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Newsletter 10.07.14

Dear Parents,

On Friday we had a fantastic Tour De France day. We made bunting, made bicycle wheel pizzas, in houses created big art, had a picnic and sang ‘Daisy, Daisy’ – the only bicycle song we could remember all the words of! I know lots of you enjoyed the Tour De France on Sunday. What an experience.

Talking of amazing experiences on offer in Glossop this coming weekend is Glossop Music Festival. On Saturday at 10.30 there will be a Children’s Concert in Glossop Parish Church. A stellar cast will be performing ‘The Carnival of The Animals’. Tickets are £5 for adults £3 for children available from Bay Tree Books or on the door. You will be able to go to that and the Family Fun Day. There are five concerts that make up this festival details from Tom Elliot 07813108471 or on line at . We are very fortunate to have such a wealth of high quality events available to us.

From one stellar performance to another. Rehearsals for the production are coming on a pace. If you haven’t requested tickets yet you had better do so fast as any spares will be allocated tomorrow.

Some of the children involved in making the Girls Freedom Film were invited to present it to a County Council Committee on Monday. Unfortunately I couldn’t take them all. The children who went were a credit to the school talking eloquently about their work. The council officers were very impressed, as they should be.

Today is the last swim of the year. I do hope lots of the children will get the chance to keep up their swimming over the summer.

The Kestrels will be leading our assembly on Friday 11th July and Ospreys on Friday 18th July. Please join us for these if you can.

The PTA is meeting Tonight in school at 3.30. We will put a film on in the hall for your children during the meeting. Please try to come along if you are available even if you have never been to a PTA meeting before.

Friday 11th July is a non-uniform day, we are asking for bottle donations for PTA events.

Friday 11th July is the Key Stage 2 Adventure Walk. Remember the children need a packed lunch and appropriate footwear and clothes.

Family Fun day is nearly here HOORAY! It is on Saturday 2.30-4.30. This was such a great event last year that it is back by popular demand. It sounds even bigger and better than last year, if that is possible. We still need some more volunteers to help with this event. If you could spare a bit of the afternoon to help let Deb Myhill know.

If you are thinking about what to do over the summer Glossop Cricket Club is organising a summer cricket school 11th – 14th August 10-3 for children in Y3 upwards. The week will cost only £60. If you are interested contact Roger Mays 01457 764366, pick up a registration form from the office or get more details at Friday Night Practice. We have also received a flyer about a family festival being held in Buxton 1st – 17th August more details can be found on Facebook: Buxtonfamilyfestival.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 27.06.14


Dear Parents,

Sorry this is a day late but I have been focusing on Ofsted. Thank you to everyone who has been on Parent View. Thank you also for all the messages of support we have been sent this has meant a lot to all the staff.

Congratulations to the rounders team who became Glossop Champions yesterday.

Well done to everyone involved in the concerts on Tuesday. The children played the clarinet so well in the afternoon we were all proud of them. In the evening we had such a treat. Everyone had a lovely time. The children played their instruments with such confidence, the choir sang so sweetly and the audience was so encouraging. Special thanks go out to Mr Chadwick who stepped in and sorted out the technical bits! We are so fortunate to have Mrs Hillier our music guru making events like this happen.

You will have noticed we have moved where the scooters and bikes are stored. This is a trial to try and sort out the congestion around the doorway. Please put all bikes and scooters in the new designated space. Feedback on this experiment would be welcomed.

The Peregrines will be leading our assembly on Friday 4th July and Kestrels on Friday 11th July. Please join us for these if you can.

The PTA is meeting on Thursday 10th July in school at 3.30. We will put a film on in the hall for your children during the meeting. Please try to come along if you are available even if you have never been to a PTA meeting before.

Friday 11th July will also be a non-uniform day, we are asking for bottle donations for PTA events.

Family Fun day is on Saturday 12th July 2.30-4.30. This was such a great event last year that it is back by popular demand.

Alice Littlehailes

OFSTED Parent View

Dear Parents,
We have just heard that we will be welcoming Mr Alan Giles and his team from Ofsted into school tomorrow and Friday (26th & 27th June). If you have not yet visited Parent View to share your views of the school with Ofsted please take a few minutes to do so tonight.
You can find the site here.

Newsletter 19.06.14

Dear Parents,

Congratulations to all our cricketers both teams were a credit to the school and a good time was had by all.

Congratulations also go out to our Maths challenge teams who had a great time at Glossopdale solving tricky maths puzzles.

A huge thank you to everyone involved in the Scoot and Skate, it was a lovely relaxed event.  If you can call anything involving whizzing children relaxed.  There is some popcorn left and I think it is being sold after school tomorrow.

Next Tuesday Harriers will be showing just how good they have become on the clarinet.  They are putting on a concert at 1.50 please join us if you can.  At 7pm we are holding a musical evening with performances by the choir and the instrumentalists.

Assembly tomorrow will be led by Kites and on 27th June Eagles are leading it.  Please join us if you can.


A few things from St Luke’s Church…

Hello!  In case you haven’t heard, I am moving to Chesterfield at the end of June.  I’d just like to take this opportunity to say how much I’ve enjoyed the link between St Luke’s Church and St Luke’s School.  This has taken many different forms over the years that I have been Associate Minister in the parish, but to highlight one thing I’ve really valued the chance to talk to the children in assemblies.  I’ve always been impressed by their attentiveness and good behaviour – they are a credit to you and the school.  The process for recruiting a new Associate Minister is well underway and I am sure that whoever is appointed will seek to build on the already good links that have been established.  But before I go, I’d like to highlight a couple of things. 

Firstly, I’d love to see as many as the children as possible come along to a special All-Age Service at St Luke’s this Sunday, 22nd June, at 10.45.  We’ll be thinking about what heaven is like.  Some of the children from school will be involved up-front during the service and as part of the service I am going to feature pieces of artwork that some of the children have done at school.  Come and see what St Luke’s children think heaven is like – you may be surprised! 

Secondly, just to highlight that the weekly Quest Club has now started, meeting Tuesday lunchtimes 12.30 onwards, for the upper school years.  Quest Club is all about having fun together with games, mini-craft activities and gentle teaching about stories from the Bible.  All lead by some really nice and experienced volunteers from St Luke’s Church.  Please encourage your child to come along and try it out! 

With every blessing for the future,

Rev’d Brian Magorrian


Message from The Governing Body

Dear parents,
As I’m sure you’re aware, the staff and senior management team of St Luke’s have been working very hard over the past few years to raise standards and ensure that the outcomes for the children are the best they can be.
The governing body have also been working hard to support and challenge the school in their journey to an Ofsted “Good”. As part of this, Ofsted and the governors would really like to know what you, the parents and carers, think of the school and how your children are doing here. We will use this information to target our activities over the next academic year, and prospective parents can view the comments when choosing a school.

If you would like to give Ofsted and us feedback, please click the link below, this will take you to the Ofsted “Parent View” website. (please note the capital letters, if you are typing it)

Thank you in advance!

The Governing Body

St Luke’s CofE Primary


Sorry for the length of the newsletter this week but lots to tell you!

Alice Littlehailes

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