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Newsletter 17.12.2015

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Our Carol service is nearly here it is tomorrow Friday 18th December. We hold this in St Luke’s Church at about 9.20. The children in kestrels provide a nativity tableau for us. Each class provides a reading telling the story of Christmas and we all enjoy a good sing. Please do join us if you can. The parish have very kindly offered to provide refreshments after the service. Please do stay and have a drink and a chat. Here is their invitation to you all:

Refreshments – Carol Service – Friday 18 December

St Luke’s Church would like to invite you all to stay after the service for tea, coffee and mince pies (with juice and biscuits for any per-school children). They are providing all refreshments free of charge and would love you to stop for a while. If you are around on Friday it would be lovely to see you there.

The Choir sang beautifully at the Christmas Fair on Friday they will be singing at the Carol Service and then at The Methodist Church Christmas Tree Festival at 11am you are very welcome in fact encouraged to come down to the Methodist church to hear the children sing a range of festive pieces. They will finish off the season at St Luke’s Church Carol service on Sunday 20th at 6.30. Please could the choir be there from 6.15, the service starts at 6.30, in school uniform.

The Christmas Fair was a lovely event. Thank you so much to the PTA for all their hard work organising it. I don’t have a total raised yet but I will let you know in the new year.

Huge congratulations to our swimming squad who won the swimming gala yesterday. I believe a great time was had by all.

We finish tomorrow for Christmas and return to school on 4th January. The dinner money for next term will be £60 to half term £108 to Easter.

At 6.30 on Friday one of our pupils, Zoie Northfield, and some of her singing friends are putting on a recital in our school hall. I have been asked to pass on an invitation to anyone who would like to see what she has been learning in her singing lessons or is thinking about singing lessons for themselves.

This holiday is one where many children stay inside and use internet connected devices. Please keep reminding them of the rules about internet safety or even better get them to explain them to you!

Thank you all for all the support you have given school this year.

I would like to wish you all a happy Christmas and a peaceful new year.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 10.12.2015

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope those of you who have managed to see the production of The Jolly Christmas Postman have enjoyed it. I know the children are enjoying performing it to you. Tonight is the last night and tickets are like gold dust. Please make sure you bring your tickets with you as there are no spares!

The children across school are busy writing the readings for our Carol service on Friday 18th December. We hold this in St Luke’s Church at about 9.20. The children in kestrels provide a nativity tableau for us. Each class provides a reading telling the story of Christmas and we all enjoy a good sing. Please do join us if you can.

The Choir are very busy at the moment they will be singing at the Christmas Fair on Friday at just after 5pm, at the Carol Service on 18th, at The Methodist Church Christmas Tree Festival at 11am and at St Luke’s Church Carol service on Sunday 20th at 6.30.

It is finally nearly here tomorrow it is the Christmas Fair. This is the big fundraiser of the year organised by the PTA. It is always a fabulous event. This year it will be from 5 – 6.30. Please do come if you can as the children love it. I believe Father Christmas has agreed to take time out of his busy schedule to meet the children.

Next week it is party week. The Eagles and Merlins will be partying on Tuesday, the Kites and Harriers on Wednesday and the Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys on Thursday. The children can come in party clothes on the day of their party or get changed at dinner time. Please remember they will need to navigate a morning at school including playing out so unfortunately a strapless ball gown may not manageable!

I hope you have received a text welcoming you to our new texting service trial. If you haven’t please let us know so we can ensure your number is on the list. You can text us using this service to let us know about absences or other routine messages. Please let us know what you think of it whilst we are deciding whether or not to buy the service.

Remember it is Christmas Dinner Day tomorrow so no need for packed lunches.

