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Newsletter 15.10.2015


St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Our footballers have had a very successful week – on Friday both teams got through to the High Peak Final, which was played on Monday. The girl’s team came second and the boy’s team were given third place. They actually came joint second on points and goal difference but because the other team had beaten them in the match they had played against each other the second place was awarded to them. What a huge achievement by both teams. Well done to them and to the people who coach them.

Tomorrow night is the PTA disco. The theme is inspired ‘Strictly rugby’ I cannot wait to see what the children wear to this! Will it be sequins and dancing shoes or rugby shirts or maybe a combination of them both! It is 5-6.30pm £1 entry. There will as ever be food and things to buy. See you on the dance floor.

Wednesday morning next week, 21st October, is individual school photos morning. If you would like a photo of your pre-school child they can be done before school.

It is parents evening next week so there will be no school run clubs on Tuesday or Wednesday (PAS will still be on). There will also be no sports club on Thursday as there is a cross country competition.

If you have not yet got an appointment for parents evening please contact us to arrange one.

The Peregrines will be leading our assembly on Friday 23rd of October. I hope you can join us. We also finish for half term on this date. The PTA will be selling popcorn in the playground to get it off to a good start.

The PTA organise the making of toast on a Friday morning but are struggling to get volunteers. The children love this Friday treat. Please think if you could spare an hour occasionally on a Friday morning, if there were lots of people offering to help each person would only need to do a couple of Friday’s a year.

There will be a meeting for the parents of the children going to Whitehall on Monday 2nd November at 6pm.

Next week is Travel Smart Week – better known as walk to school week. Everyone is encouraged to walk scoot or ride at least part of the way to school. This is to reduce the traffic danger around schools at those peak times. Fingers crossed the weather will stay nice and make this a pleasure to join in with.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 08.10.2015

St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
The Glossop Jog – sorry Fun Run – on Sunday was fantastic I was so impressed with all our runners and fallers.  There was a great turn out and everyone did well, the number of laps run in an hour was truly impressive 385 in total!  Thank you to the PTA who ran a lovely stall to revive the runners and spectators.  Please can you return any sponsor money to school as soon as possible as the children are all eager to get their certificates which are not issued by Rotary until all the money is in.
As if that was not enough fun for one Sunday we were also treated to a great concert on Sunday afternoon.  Glossop Old Band and our choir performed songs from the movies.  It was so nice to see the children captivated by the sound the band made and then look so proud as they performed.  Thank you to everyone who took part or supported this, a special thank you to Stephenie Leung who accompanied the choir.
The Church School Inspection went well on Thursday, I will be able to tell you more once the report is published in a few weeks but the inspector did share with me how impressed she was with the children and the way they genuinely enjoyed being together.  Hopefully this bodes well for a good report.  Thank you to everyone who was involved in this process.
The Harvest Festival on Friday went well and the children were flushed with success raising enough to twin four toilets.
On Monday the Girls in Key stage two were offered the opportunity to take part in a football skills session at Glossopdale, run with Glossop North End.  A good time was had by all.  Then on Tuesday our cyclocross team came third in their tournament.  I hope both football teams have fun and do well on Friday.
I hope you can join us on Friday morning when Osprey’s will be leading our Assembly.
You should have received a letter yesterday inviting you to book an appointment to attend a Parents evening on Tuesday 20th or Wednesday 21st October.  If you didn’t get it let us know.
I need to give a couple of reminders about important safety rules.  The traversing wall in the playground is designed for climbing along not up.  Please do not let your child climb to the top as there is no safety flooring under it.  Also the bank is out of bounds to the children as there have been injuries caused by children falling on it.  Thank you for helping us keep the children safe.
We have a few very small jumpers left, size 24”, if you can use them please see the office.
Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 01.10.2015

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Yes it is October already! Where is this year going to? But what a glorious end of September we have had. Clear blue skies, warm sun and cool nights causing the leaves to start to produce their vibrant autumn colours. The Peregrines enjoyed finding signs of autumn in the park on Tuesday. Once I see the trees changing I think of Harvest festival. Ours is tomorrow in St Luke’s Church at about 9.20/30, please join us if you can. This year we are thinking about the people in the world without access to a toilet which causes many health problems. We will be taking a collection for the charity toilet twinning, if you would like to send a contribution your child can bring a donation of anything from £1 to £100! If you would like to find out more about the work of the charity, or maybe twin your toilet! Information can be found at

Today we are welcoming Mrs Louise Patterson into school to carry out a Church School Inspection, I know everyone will make her very welcome.

