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Newsletter 14.04.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Welcome back. I hope you all had a good Easter. The children have returned rested and ready to learn, it is lovely to see them. Our topic this term is Living and Growing so you can expect lots of questions about life cycles and habitats. Our SEAL topic is Going for Goals.

The children in Eagles are very excited about the trip to Whitby next week if a little wobbly. I am looking forward to seeing them when they get back because they always return very proud of themselves with increased self-confidence having successfully navigated a residential. All this as well as learning loads of Geography and History.

Most after school clubs restart next week, a few will start the week after due to the Whitby trip.
Monday – Film Club Y3-6 3.30 – 5.00
ICT Club Y4-6 3.30 – 4.30
Tuesday – Science Club Y3-6 3.30 – 4.30
Thursday – Running Club (this is a new club run by Mr Cooke which will start on Thursday 29th)
Gardening Y4-6 3.30 – 4.30
Drama Y2-6 3.30 – 4.30
Key Stage 1 R-Y2 3.20 – 4.00

If your child would like to come along to a club they are not in yet just let us know at the office. Other clubs run at lunchtimes. There is also Gymnastics on Monday and PAS on Tuesday run by outside providers.

I have been asked to let you know about a community drama club

Hope Youth Theatre provides a fun space for young people (ages 6-16) to build confidence and make new friends whilst developing their performance skills. Weekly classes begin on Saturday 16th April in Broadbottom. Booking is advisable for the Half Term Drama Club and Summer School.

Saturday Drama Classes -Together with drama games and improvisation, this term students will be exploring Willy Russell’s smash hit musical Blood Brothers. Sat 16th April – Sat 16th July 10am – 1pm (not including May 28th and June 4th) £20 per week

Half Term Drama Club -Drama activities, performance skills and working on a variety of scenes from plays, musicals and movies. Mon May 30th – Fri June 3rd 9.30am – 3.30pm £25 per day (£25 discount for a full five-day booking)

Summer School – Weeklong project for young people to script and shoot their own short film. Part comedy, part horror – brace yourselves for Broadbottom’s zombie apocalypse! Mon 25th – 29th July 10.30am to 3.30pm. £125 for five days. (Summer school must be booked and paid for in advance)

Venue: Magdalene Centre, Broadbottom, SK14 6BB

Contact Adam Zane on 07984446074 or email

Dates for this term should be attached. As ever dates may change so watch this space!

Alice Littlehailes

Monday 18th Clubs restart
Wednesday 20th Y5 to Whitby
Y1 parents meetings
Thursday 21st PTA meeting Harvey Leonards 7.30
Friday 22nd Osprey’s Assembly
English Touring Opera in
Return from Whitby
Thursday 28th Swimming starts

Monday 2nd Bank Holiday
Wednesday 4th Year 5 Art lesson at St Philip Howard
Friday 6th Peregrine’s Assembly
Monday 9th SATs start
Wednesday 11th Summer Festival of Sport
Friday 13th PTA Quiz night
Monday 16th Take One Picture Week starts
Tuesday 17th Fire Safety Talks
Monday 23rd Science Week Starts
Wednesday 25th Boys Cricket tournament
Friday 27th Clarinet Concert in Assembly
Finish for half term

Thursday 9th School Restarts
Girls Cricket tournament
Friday 10th Sports Day pm (weather permitting)
Saturday 11th PTA Summer Fun Day
Thursday 16th Harriers playing with The Halle
Friday 17th Harrier’s Assembly
Scoot & Skate
Wednesday 22nd Clarinet & Glossop Festival Orchestra concert
Friday 24th Kite’s Assembly

Friday 1st Kestrel’s Assembly
Thursday 7th INSET day School closed to children
Friday 8th INSET day School closed to children
Tuesday 12th Summer concert
Friday 15th Eagle’s Assembly
Monday 18th Bag2School collection
Tuesday 19th Y5/6 Production evening performance
Wednesday 20th Y5/6 Production afternoon performance
Friday 22nd PTA disco
Tuesday 26th Leaver’s Assembly
Finish for summer

Monday 5th Term Starts
Wednesday 7th New Reception Start

Newsletter 24.03.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Wow another busy week had by all! Sport relief day went well with super socks, clever costumes and sporty students. Key Stage One enjoyed sport and fitness activities whilst Key Stage Two got stuck into a House netball and football tournament. Despite the cold, and it was cold, everyone had a great time. I cannot give you a figure as to what we raised as we are still counting the pennies but thank you for your generosity.

The girls football team went from that event to their league matches where they won every game. Well done to them. Also well done to the rugby team who won the Glossop tournament and will now represent the cluster in the High Peak final.

The Merlin’s performed at Buxton Opera House on Monday as part of The Peak Dance Festival, they were superb. I was so proud of them for their poise, courage and togetherness. They performed as a class proud of who they are. I know all the staff who went had Goosebumps watching them.

The Kites and the Harriers pulled out all the stops with their production of Hoodwinked they had the audience laughing and cheering and booing – in the right places! We all thoroughly enjoyed their performance and are still singing the songs.

After our Easter Service and Easter Raffle and Tea we finish for the Easter Holiday. The children will return on Monday 11th April. Clubs will restart on Monday 18th April.

