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Newsletter 16.06.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Well that was an exciting end to sports day wasn’t it! At least we got a lot of it done before the heavens opened and drenched us all. We will take the children out to finish the races when we have time and the weather on our side.

Monday was an exciting day with the most important polling of the year taking place, never mind the referendum St Luke’s was electing their officers for next year. I am so proud of all the candidates who bravely put themselves up for election and prepared fantastic speeches. Each and every one of them convinced me it should be them. I wish they could all be elected they certainly all deserve to be. The results were incredibly close requiring several recounts. However the nature of elections is that one candidate wins so I am very pleased to announce that our Prime Minister next year is Holly Griffiths-Jones, our Deputy Prime Minister is Jack Barnes and our Chancellor of The Exchequer is Matthew Barnes.

Today the Year 4s are playing with the Halle Orchestra – so exciting and the Boys cricket squad are in the High Peak Final, weather permitting. As if that was not enough excitement tomorrow some of our girls are going to Buxton to watch the women’s cycle tour and take part in some cycle related activities. Due to the concert and Ms Lee taking the girls to Buxton we have moved Harrier’s Assembly to Friday 22nd July.

We are beginning to prepare for our summer showcase concert on Tuesday 12th July 7pm. It will include performances by the choir, the orchestra and children who learn instruments in school. If your child learns an instrument, including voice, outside school and would like to be part of the concert they need to see Mrs Hillier.

On Wednesday 22nd June The Arch Bishop of Canterbury is coming to Glossop. This is a huge honour for Glossop and recognises the work of Whitfield Parish. He will be in Norfolk Square for a celebration between 8-9.45pm. Everyone is welcome, though I know it is too late for the children.

I know everyone is always keen to know which teacher will be in which class next year so here is the list: Reception Mrs Hillier, Y1 Mr Cooke, Y2 Ms Nicholls, Y3 Mrs McLaren / Mr Warburton, Y4 Ms Lee, Y5 Mrs Clayton / Mr Warburton, Y6 Miss Byron.

It is finally almost here tomorrow is the PTA Summer Fun event straight from school, it is £1 entry per child with free scoot n skate and entry into the treasure hunt. All children participating in scoot n skate must have an adult/parent supervising them and must wear a helmet. There will be an inflatable slide, face painting, food and many other things.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 09.06.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter



Dear Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed a lovely half term break.

Thank you to the children in Year 4 who wowed us with their clarinet concert on the last day of term. They have all come on so far with their playing.  They will be playing with The Halle Orchestra on Thursday 16th June.  They need to be in school by 8.15 on that morning.

We are hopeful that Sports Day will go ahead on Friday afternoon. We are aiming to start at 1.30.  We are having an Olympic themed event so, as you know, the children can come wear a t-shirt in the colour of the country they are representing.  We do not want you to go and buy anything especially their ordinary sports kit is fine.  The children do not need anything other than their PE kit as we provide everything else they need.

The PTA summer fund raiser is almost here. It is on Friday 17th June straight after school.  It will include scoot and skate, an inflatable slide, beat the goalie, a treasure hunt, coconut shy and face painting.  Please come along and support this event.

I am delighted to be sending you a copy of our Ofsted report. It says so many lovely things about the school and your children.  It is a testament to the hard work by the staff, governors, pupils and parents over the last few years.  Thank you for all your support.

Dinner money for this half term is £64, £2 a day £10 per week.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 26.05.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter



Dear Parents,

We have enjoyed another busy week. Last Friday was Gratitude Day when everyone who came into school put a leaf on our gratitude tree to say what they were grateful for.  If anyone else would like to add a leaf it is in the entrance hall.  The Tag Rugby team were in the county final and came fourth.  They should be very proud of themselves for being the fourth best team in the county.  As if all of that was not enough we rounded off our Take One Picture Week with a celebration of work with the Glossop cluster in the morning and a school celebration in the afternoon.

This week has been Science Week. On Monday we welcomed a number of scientific parents into school to work with the children.  Thank you to all the parents who joined us.  The children loved the day and learned a lot about science.  On Tuesday we had a zoologist in school who inspired the children about dinousours, rocks and fossils and evolution.  Thank you to the PTA for funding this.  Wednesday and Thursday saw visits to the Museum of Science and Industry.

Well done to our cricket team who played well on Wednesday and may be through to the High Peak Final we are just waiting for the final result.

On Friday 27th The Harriers will be treating us to a clarinet concert in assembly just after 9am.  Do join us to enjoy finding out just how much progress they have made.



On Friday 27th we finish for half term.  School restarts on Thursday 9th June.


If the weather is appropriate we will be having Sports Day at 1.30pm on Friday 10th June.


On Thursday 9th June we are having a meeting for the parents of our new reception class at 7pm.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 19.05.2016


St Luke’s Newsletter



Dear Parents,

Remember today is plant pick up day if you ordered any. Thank you to Mrs Killick for organising this.

As you know we have welcomed Ofsted in to school this week. Thank you to everyone who engaged with them on parent view or in the playground.  Once we have their report I will share it with you.  The inspectors did say that the children were a credit to the school – you should be feeling very proud of them.

We have had a lovely Take One Picture Week this week the children have really engaged with the painting.  I know the elephants were very popular.  We are looking forward to seeing how other schools have responded to the picture on Friday morning.




Next week is Science Week when we will be celebrating science in many different ways. We have a number of people who work in science visiting school on Monday sharing work with the children.  On Tuesday a Zoologist is working with children across the school. Thank you to the PTA for funding this.  On Wednesday Peregrines and Ospreys are going to Manchester Museum and on Thursday Kites, Harriers, Eagles and Merlins will be going.

On Friday 27th The Harriers will be treating us to a clarinet concert in assembly just after 9am.  Do join us to enjoy finding out just how much progress they have made.

On Friday 27th we finish for half term.  School restarts on Thursday 9th June.  If the weather is appropriate we will be having Sports Day at 1.30pm on Friday 10th June.

Alice Littlehailes

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