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Newsletter 03.03.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Happy World Book Day when we celebrate all things literary. Thank you for all the effort you put in to helping your child dress up. Every child should be coming home today with a book token which can be exchanged for a special £1 World Book Day Book or for £1 off a book or audiobook worth £2.99 or more. This is a present from the booksellers of this country.

The Harriers had a fantastic day yesterday at the Hat Museum learning all about the history of hat making in Stockport. As you would expect the reports of their behaviour were glowing.

Tomorrow the Year 5s are meeting at Glossopdale Hadfield site at 9.15. They will be walking back in time for lunch. Those children who have asked for a lift need to meet here at the normal time.

The Girl’s football tournament starts on Friday after school, good luck to all our girls who are playing.

The choir concert is on Sunday. It will be fantastic to see them singing with all the other schools and Kinder Choir. They need to meet us at The Pavilion Marquee, Pavilion Gardens by 9.45. The children need to have had a good breakfast as singing is hard work. Everyone will need a packed lunch. They need to come in school uniform.

Next week the children have been invited to an Easter Trail at St James’ Church. This is part of their RE work when actors will bring alive the Christian story of Easter. The children in Kestrels and Peregrines will travel there and back in a coach, the rest of school will walk. The plan at the moment is Kestrels and Peregrines will be going on Tuesday morning, Ospreys and Merlins on Tuesday afternoon, Kites and Harriers on Wednesday morning and Eagles on Wednesday afternoon.

School run Clubs finish next Friday 11th March until after Easter. PAS and Gymnastics are organised separately and will finish on 21st / 22nd March.

Friday 18th March is Sport Relief day when the children can come to school in sporty clothes for a donation. They could also decorate a sock and fill it with loose change. There will be a prize for the best dressed sock.

If you haven’t sent in your parents evening slips yet please do so as we will be sorting out appointments on Tuesday 8th.

The deadline for orders of the lovely class photos is Tuesday 8th March so get your order in if you would like a copy of it.

The new link to order school uniform from Tesco is’s-cofe-primary-school/invt/112817

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 25.02.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a good if soggy week off school. It has been lovely to see the children back and enjoying some sunshine even if it is a bit chilly. The electricians did an amazing job and managed to rewire and re-ceiling the whole of the Kestrel / Peregrine classroom area across half term so they only had to be out for a bit of Monday morning. They are busy doing their cloakroom and the library at the moment. The children are being so sensible about having to use Osprey’s door. The next big area to be done is Osprey’s classroom which will probably be started some time next week or the week after.

Congratulations to Holly House which won the House Verse Speaking Competition. They won by a whisker, the cat’s whisker their poem was about. Well done to everyone the judge was amazed at the quality of the children’s work.

Congratulations also to the children who were selected to be part of the High Peak football team as they got through to the final.

Next Thursday 3rd March is World Book Day the children can come dressed as their favourite character from a book.

The big choir concert with Kinder Children’s Choir is almost here. The children are going to Hayfield School for a rehearsal on Friday 4th March and the concert is on Sunday 6th march at 3pm. If you would like tickets they can be ordered from the school office. Even if you don’t have a child in choir if you fancy a day out in Buxton combined with a great concert you would be very welcome.

Remember those clarinets for tomorrow Harriers.

It is Education Sunday on Sunday and St Luke’s Church have invited you all to their service at 10am celebrating all those in education.

Harriers class have a trip to the Hat Museum organised for next Wednesday. If you haven’t yet sent in the permission slip please do so.

The Eagles have been invited to spend the morning at Glossopdale on Friday 4th March.

The Harriers and Kites are busy preparing their production for 6pm on Tuesday 22nd March and 2pm on Wednesday 23rd March, letters about tickets will be out soon.

A number of people have complained to me about parents parking in the car park at the beginning and end of the day. There is not enough room in the carpark for this to be safe and it must not happen. I have also seen children being walked across the carpark rather than use the paths, it may be a little bit further but it is a whole lot safer!

