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Newsletter 28.01.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

This week has been big write week and the children have all been busy writing Thank You letters. I am really looking forward to seeing who they are thanking and for what.

Your child should have brought home the words for this year’s House Verse speaking Challenge. This is a choral speaking competition, the whole house perform two poems together. One of the poems is chosen by me that everyone learns and one by the house. Every year it seems like a huge ask to expect the children to learn all those words but every year they surprise us. Please help your child to learn the words.

The work on the electrics and ceilings is progressing well. The rooms that are finished look very smart. The children are coping really well with the disruption caused by this necessary work.

Both Choir and Year 6 have brought home letters about forthcoming events. Please return the slips as soon as possible so we know who is able to represent the school.

Tomorrow 29th January it is the Year 4 clarinet concert at just after 9am you are all invited to come and listen to just how much they have learned.

The next disco is on Friday 5th February. The theme is colours of the rainbow.

This year’s Fairtrade competition has been announced. This year it is any piece of artwork on an A4 piece of paper or card the only stipulation is it must include the Fairtrade Mark. The children could make a Fairtrade superhero or design it round Fairtrade products. It could be based on this year’s slogan ‘Sit down for breakfast stand up for farmers.’ On the back needs to be your child’s full name, age, school and home phone number lightly in pencil. Any entries need to be returned to the school office by Friday 4th March. Our children have often done really well in this competition.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 21.01.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had yet another fantastic week with the children learning so much from a wide variety of experiences.

As part of RE week we have welcomed Sarah Salam from a mosque in Manchester, representatives from St Luke’s Church and Bishop Libby Lane from Stockport to talk to us about sacred books. The children have explored what a holy book means to people of faith and how they are used in daily life. They have compared and contrasted stories from different traditions and been inspired by the story of the first female Bishop in this country.

The children have thought of questions for Tim Peak and filmed some of them. We hope our school gets chosen to take part in a live link question and answer session with him from the space station.
On Friday representatives from Taylor Wimpy are coming to talk to all the children about safe and dangerous places to play especially the dangers of building sites.

Remember next Thursday 28th January is Bag 2 School day, please bring in all your unwanted textiles that morning.

29th January it is the Year 4 clarinet concert at just after 9am you are all invited to come and listen to just how much they have learned.

The next disco is fast approaching it is on Friday 5th February. The theme is colours of the rainbow start looking out your brightly coloured clothes.

Like all areas, Derbyshire is very short of foster carers. There is a drop in session for anyone who is even vaguely thinking about the possibility of becoming a foster carer. It is on Tuesday 26th January at St. Thomas Centre, Chatsworth Road, Brampton, Chesterfield S40 3AW between 3 – 7pm. You can just drop in, speak to foster carers, bring family and friends. There is free parking. You don’t need an appointment but if you would like to talk to someone about it call 0800 083 77 44.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 14.01.2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

For once I am going to start with some safety nags. The car park is being misused at the moment. This week I have seen; people walking their children across it rather than use the paths, parents driving in and using it to drop off or pick up their children which is not permitted, and the gates being left open. These rules exist to keep your children safe please follow them.

I have also seen bikes chained to the fence in the car park potentially blocking the emergency access into the playground. Please leave bikes and scooters in the designated space. Can I also remind you that they are left at school at your own risk.

Phew all moans out of the way.

The younger children had an amazing experience this week, they got to work with the Northern Ballet. They worked to create dance moves to tell the story of The Hare and The Tortoise. The company have developed a ballet to tell this story which is being performed at Buxton Opera House at a much subsidised price. It is on 15th February, during half term or else I would have taken the children, There are three performances at 2pm, 4pm and 6pm and tickets are only £8 adults and £6 for children. I would urge you to get to this if you can.

The Year fives had a very exhilarating time when a mobile climbing wall came to school on Tuesday. The children were all so proud of their achievements. Some made it to the top having thought they could only get part way up and others who were sure they couldn’t do it at all got most of the way up. Well done to all of them and thank you to Derbyshire County Council who provided it.

You have all been invited to Glossopdale Hadfield site to see the plans for the new build and ask questions or make comments before the designs are finalised and submitted for planning. Most of your children will be affected by this exciting development and so I am sure you would like to be involved at this stage. The consultation is a drop in session between 4.10 and 7pm on Thursday 21st January.

One of the children lost a bag with some red converse trainers in on the last day of term. Please could you check to make sure your child has not taken it home by accident.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 07/01/2016

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Happy New Year, I hope 2016 is a good year for all of us.
I hope Christmas went well in all your houses and you managed to get something of a rest. The end of term here was busy but so enjoyable. A huge thank you goes out to all the choir and you that help by getting them to events, their performances were raved about. They already have a booking for this year on Sunday 6th March they will be singing with kinder Choir in Buxton, rehearsal at 10.15 concert at 3pm. This is always an amazing event so put it in the diary now.

Clubs will restart next week apart from Key Stage One Club which starts on Thursday 21st January and Gardening which will restart in the spring. Remember it is group two of the cookery club.

Swimming this term starts next Thursday.

You should be getting a bag2school bag home tonight as the next collection is on Thursday 28th January. This is an opportunity for you to clear out any unwanted textiles and shoes and for us to raise some funds for school. All we ask is for you to put any unwanted clothes, bedding etc in the bag (or any other bag) and bring it to school on the morning of 28th January.

The closing date for applications for next year’s Reception children closes at midnight on Friday 15th January. If you have a child who turns 4 by 31st August 2016 please apply by then, if you know of anyone who has a child due to start school please remind them to apply.
Ian Perks the guitar teacher has asked me to let you know he has some spaces for anyone in Y3 upwards who is interested in learning to play this very popular instrument. If your child is interested please let the office know.

We are trying again with the climbing wall for Year 5 next Tuesday. They need to have appropriate PE kit in school that day.

Over the next term we will be having work done to improve the lighting and electrics in school. This will cause some disruption but we will make sure it does not prevent the children from learning. We will have to make some changes to accommodate this so there will be no family assemblies on Fridays this term, I am sorry. Also all PE will be outside so children need to keep their warm outdoor PE kit in school all the time. We ask for their kit to be in school all the time because if we get the opportunity to do some PE, especially if their normal lesson has had to be cancelled due to the weather, we will and the children need to be able to join in.

I am attaching the dates for this term, as ever keep an eye on the newsletter for any changes that have to be made to them.

Alice Littlehailes



11th Clubs restart
12th Year 5 Climbing Wall
13th Northern Ballet Workshop
14th Swimming starts
28th Bag 2 School collection
29th Year 4 Clarinet Concert 9.00


3rd Sports Hall athletics
5th PTA Disco
11th House Verse Speaking
12th Finish for half term
22nd School restarts
24th Class photos
25th 2.30 PTA meeting


2nd Link rehearsal for choir Hayfield 10.30 – 11.30
High 5 netball
3rd World book day
6th Choir concert Buxton
11th Gymnastics competition
15th Parents Evening
17th Parents evening
18th Sport Relief
21st Aqua Splash
Peak Dance Festival
22nd Y3/4 production
23rd Y3/4 production
24th Easter Service
Easter raffle and tea Finish for Easter back to school 11th April

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