Tonight it is the PTA AGM at Glossop Cricket Club at 7.30. I hope to see lots of you there.

We have a very busy weekend coming up with The Glossop Jog on Sunday morning. It starts at 11am, runners need to be there by 10.45. If you haven’t signed up and want to there is time, if you fancy cheering on those running please come out to support them. Then on Sunday afternoon the choir will be singing at St Luke’s Church 3-5pm. Can the choir members meet there at 2.45 in school uniform. I have had a sneak preview and they are sounding lovely, please come if you can – details below.

Mr Dunkerley has very kindly offered to run Year 5/6 Boys football on Monday lunchtimes starting next week. The boys need to bring in their PE kit including boots and shin pads.

Next week on Thursday and Friday the second group doing Bikeability will have their training, I hope the weather is as nice for them as it was for the first group.


On Sunday 4 October 3-5pm at St Luke’s Church on Fauvel Road, you are invited to come along to a FANTASTIC family afternoon concert by Glossop Old Band with St Luke’s School choir.   The music is geared towards families and children, with songs and music that includes Disney favourites, cartoon classics and highlights from shows and films. Costs of the tickets are £5 (£2.50 for concession) this includes refreshments during the interval. Come along for a great musical extravaganza. Tickets available from the School Office.


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 24.09.2015

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had an amazing RE week with visits to many different sacred spaces. The children have visited a cathedral, a mosque, a Buddhist centre, the Jewish museum, and St Luke’s Church. They have been made very welcome in every location and have learnt a lot about the similarities and differences between religions.

The production of ‘The Jungle Book’ was enjoyed by all on Wednesday. The children learnt songs to join in with, howled like wolves and some of the children were chosen by the cast to help play parts. Every child in the audience was captivated by the performance. The snake was an especial hit.

Tomorrow is ‘scoot and skate’ after school remember helmets and wheels! This is usually a very enjoyable hour after school and the weather forecast is good i.e. dry.

We are celebrating Harvest Festival on Friday 2nd October in Church please join us. We will be there as soon as we have managed to walk everyone across which is usually about 9.20ish. Please do join us at church. This year we are taking a collection for Toilet Twinning. Four of our pupils have been inspired over the summer to support this charity which aims to bring sanitation to the whole world. They have suggested the school support this work which the charities department of our parliament very happily agreed to.

Saturday 4th October sees both us participating in the Glossop Fun Run (Glossop jog) and singing at St Luke’s Church. If your children or you want to take part in the Fun Run there is still time to sign up just let the office know.

Please can the choir children return their letters about the concerts on the 4th and November 28th. We have over 50 members of the choir and have only had 10 letters returned.

The PTA AGM is fast approaching, it is on Thursday 1st October 7.30pm at Glossop Cricket Club. Every parent at school is a member of the PTA and we would really like to see you at meetings.

I have been asked some questions about school uniform so let me just clarify things. The uniform is white polo shirt, red sweatshirt or cardigan and grey trousers/shorts/skirt or pinafore dress, and sensible school shoes. Red polo shirts are not uniform nor are black or grey cardigans. The only jewellery that may be worn a watch and a single set of plain stud earrings that must be taken out for PE or swimming. Make up including nail varnish is not uniform. PE kit is pumps, black shorts and a white t-shirt, if your child has plain shorts and a plain t-shirt that is fine, football shirts and crop tops are not uniform and not suitable. They also need trainers for outside. When it gets colder some of the children like to have tracksuit bottoms or leggings for outdoor PE. Children in Reception do not need to worry about PE kit at the moment.

Alyssa’s Dad has asked me to ask if anyone has seen her cardigan, it is a red ‘George’ cardigan size 13/14.


Alice Littlehailes

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