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 11.02.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that we are almost at the half term holiday it doesn’t seem two minutes ago that we were coming back after Christmas. The building work is progressing well the office area should be finished this week and then they are moving on to Key Stage One. Thank you for your patience and understanding whilst we have been at sixes and sevens.

Thank you to the people who helped with the Disco on Friday it was yet another great PTA event. I know the children enjoyed it because they are still talking about it.

It was lovely to welcome Glossop Rotary into our assembly on Monday to award certificates to the runners. As a school we raised over £1,000 for them. Well done to everyone involved.

There is no clarinet session tomorrow so the children do not need to bring in their instruments.

Class Photos are on the first Wednesday we come back which is 24th February.

Tickets for the concert with Kinder Choir can now be ordered from school. They cost £8, £6 concessions and £4 for children. Kinder choir have sent through this message;

‘We appreciate this will be Mother’s day but we think the concert is a great way for the children to entertain their families. The Pavilion Gardens is offering an afternoon tea deal for our audience after the concert. I have attached the flyer. Booking in advance is essential. All Mothers of children in the concert will be offered a complimentary glass of Prosecco with their afternoon tea if mentioned when reserving a table.’

If you are feeling sluggish whilst waiting for spring to get here, if you are looking to do a little more exercise but don’t know where to start, if the thought of the gym makes you reach for another chocolate biscuit and the thought of running in the cold and rain makes you dive under the duvet then the classes here at school might be just what you are looking for. They are drop in sessions on Monday 6.30-7.30 Body Conditioning Class, Wednesday 6-7 Pilates, 7-8 Aerobics, 8-9 Pilates. Each hour costs £5. The classes are led by Stuart who is not only a very knowledgeable and experienced coach but also a stand-up comedian. If you would like to try out one of the fun, friendly, fitness classes just come along and see if it is for you.

We finish for half term on Friday and will be back on Monday 22nd February. I hope you have a good week.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 04.02.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you to our fabulous clarinettist who treated us to a great concert last Friday. They are making great progress musically.

Congratulations to the Sportshall Athletics squad who came second. Mr Cooke tells me they all did really well. Some were a little nervous but everyone was rightly proud of themselves by the end.

The Great Schools Birdwatch is underway and our budding ornithologists are all busy spotting birds. Our birds will be the best fed birds in Britain as everyone in Key Stage One has become very enthusiastic about making bird feeders.

The Kites class has just moved back into their classroom which looks great with its new ceiling and lights. The next area to be done is the offices so please be patient with us if it takes a little longer to respond to requests or to find anything! We rely so heavily on electricity and as the major part of the job is a rewire we will be working as if we had one hand tied behind our backs.

Next week is the last week before half term and sees the annual House Verse Speaking Challenge on Thursday. The houses are all beavering away learning their poems. If you can help them at all on home I know they would appreciate it.

Tomorrow is disco day 5 – 6.30. Get your dancing shoes on and come on down.

There will be no clarinet lesson on Friday 12th February.

Our thoughts and good wishes go out to Mr Warburton who is trying to come back to work but the doctors keep saying no. As yet we do not know when he will be able to return. We have been very fortunate to have managed to secure the services of supply teachers who can do longer stretches of time rather than odd days so ensuring continuity. Mrs Kearney is able to teach the class next week.

I have been asked to pass on the following notice:

Glossop NE Juniors U8 Girls team

We are looking for current Year 2/3 girls who want to have fun, develop their skills and be part of a team. Training will commence Tuesday 2nd Feb at Glossopdale Community College Hadfield site, indoors 6-7pm. Girls should bring water, wear sports kit and shin pads. Coaches will be Ben Mills and Dave Rowlinson, both FA qualified with a number of qualifications and 15 years of coaching experience, DBS checked and 1st Aid qualified.

Come and join Derbyshire Sports club of the year! You wont regret it. Viva GNE.

Alice Littlehailes

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