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Extra Newsletter 17.10.2014


Dear Parents,

I missed two things off the newsletter yesterday – sorry!

There will be no staff led after school clubs next week because of parent’s evenings. Gymnastics and PAS will still run.

Next week is walk to school week. Please try to support this national initiative to get children out of cars and to walk, scoot or cycle to school.

Yours Sincerely

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 16/10/2014

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have been having a really interesting week this week. It is RE week and across the school we have been considering big philosophical questions.  The children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys have been thinking about how and why we celebrate special times.  They have been thinking about their own family celebrations and celebrations from different faiths.  The older children have been considering ‘what are the deeper meaning of festivals?’ and ‘Why is a pilgrimage important to some religious believers?’ They have again been starting from their own experiences and then looking for connections with and between the major faiths. I am looking forward to Friday’s feedback assembly at 2.30 to discover what they have been finding out.  If you would like to join us feel free.

As we will be assembling in the afternoon on the 17th there will be no family assembly in the morning.  On Friday 24th October The Peregrines will be leading our assembly at 9.05am.

The boys football team did really well last week and will be playing again tomorrow.

Remember it is the PTA disco on Friday 5-6.30. The boys can come straight from their matches.

On Monday Osprey Class are going on their trip to Staircase House.

Next week is Parents Evenings if you haven’t yet asked for an appointment please do so.

On Wednesday 22nd the children will be having individual and family photos taken.  If you would like a family photo with preschool children please come to school at about 8.30am.


On Thursday 23rd The children in Ospreys will be taking part in a cluster multi sports event.  They will walk up to St Philip Howard School and be back in time for lunch.

We finish for half term on Friday 24th October.  School reopens on Monday 3rd November.

During half term Glossop and District Embroiderers Guild are holding a children’s workshop on Wednesday 29th October 2-4 at Bradbury House.  It is open to children between seven and eleven years of age.  They must be accompanied by an adult.  If your child is interested just turn up for the session.  Further information available from Dorothy Hodgson 01457 854181

Please send in any outstanding Glossop Jog Sponsor Money.


Yours Sincerely

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 09.10.14

Dear Parents,

Wow what a lot of joggers we had on Sunday!  The Glossop Jog was incredibly well supported by the children from school.  I was so proud of everyone who joined in whether they managed to do two laps or twelve laps.  Now comes the tricky bit – collecting the sponsor money and getting it into school.  Please can you send it in as soon as possible.  If you could get it in by Monday 20th October Rotary would be very pleased with us.

The children returned from Whitehall yesterday muddy and tired but still smiling.  It sounds as if they have had a great time despite autumn arriving with a bang.  I am looking forward to hearing all the stories.  A huge thank you goes out to the staff who went with them giving up their time and sleep.

We have just received an important award.  We have gained ‘The Food For Life Award’.  We are the first school in Glossop to achieve this recognition of our endeavours to encourage healthy lifestyles.  The assessor praised the school meals, the packed lunches the children were eating, the atmosphere, the encouragement of exercise and the fact that healthier choices were encouraged across the school.  We are very proud of this achievement. See more at

Tomorrow Osprey’s Class will be leading our Friday Assembly it would be lovely if you could join us.

Next week we are introducing the new RE curriculum with an RE week.  To share and celebrate the work the children have been doing we will be having our Friday Assembly at 2.30 on Friday 17th October.

Good luck to our Boys Football team who play their first match in the tournament tomorrow.  I hope they enjoy it and play like the great sportsmen they are.

Friday 17th October is the night of the PTA Disco 5.00 – 6.30.  The theme is neon to brighten the darkening nights.  If you don’t fancy coming in something bright just come in your dancing clothes.  Entry is £1 and there will be food and trinkets on sale.

You should have received a letter about parents evenings which are on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd October.  Please send your slip back so we can sort out appointments.  If the letter hasn’t managed to make it home let us know and we can give you another one.

Yours Sincerely

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 02.10.2014

St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you so much to everyone who supported the Cuppa for The Christie we raised a fantastic £360.

The children have all enjoyed Bikeability and now feel much more confident and safer as cyclists.


I am pleased to announce that we have received five nominations for the role of Parent Governor and so they are elected unopposed. Our Parent Governors are:

Zoe Bowers

David Lee

Deb Myhill

Mark Smitham

Deborah Winter


Tomorrow is our Harvest Festival in St Luke’s Church. We will register the children in school and then walk over to church aiming to start about 9.20.  Please do meet us at church and join us as we celebrate all the good things we have to eat.

It is the Glossop Jog on Sunday I am pleased to say almost a quarter of our children are taking part in this community event. I look forward to seeing you all there from 10.30 (it starts at 11).  Our PTA run a refreshment stall at the Jog and are looking for volunteers if you could spare some time to set up, run the stall or clear up please let us know.


On Monday the Year Six children are off to Whitehall for a three day residential. I am sure a good time will be had by all.

Next Friday 10th October Osprey’s will be leading our family assembly at 9.00.  Please join us if you can.

You should be getting a Yellow Moon Catalogue in book bags today. If you purchase anything from Yellow Moon from this catalogue or their full product list and use the code STL15707 the PTA will get up to 20% cash back.


Yours Sincerely

Alice Littlehailes

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