Key Stage Two children have been given a letter to sign up for fruit next term, please return it as soon as possible if your child would like to have fruit. Children in key stage One get free fruit.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 03.12.2015

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Well unbelievably here we are in December again with the busy season of advent well and truly started. Our choir started it off for us in fine style at the Glossop lights switch on. Despite torrential rain, howling gales and technical hitches they sang like little angels and did us proud. Congratulations to them and the parents and supporters who braved the weather to listen to them. If you didn’t manage to catch their performance they will be singing again at the Christmas fair, the carol service, the Methodist Church Christmas tree festival (11am Friday 18th) and St Luke’s Church Candlelight Carol Service 6.30 Sunday 20th.

The footballers were also braving the weather on Friday night. The final results of the tournament are still not in but our boys accredited themselves very well. Thank you to everyone who helped make their participation possible especially Mr Warburton and Mr Dunkerley and the parents who provided transport and touchline support.

The younger children are preparing for their performance next week with the Thursday performance sold out and only a few remaining tickets for the Tuesday and Wednesday.

Harriers are leading our assembly this Friday so do join us if you can.

Remember after school clubs finish this week and do not restart until the week beginning 11th January.

We have been offered a free trial of a texting service so please make sure we have the right mobile number for you. If you are not sure we have send it in to the office.

The houses have again excelled themselves with the Christmas trees they have made. If you get the chance to pop into the hall to see them please do so. There are six very different but all very stunning trees.

Remember next Friday 11th is both Christmas dinner day and the PTA Christmas Fair. If your child usually has packed lunch make sure you have booked a dinner for this day. It is a lovely event when the children and staff eat together, pull crackers, complete a quiz and enjoy each other’s company.

In the last week of term we have the Christmas parties Y5/6 on Tuesday 15th, Y3/4 on Wednesday and Reception Y1/2 on Thursday. On the day of their party the children can come in party clothes or get changed at lunchtime. Please remember when planning outfits that the children will be having a normal school day in the morning.

We finish for Christmas with our traditional carol service on Friday 18th at about 9.15/20. Please do join us for this very special event.

Mr Montgomery will be leaving us at Christmas we will be welcoming a new teacher Mr Cooke in January. Mr Montgomery has worked at St Luke’s for a lot of years and taught many of your children. If you would like to send a donation in towards a leaving gift please do so in a marked envelope by Friday 11th December.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 26.11.2015

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It was lovely to have so many visitors on Tuesday for our open afternoon. I hope all of you who came enjoyed seeing school at work.

Congratulations to the football teams who are braving all sorts of weather to play in the Friday league. I know the hope is to finish all the matches this Friday. We are all eagerly awaiting the final result.

Letters have gone out this week about tickets for the Christmas play staring all the children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys. If the letter did not make it home, I found some in the entrance hall, let us know so we can give you another. Remember you need to get this letter in by Monday 30th as spare tickets will be allocated after this date.

Some parents have asked if their child needs to be at the performance if their parent is not watching it. All the children have an important part to play and if someone is not there it spoils it for all the other children and parents. Please make sure they are at every performance. If any of the performances are a problem for you please let us know as soon as possible and we will try to help.

Eagles are leading our Assembly this Friday, 27th November and Harriers the week after 4th December.

The choir are singing in Norfolk Square on Saturday at about 3.50 as part of the lights switch on celebrations. Do come and support them if you can.

On the morning of Tuesday 1st December the children in Ospreys are going to a multi skills event at Glossop Leisure Centre. Please could they be at school by 8.50 in their PE kit on that morning. We will open the doors at 8.40 to give them time to get changed. They will be back in school in time for lunch.

You should have received a flyer about a Christingle Service at St Luke’s Church on Thursday 3rd December straight after school, doors open at 3.45. Christingle services are a lovely part of the run up to Christmas so do go if you can.

Congratulations to Mrs Hillier who has been awarded Specialist Leader in Education status by the Department for Education in recognition of the quality of her work in Early Years. This means she will help other schools provide the high quality provision she does. We are all delighted for her.

All out of school clubs will finish on Friday 4th December and not restart until the week beginning 11th January. Gardening Club will not restart until the spring.

Alice Littlehailes

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