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Newsletter 10.09.2015

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Welcome back after the summer. I hope you all enjoyed the extra time together. The children have all come back bright and shiny, which is lovely to see. They have had many tales to tell about how they spent their holidays from bravely setting out to a residential holiday on their own to raising money for toilets (more about this in the future). Well done to everyone who did something for the first time this holiday.

As you may be aware we hold elections for our Pupil Parliament with each class electing committee members and the whole school electing our Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer. Yesterday we held hustings for those Year 6 pupils standing for election – WOW! I was so proud of each and every one of them, they demonstrated great courage, public speaking skills and understanding of the democratic process. I truly do not know how to vote today as they made the best speeches we have ever had.

It is also being a bit of a cycling start to the year with the Ospreys and the Eagles going to Buxton on Friday to take part in some special bike themed activities and watch the Tour of Britain go by. Letters should have come home for Years 5 & 6 who haven’t yet done their Bikeability training ( the old cycling proficiency), if your child did not bring a letter home and needs one please let us know.

The Glossop Jog, now renamed the Glossop Fun Run, is almost upon us it is on 4th October this year. If your child is interested in taking part, or you are, look out for the letter coming home soon.

After school clubs will start the week beginning 21st September a letter will be coming home to enable children to sign up for whichever clubs they would like to attend.

Tomorrow is the first toast Friday of the year. For those parents new to the school or who have forgotten, on most Fridays the children can have a piece of toast as a treat in exchange for 20p. The children love it and it helps raise a little bit of money for the school. The only way it is possible for the children to have toast is if some lovely parents come and make it. We are very short of volunteers for this and it would be a shame if it had to stop. If you could give up an hour on an occasional Friday morning to help please let the office or a member of the PTA committee know.

Talking of the PTA there is a meeting after family assembly tomorrow to welcome new parents. Please come if you can. Just to explain the assembly on a Friday is usually an open assembly with everyone welcome to come and join us. This Friday there will be coffee and cake and a PTA meeting afterwards.

Just a quick reminder about dinner money. Dinners are £2 per day for those children in Key Stage 2 £10 per week, £70 to half term, £140 to Christmas. Weekly dinner money needs to be sent into school on a Monday, you can pay for the whole half term / term in advance if that suits you. Dinner money should not be paid in arrears because school cannot carry the debt.

The dates should be attached to this newsletter, as ever dates may change so keep an eye on the newsletter.

If you do not already receive this newsletter by email and would like to please let us know.


Alice Littlehailes


Term Dates 15/16

Friday 23rd October finish for half term                                  Monday 2nd November return to school

Friday 18th December Finish for Christmas                           Monday 4th January return to school

Friday 12th February finish for half term                                Monday 22nd February return to school

Thursday 24th March finish for Easter                                    Monday 11th April return to school

Friday 27th May finish for half term                                        Thursday 9th June return to school

Tuesday 26th July finish for summer                                      Wednesday 7th September return to school




Friday 18th                   Merlins Class leading Assembly

Monday 21st                Y3/4 trip

Clubs start

Tuesday 22nd              Y5/6 trip

Reception visit to church

Wednesday 23rd          Jungle Book production in school

Thursday 24th              Bikeability starts

Ospreys trip

Swimming starts

Friday 25th                   Scoot and skate

Monday 28th                European day of Languages


Thursday 1st                PTA AGM 7.30 Glossop Cricket Club

Friday 2nd                    Harvest festival 9.15 church

Sunday 4th                  Glossop Fun Run

Choir performing with Glossop Old Band 2-4pm

Friday 9th                     Ospreys leading assembly

Thursday 15th              Challenge afternoon

Friday 16th                   PTA Disco

Tuesday 20th               Parents evening

Wednesday 21st          Parents evening

Friday 23rd                   Peregrines leading assembly

Popcorn and finish for half term



Monday 2nd                 Return to school

Monday 9th                  Year 6 to Whitehall

Wednesday 11th          Year 6 return

Friday 13th                   Kestrels leading assembly

Year 4 sleep over

Friday 20th                   Kites leading assembly

Tuesday 24th               Open afternoon

Friday 27th                   Eagles leading assembly

Saturday 28th              Choir singing in Norfolk Square


Thursday 3rd                Last swim

Friday 4th                     Harriers leading assembly

After school clubs finish

Wednesday 9th            Christmas Play afternoon performance

Thursday 10th              Christmas Play evening performance

Friday 11th                   Christmas dinner

PTA Christmas Fair

Tuesday 15th               Y5/6 Party

Wednesday 16th          Y3/4 Party

Thursday 17th              Reception / Y1/2 Party

Friday 18th                   Carol Service

Finish for Christmas



Monday 4th                  Term starts



Newsletter 17.09.2015

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I would like to start today’s newsletter with a huge congratulation to all the new Reception children, they have settled so well into school it feels as if they have been with us for ages not just a week. A big thank you goes out to all the year 6 pupils who have acted as buddies for them and helped make the new children feel so at home.

Last Friday, the children in Ospreys and Eagles went to Buxton for some cycling fun including watching the Tour of Britain race go by. They were sensibly watching just after a bend so they had some chance of seeing more than just a blur. They also saw some stunt riding and had a go on some balance bikes.

Next week is our RE week. This time we are exploring sacred spaces and what they mean to people of faith. Every class is visiting one or two places of worship. This is really important work to help us combat the intolerance and hatred we see in the world around us. The more we learn about different beliefs and customs the more we can appreciate everybody’s humanity.