The Eagles trip to Whitby is fast approaching now and there was huge excitement at the meeting last night. I can tell the children are feeling a little nervous but very excited at the same time.

If you are looking for something to do over the holiday I know The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester has a lot of exciting things planned.

We have unfortunately had complaints from one of our neighbours about parking. They say people have been parking in the flats carpark and letting their children run round their garden. The final straw was that someone parked in their disabled car parking space yesterday and when they were politely asked to move refused and came into school to watch the performance. This is not acceptable behaviour. That is private property and it is the same as parking on someone’s drive and letting your children run round their garden please be more considerate.

Dinner money for next term will be £68 until half term and £132 to summer.

I know you have been waiting to find out when the last two INSET days of the year are, I am sorry for the delay but I have been waiting for outside trainers to confirm dates. The school will be closed to the children on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th July.

I hope you all have a lovely Easter, thank you for all the support you have given school this term.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 17.03.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Congratulations to our Gymnasts who came third in their competition. They all enjoyed the experience.

Congratulations to the Sports hall Athletics squad who came third in the High Peak Final.

On Tuesday Miss Byron and myself took last years’ Year 6 down to London because the film they made ‘Freedom Does Not Come Cheap’ was nominated for an award at the biggest glitziest award ceremony for children’s film making. Just to give you an idea of the glamour Awards were presented by people such as Simon Pegg, Steven Mangan, James Norton, Michael Sheen and an Oscar winner who brought her Oscar with her. We were then treated to an after party at Planet Hollywood. We didn’t win but it was a huge honour to be one of the three nominations.

On Wednesday Eagles class were invited to Manchester University to a science fair where the children were inspired by all things scientific. The children explored robotics, biology, corrosion, mathematics, astronomy, physics and many other areas. They asked and answered many good questions. We are very grateful to the university for putting on this event and inviting us to be part of it.

Tomorrow Friday 18th March is Sport Relief day when the children can come to school in sporty clothes for a donation. They could also decorate a sock and fill it with loose change. There will be a prize for the best dressed sock. We will also be doing lots of sporty things so make sure you have your PE kit in school.

Messy Church will be meeting in school, after school on Friday, so if you and your children fancy finding out a bit more about this group do meet them in the hall at the end of the school day.

Next week is another busy week with:

Merlins taking part in the Peak Dance Festival at Buxton Opera House on Monday night. Tickets available from the Opera House.

Tag Rugby on Tuesday

Kite’s and Harrier’s performances of Hoodwinked on Tuesday 6pm and Wednesday 2pm

The Easter Service is on Thursday in church at about 9.20. Please join us if you can.

The Easter Raffle and Tea on Thursday Afternoon. The PTA have organised an afternoon tea to accompany the drawing of the grand Easter Raffle. Children bring in £1 and are given a drink and cake, parents are also invited to join us. If you are a master baker, or just enjoy it and fancy baking a cake for this event see a member of PTA.

We finish for Easter on Thursday 24th and return to school on Monday 11th April.

On Wednesday 23rd March at 5.30 we will hold a parents meeting for the Year 5 Whitby Trip.

Remember fruit money for Key Stage 2 next term needs to be in by 23rd March.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 10.03.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

The children have had a huge treat this week. They have visited St James’ Church to be immersed in the Easter story. Whitfield Parish have very generously organised The Bible Encounter Trust to transform the church into biblical Jerusalem. A story teller has taken them through the scenes of Holy Week. It has been described as like being at the theatre except you are in the set. The children have been mesmerised by the experience, listening with awe and wonder. Thank you so much to the parish for giving us such an inspiring encounter.

You would have been so proud of all the children on Friday they coped magnificently with the snow. When we took them outside they played so well with each other it was a real pleasure to enjoy the snow with them. Hopefully however that is it for the snow for this year.

Huge congratulations to the choir who sang their little hearts out on Sunday and were a credit to the school. I know they all enjoyed the experience of singing with a choir of international renown. If your child is interested in joining kinder Choir just let me know and I can give you details.

The Peregrines had a lovely wintery walk to the park on Monday; they all came back with glowing cheeks and huge smiles.

Good luck to our teams competing over the next few days, the gymnastics squad on Friday, the girls football team also on Friday and the sportshall athletics squad who are in a final on Monday.

On Tuesday Miss Byron and I will be going to London with last year’s Year 6 as the film they made ‘Freedom Does Not Come Cheap’ has been nominated for an award. Many congratulations to them.

School run Clubs finish tomorrow Friday 11th March until 18th April. PAS and Gymnastics are organised separately and will finish on 21st / 22nd March.

Friday 18th March is Sport Relief day when the children can come to school in sporty clothes for a donation. They could also decorate a sock and fill it with loose change. There will be a prize for the best dressed sock.

On Wednesday 23rd March at 5.30 we will hold a parents meeting for the Year 5 Whitby Trip.

The authority’s Improvement and Scrutiny People Committee wants to understand people’s awareness and understanding of child sexual exploitation. Residents – as well as organisations that help safeguard children – are being encouraged to contribute. The link to the consultation is below.

Click Here

Alice Littlehailes

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