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Newsletter 18.12.2014

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I have been so proud of the children this year.  They have remained focused and well behaved through all the Christmas excitement.  Christmas dinner was lovely, a credit to Mrs Howe and her team.  All the parties have been a pleasure to be at, something you cannot always say.

The children should be bringing home a small bag given to them by St Luke’s Church.

It is the carol service tomorrow Friday 19th we look forward to seeing lots of you in St Luke’s Church to celebrate the festive season.  The service will start at about 9.20-30.  I cannot be accurate because whilst some children will meet in church most of the school will register at school and then walk over to church.

School finishes on Friday 19th at the normal time.  We restart on Monday 5th January.  The children will need their PE kits in that day.

Eagles will start swimming on Thursday 8th January.  Please make sure you have returned the swimming forms.

Clubs will restart the week beginning 12th January.

Dinner money for next term will be £48.75 to February half term, £56.55 from then until Easter making it £105.30 for the whole term.

Two exciting dates to put in your diary.  On Friday 30th January Merlins will be performing at Buxton Opera House as part of their Dance Festival.  Tickets available from the Opera House. On Saturday 7th March Harriers and Eagles will be performing with Kinder Children’s Choir at Buxton Pavillion Gardens at 3pm.

I hope you all have a lovely holiday and I wish you all the best for 2015.


Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 11.12.2014

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I have been so proud of the children performing in The Selfish Giant.  They have tried so hard and learnt so much.  Thank you to everyone who has come along to support them.

The Christmas Fair was a lovely occasion last Friday.  A big thank you to everyone who made it such a special night; by helping on a stall, helping before it or by coming along and supporting it.  It was great to see school full of people enjoying spending time together.

The boys rounded off their football season on a cold wet night by winning one match, drawing one match and coming second in one match.  Well done to everyone who played.  We owe a huge thank you to all the parents who gave up their time to transport the boys and stand on the touch line.  A special thank you goes out to Mr Dunkerley who has given up so much of his time to train the boys.

This Friday Harriers Class will be delighting us with their first violin assembly, just after 9am. I do hope you will be able to come along and support them. On Monday we have another musical treat when the orchestra and the flautists will be playing for us in assembly, just after 9am.  If you are free they would love your support.

Next week is party week.  On the day of your child’s party they can come in party clothes or bring them to change into at lunchtime.  Do remember though that they will be having a normal morning and need to be warm enough and able to do their work without worrying about their clothes.  Y5/6 party is on Tuesday 16th, Y3/4 on Wednesday 17th and Reception/1/2 on Thursday 18th.

It is the carol service on Friday 19th we look forward to seeing lots of you in St Luke’s Church to celebrate the festive season.  The service will start at about 9.20-30.  I cannot be accurate because whilst some children will meet in church most of the school will register at school and then walk over to church.

School finishes on Friday 19th at the normal time.

I have noticed that school uniform is slipping with a number of children wearing tops that aren’t red and trainers not school shoes.  I know that sometimes it is unavoidable but please try to send the children in wearing uniform.

This time of year when the children are inside for more of the time seemed an appropriate moment to raise the issue of social media.  I am aware that despite non of our pupils being eligible to have Facebook accounts, as you have to be 13 to set one up, a number have a presence on this or other social media sites.  The sites with age restrictions often contain content or adverts that are inappropriate for children below these ages.  If your child has supplied a false date of birth and obtained a page please be very aware of what they are saying, seeing, posting and revealing about themselves.  We want all our pupils to be safe in the virtual as well as the real world.

We have a child wanting to try out learning the guitar for which they need a ¾ size guitar.  Understandably their parents do not want to purchase one until he decides whether or not he really wants to pursue it. If you have a ¾ size guitar you would be willing to lend out please tell the office, I know the family would be very grateful.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 04.12.2014

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We are having a very exciting week as the anticipation around Christmas grows:

  • The choir sang beautifully in Glossop on Saturday. Thank you to everyone who supported them or made this possible.
  • The children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys are busy preparing for their production next week. Tickets including requests for extras went out yesterday. If you did not get yours please let us know. There are a few spare tickets remaining if you would like some let us know. For the early evening performances on Tuesday and Thursday the children need to be back at school between 5 and 5.15. Doors will open at 5pm. I don’t yet know how long it will be, but I anticipate it being about half to three quarters of an hour.
  • On Tuesday the children accepted our House Christmas Tree Making Challenge. This was fun but also involved the children developing the teamwork and creative skills employers are asking for. The results are stunning. If you get the chance to pop into the hall to see them do. In case you can’t here are some photos.


  • It is the Christmas Fair on Friday 5.30-7.30. The children are getting ever more excited about this. They are decorating baubles to sell, practising to sing in the choir and talking about what they will do. Father Christmas has sent a message to say he will be there and you can book a time to visit his grotto as you arrive. I hope to see lots of you there.

Remember this is the last swim of the term.  After school clubs finish this week.  Tomorrow is the last toast Friday of the term as next week is Christmas Dinner and the following Friday is our carol service at St Luke’s Church.

To make things easier here is a dates list:

5th December              Last toast,                 Christmas Fair 5.30 -7.30         after school clubs finish.

9th                          Christmas Play 5.30

10th                         Christmas Play 2.30

11th                          Christmas Play 5.30

12th                         Harriers Violin Assembly 9am     Christmas dinner  Last posting day for Santa letters.


15th                         Orchestral Assembly 9am

16th                         Merlin’s & Eagle’s Party

17th                          Swimming Gala am                          Harrier’s & Kite’s Party

18th                         Osprey’s, Peregrine’s & Kestrel’s Party

19th                         Carol Service in St Luke’s Church 9.20ish

Finish for Christmas

5th January                School reopens.

Yours Sincerely

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 27.11.2014

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Congratulations to our runners they continued to do very well in the Tameside series.  Lily Barlow, Rose Barlow and Jack Robertson finished in the top ten and Sally Mc Bride did fantastically well in her first race of the series.  We are very proud of them all.

After school clubs will all finish on Friday 5th December (rugby has already finished).  They will restart on the week beginning 12th January.  Orchestra will still meet on Monday mornings as they are preparing a concert for us in assembly on Monday 15th December – do join us if you can.

Christmas dinner is on Friday 12th December.  We have invited all the children who normally have sandwiches to join in this lovely festive occasion.  The staff and children sit down together to share a delicious dinner cooked by our fabulous kitchen crew.  If your child usually has sandwiches and you have not yet returned the slip requesting a dinner on that day please do so as soon as possible, food needs to be ordered.

The Christmas Fair is fast approaching.  Excitement levels are rising.  I am looking forward to sharing this event with all of you on Friday 5th December 5.30 – 7.30.  To help stock some of the stalls it is non uniform day tomorrow.  The children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys are asked to bring in some chocolate for the chocolate tombola.  The older children have been asked to bring in a gift for the wrap stall.  The idea of this stall is that the children can buy a gift to give to a parent, grandparent or whoever.  We will wrap it for them whilst they write a label.  They can then take it home and put it away secretly until the big day.  The children have been given a colour theme but if you are struggling to find something the right colour anything suitable as a gift would be lovely.

The Choir is singing in Glossop on Saturday at 4.30.  They would love to have lots of support for their efforts.

Harriers assembly is on Friday 9.00 please join us if you can.

Not everyone from Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys has returned their ticket request form for the children’s Christmas Play.  If you need another copy of the form please contact the office.

The Harriers have been learning the violin. They will be showing us just how good they are, and they are, in Assembly on Friday 12th December 9.00.  This will be an unmissable concert so do join us.


Yours Sincerely

Alice Littlehailes

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