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Newsletter 13.10.16

St Luke’s Newsletter

Dear Parents,
Congratulations to our sports teams that have competed over the last week. The Girls football team played well and came fourth. The cross country team did amazingly well and came first. This Friday the girls in Y3&4 have been invited to a football festival where they will have the chance to try out some of the skills involved in the game.
It is big write week this week and school has been full of scrap metal and robots as the children all write in response to a picture. I cannot wait to read their work.
A new station has been opened in Kestrels and Peregrines with a wonderful café. The service is very hands on but like lots of train services it can be difficult to get a seat. I am reliably informed that the trains go to Manchester and Blackpool.
With huge excitement we have awarded the first of this year’s Super Student Badges. We award badges to our pupils for being just that super students. For showing good learning behaviour, contributing in class always trying to do their best and being all round super. They get their bronze first then work towards their silver and then gold. We ask that they wear their badge every day, take care of it and give it back when they earn their next one. They can keep the badge they are on at the end of the school year. We try not to award loads at a time as this stops them being special so do not worry if your child has not got one instantly it does not mean they are not doing well.
I have received a number of complaints about cars blocking the road whilst parents bring their children into school. Please can everyone be considerate at drop off and pick up time. Hopefully it will not be a problem next week as it is Walk to School Week when we encourage as many people as possible to walk at least part of the way to school. I do hope you are able to support this initiative.
Due to Parents Evenings and other staff commitments lots of the school led clubs will have to be cancelled next week. ICT, PAS and Gymnastics will be on but the rest of them are cancelled.
On Friday 14th The Peregrine’s will be leading our assembly first thing, please join us if you can.
Remember the disco is on Friday. Get your dancing shoes on and come and enjoy.
Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 06.10.16

Dear Parents,
Well done to all the children and adults who took part in the Glossop jog on Sunday. We had 53 runners who ran 413 laps between them! I know an amazing job done by all. Now everyone needs to collect and return their sponsor money as soon as possible. If you still have a running number at your house please could you return it as The Rotary Club would like them back.
The Year Six children returned from Whitehall yesterday having had a lovely time. We were so lucky with the weather. All of the children were proud of themselves for what they achieved across the three days they were away. We are very grateful to the staff who gave up their time to make this happen for them.
Parent’s evening is fast approaching. We are providing opportunities for you to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their progress on Wednesday 19th or Thursday 20th October. Letters are going home tonight. When you fill in the slip to say which time bands would suit you the more options you can give us the easier it is for us to accommodate everyone. We will then liaise between classes so families have appointments near to each other and give you an appointment.
We had one nomination for parent governor so I am very pleased to announce that Claire Sproulle has been elected to represent you.
The children have become very interested in Tearfund’s project to support an area in Uganda. Over the next few years the local community would help raise funds to train project workers to help the community find solutions to the problems they face. The school has decided to hold a cake sale next Thursday, 13th October, at morning playtime. If the children who would like to bring in small cakes we will sell for a donation. I would suggest that a donation of 30-50p would be appropriate.
Friday 14th is a busy day it starts with Peregrines leading our assembly, do join us if you can. In the afternoon the girls in Y3&4 are going to a football festival at Glossopdale and the day rounds off with a PTA Disco.
Can I just remind parents of children in Years 3-6 that dinner money is £2 a day (£10 a week). It needs to be paid in advance. Some people are building up quite a lot of debt and the local authority policy is any amount over £30 can be referred for legal action. I do not want to have to refer but school cannot afford to carry a large amount of money owing for dinners. Please keep up to date with dinner money. If you are experiencing any problems please let us know so we can try to help.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 15.09.2016

Dear Parents,

Just like the Paralympic team we have been showered with Golds! The school has been awarded Gold Gamesmark for the amount of sport we do and Gold Artsmark for our commitment to the teaching of The Arts. To add to this the kitchen has been awarded Gold by the catering department for their work I am so proud of the school for these massive achievements.

Clubs have restarted this week and a record number of children have been able to access an extracurricular activity after school or at lunchtime.

Next week is a busy week:

Tuesday 20th Y6 are going to St Philip Howard for three and a half hours of activities.  St Philip Howard School is very kindly providing lunch for them all.

Also on Tuesday, yes the Y6 will be back in time, a theatre company is performing Wind in The Willows to all the classes.

As if Tuesday wasn’t already jam packed at 6pm we have a meeting for the parents of children going to Whitehall.

Wednesday 21st the Y2s start swimming.  They are meeting at the pool at 8.45.  This is a brand new opportunity we have been offered.

Thursday 22nd Y6 start swimming.