Next week the children are also being treated to a performance of ‘The Jungle Book’ on Wednesday morning.

The afterschool clubs start next week. It is lovely to see so many children taking advantage of the many different activities offered.

Swimming starts for Year 6 on Thursday 24th September.

Friday next week is PTA scoot and skate night. The children can bring their scooters and skates and helmets into the playground to ride after school (not usually allowed). This is a fun event which helps raise funds for school. At the moment the PTA are raising funds for a bike an scooter shelter and new climbing equipment for the courtyard.

The Gardening Club were wondering if any of you were splitting your plants at this time of year and might be able to donate some to school. That sentence means nothing to me but I am told those of you who like gardening will understand.

I am very sad that again I am having to remind you about parking and the safety of all our children. We all have to comply with the laws of this land about parking. You must not park, on zig zag lines, on pavements or across drives. People have been parking in such a way that children are having to walk in the road. I do not want there to be an accident so please walk a little further and make us all a little safer.

Merlins Class will be leading the Assembly on Friday 18th do join us if you can.

I have been asked to pass on this message to you:

Children’s Worship Disco

Sunday 20th September 3-4.30pm at St James’ Church, Hollincross Lane Bring your best disco dancing moves and have fun praising God, in aid of Compassion, which aims to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. All children welcome, parents/carers must supervise their child. Donations to Compassion will be greatly received.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 23.07.2015

St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
I cannot believe I am writing the last newsletter of this academic year it doesn’t seem five minutes ago I was writing the first. It has been a good year with lots of high points.  The children have worked hard and have made progress.  The new curriculum has been a challenge for staff and pupils alike with raised expectations however everyone has risen to the challenge and is making good progress.  I have been so proud of all the school, the children have demonstrated what thoughtful, questioning young people they are,  able to respectfully stand up for what they believe in.  They have performed in theatre, dance, music, film and sporting arenas.  Their achievements have been acknowledged by many different people and organisations.  Everyone now deserves a good break.
Tomorrow we say goodbye to our Year 6 pupils.  They will lead an Assembly at 9.00 to which you are invited.  The day will be full of fun things to do including eating lunch together in a special leavers lunch, choosing their favourite songs for a whole school sing and having a party at 5pm at Kimberley’s.  We wish the children all well for the future and hope they will come back and let us know how they are doing.

We also are saying goodbye to some parents as their youngest child moves on.  Thank you so much for all the support you have given the school over the years.
As Friday is a full day with lots going on there will be no toast.
Exciting news about our Greatest Generation Film ‘Freedom does not come cheap’ it is the second most viewed film on the whole into film website only outstripped by their introductory film.  If you haven’t viewed it yet, or know someone who might enjoy seeing it is where it can be found.
The school has been awarded a Silver Schools Games Mark in recognition of the amount and quality of sport offered here.  A huge thank you goes out to all the parents who help make the competitions possible by transporting teams around.
The summer holiday is a long break without practicing the basic skills.  If you would like to encourage your child to not get rusty a great way to practice English, Phonics and Maths skills is to log onto Skoolbo.  Each child can access their own account to play these games which many children have already started using at school.  Download the Skoolbo UK app from click on ‘schools’ St Luke’s School code is: 665UR and the password is happyrobot 4 every child’s password has been set to Black Bee.  This is not to replace learning through play and enjoying downtime but a possibility for those moments when the weather is less than clement and boredom levels are rising.
We start back at school on Monday 7th September, the new reception children on Wednesday 9th.  Remember dinner money will be £2 per day.
I hope you all have a lovely summer.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 16.07.2015


St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

The older children have been wowing audiences this week with their production of The Black Shadow.   If you would like to see them in action there are still some tickets available for tonight at 5.30.

There is an important PTA meeting after family assembly on Friday 17th July.  It is to decide on events and dates for next year.  Please try to come and have an input.  If you cannot come but have a suggestion to make please let us know.

On Monday 20th the children will have a moving up morning when they can practice being in the class they will be in from September.  They can go in through the door they will use next year – if they know which it is.  Don’t worry if they don’t we will all help.

Remember it is the summer disco on Tuesday 21st 5-6.30.  If you would be available to help please let us know, volunteers are always welcome.

On Thursday 23rd The Kestrels and Peregrines will be finishing off their castles work with a Medieval Banquet.

On Friday 24th July is the last day of the term, we will be saying goodbye to our lovely Y6s.  They will be leading the assembly in the morning, do join us if you can.

Please can everyone make sure they have paid all their dinner money by Tuesday, including any debts, as we have to bank it by Wednesday.

Dinner money next year for children in Y3-6 will be £2 a day £10 a week, £70 up to half term, £140 to Christmas. Sorry present Y2 parents that includes you.  Remember you can apply for Free School Meals if you think you might be eligible.

If your child would like to have fruit next year, Years 3-6 you need to return the slip and the money by Tuesday.

On Monday 20th we will put all the lost property out for the end of the school day.  Please claim anything belonging to your family.

A date for your diary on 4th October the choir has a booking to sing at a concert in St Luke’s Church 3-5pm.  Please keep it free if your child is in choir.

As promised more details about the events at Longdendale Environment Centre over the summer.  On 4th & 18th August there is a Family Muck In morning 10-12.30 for accompanied 8+.  On 5th,12th,19th, 26th a family wild play session including, den making, bushcraft, pond dipping, wildlife.  This is for accompanied children 5+.  More details can be found on or by calling 01457 855468.

Alice Littlehailes

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