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Newsletter 21.07.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter



Dear Parents,

Well it seems summer has finally arrived with a bang. The children all did very well through the intense heat earlier this week.

Thank you all for your textile donations there seemed to be a big pile of bags on Monday.

Huge congratulations to the children in Year 5 & 6 for their production. The quality of acting, singing and heat management was fabulous.  The new stage lighting added an extra dimension to their work.

Some of the Year 4s are out at cyclo cross this afternoon. I am sure they will have a fantastic time.

This Friday the Harriers are leading our assembly do join us if you can.

Friday is also non uniform day and disco day. The children are invited to come to school in practical non uniform, all we ask is that they bring a bottle for the PTA.  The disco starts at 5pm and finishes at 6.30.  It costs £1

Next Monday is move up morning when the children work with their teacher for next year.

Tuesday 26th is our last day.  As is traditional the Year 6 will be leading the assembly, they then will have leavers lunch with some of the staff – if any of the children are on packed lunches and would like a dinner that day please just let us know. A dinner costs £2. In the evening they are going out to tea with us meeting at 5pm at The Pico Lounge.  I wish all of those children leaving us well as they take their next step.

I am attaching some information about Pokemon Go produced by the safeguarding team at Derbyshire. I found it very interesting.

There are lots of summer activities for the children around and about. I look forward to hearing all about what they have been doing especially the Library Reading Challenge.

We have a number of bikes and scooters left in school. Keith has asked that they are picked up before the end of term.

I hope you all have a lovely summer and we will see you on September 5th.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 14.07.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you for all your efforts towards the pyjama party. The children had a lovely day and we raised £125 for Bay Tree Books charity The Winnie Mombasa Foundation.

Congratulations to the participants in the spelling bee. I understand a good time was had by all, many words were spelt and our children did very well.

The summer concert on Tuesday was fantastic. The children sang and played so well. The children can all be so proud of themselves for getting up there and showing us all just how well they can perform. Many thanks to all the music teachers, Ed who played the piano and of course to Mrs Hillier.

Thank you to Glossopdale who invited our Y4s to their afternoon performance of Alice in Wonderland.

Today we are all enjoying a day of storytelling, this is the prize the Y1s won for their film about The Lord’s Prayer.

Clubs finish this week so there will be no afterschool clubs until the new academic year.

Next Monday is Bag 2 School Day please bring in all your old textiles and shoes. They will be reused or recycled and we raise money for school fund.

Next week is the Y5/6 production of Hagbane’s Doom. The Tuesday night is a sell out performance so entry will be by ticket only so please remember to bring your ticket with you. There are spaces left on Wednesday afternoon at 2pm so if anyone would like to come then they would be very welcome.

Friday 22nd is a very exciting day with non-uniform day, please bring in a bottle for the next fair, and the PTA disco 5-6.30pm.

On Monday 25th it is move round morning when the children spend time with their teacher for next year in their new classroom.

We finish for the summer on Tuesday 26th July at normal time.

On Friday 15th there will be a 40ft container just the other side of the bridge down the cutting. This will make it very difficult to pass by foot an impossible by car. Thank you to Mrs Foster for letting us know about this so we can all make alternative plans.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 30.06.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

The last day of June, this year is flying by!

This week has been RE week with the children wrestling with big questions about belonging and the world we live in. Everyone has been very impressed with the thought the children have put into it.

Every afternoon this week we have been welcoming the children joining us in Reception next year. It has been lovely to meet all the children we have met so far and we are looking forward to meeting the rest. All of them are invited to come to school next Tuesday at 11.00 for a story and to stay for their lunch. The Year 5 children are also excited about this because they will meet the child they are buddied with and have lunch with them.

Clubs next week. There will be no ICT or Film club next Monday 4th or Science Club on Tuesday 5th as the leaders all have to be somewhere else at those times.

You should have received a letter about some classes being affected by the national strike called by the NUT. If the strike goes ahead, as looks likely, Peregrines, Ospreys, Kites and Harriers will not be in school. The other classes Kestrels, Eagles and Merlins will still be in school and the new reception visit will still go ahead.

Thursday and Friday are staff training days when the school is closed to the pupils.

The next bag2School collection is fast approaching. On Monday 18th there will be a collection of all unwanted textiles e.g. clothes, shoes, curtains etc. If you are going to have a clear out please bag up your unwanted items and bring them to school on that morning.

The parents of Y5&6 pupils should have received a letter about tickets to our summer play Hagbane’s Doom. If the letter has not made it home let us know.

The summer concert is on Tuesday 12th 7pm at which the choir and other musicians will be performing. I know the instrumental teachers and Mrs Hillier have been hard at work practicing. There are no tickets for this event just turn up on the night and support the children.

Tomorrow July 1st the Kestrels are leading our family assembly.

Parents of Y2-5 you should have received a letter about fruit for next term. If you would like your child to have a piece of fruit every morning you need to return the slip and money by Friday 15th. As the fruit needs to be pre ordered we cannot guarantee fruit for anyone returning the slip after this date.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 23.06.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had a fabulously musical week this week. The Y4s had the amazing experience of playing with The Halle Orchestra – something they will always remember. Not only to be able to listen to a first class orchestra but also to make music with them. The children were in action again playing with The Glossop Festival Orchestra on Wednesday. This time all the older children were able to come along and listen to the concert. We are so lucky to be in Glossop where such opportunities are offered to our children.

We have also had a week filled with wheels, some of our children went to Buxton to watch the women’s cycle tour and take part in a number of cyclo-cross activities. Then we had the super scoot and skate organised by the PTA. Well done and a huge thank you to everyone involved in planning what was a lovely event despite the rain trying to come down. Thank you also to everyone who came along to support it. The final figure of what was raised is not yet in but early indications are that it is over £500.

Our rounders squad had a lovely afternoon at Glossopdale taking part in the local tournament. I believe they played well and showed good sportsmanship.

Next week we are looking forward to welcoming the children joining us in September to our Reception Class. The children will be visiting in small groups across the week.

Tomorrow the Year 3s will be leading assembly and on Friday 1st July Kestrels will be in charge.

Remember school is closed to the children on Thursday 7th & 8th July as the staff have training days.

Derbyshire County Council have a number of School Crossing Patrol vacancies throughout the authority.

The following are near to your school:

1. North Road/Spire Hollin – Glossop. Hours are 0830/0905 and 1515/1550 Monday to Friday, term time only

2. Woodhead Road/Talbot Road – Glossop. Hours are 0815/0900 and 1510/1550 Monday to Thursday. Friday is 0815/0900 and 1420/1450, term time only.

If any one is interested they can ring me, Brian Wilkinson, School Crossing Patrol Supervisor, Derbyshire County Council on 07919 555586 or apply on line through the County Council’s website.

Uniform will be provided and full training given.

Alice Littlehailes

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