Friday 23rd is our Harvest Festival.  This year we are collecting for Bear Necessities, Glossop Food bank.  We are asking the children to bring in non-perishable food such as tinned soup, tinned vegetables, sweetcorn, tinned potatoes, custard, rice pudding, cereal, long life milk, pasta, pasta sauces, tinned fish, meats of all kind, spaghetti and baked beans. Please join us for the service at St Luke’s Church at around 9.20.

Also on Friday is the PTA Scoot and Skate straight after school.

The choir are singing as part of the Harvest Festival in St Luke’s Church on Sunday 24th.  They need to be at Church for 9.45 in uniform.

Glossop Jog is fast approaching if your child would like to take part, or you would, please let the office know.

Someone has lost a two tone blue hooded sweatshirt jacket, rebel label, age 8 please could you have a look at home just in case it has made it to your house.

Toast starts tomorrow. For those that don’t know the children bring in 20p and get a Friday treat of toast.  Some of the younger children gave in 20p last week this will be carried over.  Thank you to all the parents that help cook the toast.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 09.09/2016

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the new school year. The children have all come back keen and eager, it is so nice to see them all again.  It is also lovely to welcome our new Reception children who made such a great start yesterday.  I have already picked up that dinosaurs and diggers are going to be popular.

Tomorrow is the first Friday Family Assembly where you are all welcome to join us. As it is the first of the year the PTA have organised a cake and chat meeting after it please do come if you can, especially if you are a new St Luke’s parent.

As you will have noticed across the summer the playground has been resurfaced and looks so much better. I am sorry about the hole which appeared during the resurfacing, we are hoping that the investigation and refilling of it will be completed soon.

During the summer a number of scooters were left. We cannot continue to store the scooters so please collect any belonging to your family by the end of the week.

You should have had a letter about the after school clubs on offer this year. If there is one your child would like to attend please return the slip so we can sort out numbers.

Parents of Y6 pupils should have received a letter about their residential trip to Whitehall. Please return the slip letting us know about their participation by tomorrow.

The Glossop Jog is almost upon us it is on Sunday 2nd October at 11am.  This is a fantastic community event organised by the Rotary Club of Glossop.  The children, and sometimes their parents, are sponsored to do as many laps as they can.  This year the money raised will go to Blyth House Hospice, St Christopher’s Trust and Café Jericho.  St Luke’s families have always supported and enjoyed this event I hope this year will be no different.  Look out for further information.

Whitfield Parish has organised an event for parents looking at internet safety and how to keep your children safe online. It is on September 27th 7-9 at St James’ Church.

Ian Perks the guitar teacher has some spaces available if your child is Y3 and above and would like to learn the guitar please let the office know.

I am attaching the dates as they stand at the moment as ever things may change!


Alice Littlehailes




Dates 2016/17


9th        PTA meeting after family assembly

12th      Clubs Start

20th      Y6 to St Philip Howard School

PAS afterschool club starts

Whitehall meeting 6pm

21st      Y2 swimming starts

22nd     Y6 swimming starts

23rd      Harvest Festival

Scoot & Skate after school

25th      Choir singing at St Luke’s Church Harvest festival

26th      European day of languages

28th      Parents meeting about phonics


2nd       Glossop Jog

3rd – 5th Whitehall Residential


7th        Ospreys leading Assembly 9am

10th      Open afternoon

12th      Governing Body Meeting

14th      Peregrine’s leading Assembly 9am

PTA disco

19th      Individual photos

Parents evening

20th      Parents evening

21st      House Challenge afternoon

Finish for half term

31st      School reopens

Secondary school applications close



11th      Merlin’s leading assembly

Y4 sleep over

17th      Y1,2,3 flu immunisations

18th      Eagle’s leading Assembly

Children in Need

PTA Film Night

25th      Kites leading Assembly

30th      Last Y2 swim

House Christmas Tree make


1st        Last Y6 swim

2nd       Harriers leading assembly

Christmas Fair

13th      Reception, Y1 & Y2 Christmas Play afternoon performance

14th      Y3/4 Party

Reception, Y1 & Y2 Christmas Play 6pm performance

15th      Christmas Dinner

Reception, Y1 & Y2 Christmas Play 4pm performance

16th      Y5/6 party

18th      Choir singing at St Luke’s Church Carol Service 6pm

19th      Reception, Y1 & Y2 party

20th      Carol Service 9.15 at St Luke’s Church

Finish for Christmas


4th        Term Starts                                         Feb 10th finish for half term

Feb 20th school restarts                                  April 7th finish for Easter

April 24th Term starts                                       May 26th finish for half term

June 8th school restarts                                   July 21st Finish for summer


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