sent in textiles for our bag to school collection it raised over £55 for school fund.
We were lucky enough to welcome the National president of the NUT to school on Wednesday. She visits lots of schools all over the country. She was effusive in her praise for the school, the children and the work they were doing. She quickly picked up on how engaged the children all are and the clear progress they are all making. She was particularly impressed with the year one children’s understanding of what they were doing and why and the vibrant working atmosphere across school.
We have started practicing for the Christmas Production with kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys. Performing in a big play like this is invaluable for speaking and listening and performance skills which are some of the skills industry is looking for, however it does take a lot of time and a lot of memory on the children’s part. Performances will be at 2pm on Tuesday 13th December, 6pm Wednesday 14th and 4pm on Thursday 15th.
I am so sorry Year 4 sleep over had to be postponed last week. We will be holding it this Friday after film night, so the children will go home from school have their tea and return with their sleep over stuff at 5.30 if they are coming to film night or at 7.30 if not. I know some children have a football event and won’t be able to return until 8pm and that is fine. Pick up will be at 9am on Saturday morning.
Year 5 are leading our assembly this Friday and Year 3 will be leading it on 25th November. It is always lovely to welcome you to these.
We are in the middle of prime illness season and a number of parents have asked me to clarify the rules. If your child has been sick or had diarrhoea they cannot return to school until 48 hours after the last incident. If your child has been prescribed medicine that they need to take during the school day we will either administer it or help the child as we know it is difficult for you to get in to do so, but we need you to fill in a form to authorise us. I know it can be difficult for some parents to get in to fill in this form so I will look into putting it on the website. If your child needs non-prescription medicines such as cough medicine the same rules apply. Pain relief such as Calpol contains paracetamol so we cannot have bottles in school. If your child needs this type of medicine please bring in sachets and a form. We ask that an adult brings all medicines down to the office except for inhalers which are kept accessible in classrooms. I hope this clears up any confusion.
Tomorrow is Children in Need so come in something spotty, that can be uniform or non-uniform and spots or all spots. Please also bring a donation.
Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 10-11-2016

Dear Parents,
It’s newsletter day again.
Please remember to bring in your Bags2School donations on Monday. The bags have details of what can be donated; please do not include anything that is not appropriate, as this will spoil the donation.

Friday sees the dinner hall turning into Eagles Eatery as we get a chance to choose from the Eagles’ Menu. If your child is normally on packed lunches and would like to try a dinner on that day, just let us know. Dinners are £2 per day and can be paid for individually where necessary.

Merlins are leading our Assembly this Friday; do join us if you can.

There is a PTA film night next Friday, 18th November. It runs from 5.30 to 7.30, and the film is The Secret Life of Pets. Tickets are available from the office; they are £3, which includes refreshments.

The Friday 11th Year 4 Sleep Over has sadly had to be postponed, but fear not! It has been rescheduled to Friday 18th, and begins straight after the PTA film night

This year’s Children in Need is also fast approaching. Keep your eyes peeled for more information soon.

Newsletter 03/11/16

Dear Parents,
Here is the newsletter on proper newsletter day.
We have already had a busy week. The Kestrels had a very exciting trip into Manchester to watch The Halle Orchestra’s production of The Rainbow Fish. Not only did they have the excitement of travelling on a coach they also got to listen to world class musicians bring the story to life. All this and a picnic lunch!
The Kites and Harriers had a visit from Sarah Salam who came in to talk about the Muslim faith as part of this term’s RE week. We are also going to have visits from some of the Whitfield parish team. The Kestrels are going to have a good explore of St Luke’s Church.
Last night our Prime Minister, Deputy and Chancellor attended an awards ceremony in Buxton to receive our Gold Games Mark. It was a very lavish event with entertainment and a buffet! The children represented us very well.
Today the cross country squad will be taking part in the High Peak final. We hope they have wings on their feet.
Today is also the Merlin’s Menu. I am really looking forward to lemon chicken or stir fry, though how I am going to choose between them I do not know. Next week it is Eagle’s menu on Friday 11th. If your child is normally on packed lunches and would like to try a dinner on that day just let us know.
Ospreys are leading our Assembly on Friday. Do join us if you can. On Friday 11th Merlin’s will be leading the assembly.
The football league starts this Friday after school. The team are all excited and ready to go.
Next Thursday 10th November the staff are having some training on science teaching. Thank you to all the children in Harriers who have offered to come and help with this. They will finish at 4.45. Due to this training there will be no afterschool clubs on this night.
Friday 11th is also Year 4 Sleep Over. Huge excitement!

There is a PTA meeting tonight 7pm in the upstairs room in The Oakwood. The PTA film night is fast approaching! Keep Friday 18th free. It starts at 5.30 – 7.30, The film is Secret Life of Pets. Tickets will be available from the office they are £3 which will include refreshments.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 20.10.16

Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone for supporting the cake stall for Tear Fund. As you know the money is going to support development work in a region of Uganda. We will continue to support this work over the next few years and hopefully find out more about the region.
The disco was a sparkly success on Friday. Thank you to everyone who helped organise it or supported it. Not only did the children have fun but £500 was made towards providing the ‘extras’ in school. If you are interested in contributing to the conversation about how PTA money could be spent the next meeting is on Thursday 3rd November, time and venue to be confirmed.
This week is Thank Your Vicar Week. We are very grateful for the work the whole ministerial team do in Whitfield Parish. They actively support the work of the school and enrich the children’s experiences, so thank you to them.
On Friday the Kestrel’s will be leading our assembly first thing. Please join us if you can. Peregrine’s will be leading the assembly on Friday 4th November.
We finish for half term this Friday 21st October and school will reopen on Monday 31st October. As a half term treat the PTA will be selling popcorn in the playground at the end of the day.
The first week back after half term is school meals week, during this week we are launching a new project. Each class will plan the menu for one day of the week and choose which day it will be on. Mrs Howe and the catering department have agreed she will cook the special meal for the whole school. We start with merlin’s menu on Thursday 3rd November when dinner will be lemon chicken or vegetable stir fry. I do hope everyone will support the children and try a dinner on that day. If your child normally has packed lunches and would like to have a dinner that is no problem if they just let us know and bring in £2. Dinner money up to Christmas is £74. Please pay for dinners in advance.
On Tuesday 1st November the Kestrel’s class are going to see the Halle Orchestra’s production of The Rainbow Fish.
There have been a number of reports of head lice in school. Please could everyone be vigilant about checking heads weekly and can long hair be tied back. Lice spread through hair to hair contact so tying hair back just reduces this contact. It is also difficult to work if your hair is falling between you and your work.
I hope you all have a lovely half term.
Alice Littlehailes

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