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Newsletter 07.05.2015

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

The Merlin’s had an amazing time meeting Austin Byrne on Tuesday. What an inspiring man. He was a gunner in the Merchant Navy in World War Two. His ship was torpedoed 100 miles north of the Russian Coast. He survived four days in a small boat in arctic conditions and was eventually rescued by the Russian costal service. Only he and one other man in the boat survived with all their limbs, the others all succumbed to frost bite. The children have worked with Adam Robertson to combine their interview with archive footage and some of their own footage to create a film. If you would like to hear more about this project remember to tune in to the BBC on Sunday from 11.30ish to catch our children talking about what they have done.

The choir are sounding lovely and I am really looking forward to the choir festival on Friday. Remember if you are not able to come to the concert 3.30 – 5.30 at Glossopdale, Glossop Site please pick your children up from there.

Tag Rugby had to be cancelled yesterday because of the rain. It has been rescheduled for next Wednesday 13th May. If your child is in the team and will not now be able to play please let us know as soon as possible.

The weather is looking good for Sports Day a week today (Thursday 14th), only light showers are forecast. You never know this might be the year Sports Day doesn’t have to be postponed! The children need to have their PE kit in school. We will provide everything else they need including drinks. You are invited to join us for a 1.30 start.

Kestrels are leading our assembly on Friday 15th please join us if you can.

The Ospreys will be walking to St Philip Howard School on Friday 15th for a summer Sports Festival. They will be leaving school at 9.00. Please send them to school in their PE kit (we will send them home in it after sports day).

Friday 15th is also the night of the PTA Pamper Night. If you have not yet got your ticket and booked your treatments you need to do so soon or else you might be disappointed.

The week beginning 18th May is Walk to School Week so look out your rain coats so you are ready for this.

On Tuesday 19th May all the staff are at a meeting so after school clubs will be cancelled. PAS will still be on.

Alice Littlehailes

Pamper Night 2015

The St Luke’s Pamper Night is fast approaching. Book your tickets now!


Newsletter 30.04.2015

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It has been another busy week in school; the tadpoles are growing, George’s Marvellous Medicine is being concocted, African animals are emerging, plays are being performed, the Hobbit is travelling, dens are being built and Romans are invading.  A normal week at Saint Luke’s.  On top of this the choir are preparing an amazing programme of songs for the choir festival at Glossopdale on Friday 8th May.

Looking at the above list you may wonder what the Year 6 children have been doing.  Have they just been preparing for their SATs (external tests sat by all Year Sixes in the country)?  No, because we want to educate rounded human beings not just test takers, they are involved in an amazing project organised by Into Film.  Into Film is a charity that supports film in schools, they help with our Film club.  They are running a project called The Greatest Generation.  Children are invited to make documentaries bringing together archive footage of World War Two and interviewing Veterans.  We were chosen to be one of the few schools to work with a professional film maker.  We will be interviewing Mr Byrne who was in the Navy next week.  As if that was not exciting enough, because of this project, we have been chosen to go to London as part of the BBCs coverage of the VE Day commemorations.  Three of our children will be live on the BBC on Sunday 10th May from 12.00.  I wish I could take the whole class but the BBC would only take three so names had to come out of the hat.  I am sure those children will represent us well.

The Peregrine’s will be leading our Assembly on Friday 1st May do join us if you can.

At the PTA meeting a few dates were set, and changed.  The scoot and skate will now be after school on Friday 12th June.  The summer disco will be on Tuesday 21st July.  The next meeting will be after school on Tuesday 9th June Mrs Clayton has offered to have any children at Film Club.

Pamper Night is fast approaching, it is on May 15th.  If you fancy spending your Friday evening having a bit of fun, a bit of pampering and replenishing your wardrobe get your ticket soon, they go fast as it is an event enjoyed by the whole town.

On Monday I received a phone call that upset me.  One of our neighbours’ daughters was visiting him around school pick up time on Friday.  Her parked car was hit and the driver drove off without trying to contact her.  She is a very kind woman who said that even though she has the other car’s registration number she is not planning to contact the Police because she doesn’t want the driver to get 9 points on their licence for an accident.  She is however very upset that someone would not acknowledge what they have done.  It may not have been someone connected with the school but can I remind everyone to be very careful and considerate.

Remember Monday is a Bank holiday so school will be closed.

Can I remind you that we encourage children to come to school on bikes and scooters but they are left here at your own risk.  Children must also not ride them on school premises.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 23.04.2015

St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
Firstly welcome to all the parents of children starting with us in September, this may be the first weekly newsletter you have had from us.  We are very pleased you are part of our St Luke’s family.
What a beautiful spring week it has been.  It is so nice to get the children out onto the field enjoying the sunshine. Unfortunately it looks as if we will be back in coats next week.
The Athletics squad were able to enjoy the sunshine at their competition on Tuesday.  Well done to all of them.
On Tuesday afternoon the Glossop pupil Forum met at school.  This is an opportunity for a few children from each school in the cluster to meet together and talk about the issues that affect the children of Glossop.  This time the children chose to talk about sporting opportunities in the area both collaborative and competitive.  Our representatives hosted a good meeting, so well done to them.

The Year 5s are spending Friday morning at Glossopdale Hadfield site.  They are meeting there at 9.15and walking back to school.

The next Choir performance is coming up soon, Friday 8th May.  This is a new festival organised by Glossopdale for the local primary schools.  The choir has had the chance to work with not only Mrs Hillier but a professional singing teacher.  If your child is in the choir please return the permission letter as soon as possible as we may need to rebalance the choir if some people cannot come.  In other words if lots of the children from one part are not able to come we will need to ask some children to learn a new part. Lets hope not as this is tricky.
There is a PTA meeting tonight 6.45 at the cricket club.  Please do join us if you can.
The closing date for plant orders for the PTA plant sale is next Thursday.  The plants are always of a very good quality – even I can manage to keep them going.  If you have lost your form or it has not made it home yet just ask in the office as we have spares.

Alice Littlehailes

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