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newsletter 27/2/14

Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a good half term. It is lovely to see all the children back recharged and ready to learn.

House verse speaking was fantastic all the children spoke so well. Mrs Whetstone who was the judge was rightly very impressed by our children. Every year they seem to get better at choral speaking.

Mr Montgomery is still not able to return to work so Kites will be taught by Mrs McLaren and Harriers by Ms Lee. We are very lucky to have such good teachers willing to ensure continuity for the children. I cannot thank them enough for what they are doing.

The Year 5 trip to Whitby is fast approaching. There is a parents meeting tonight at 6pm to talk about final arrangements and paperwork.

Thank you to everyone who submitted a fair trade poster, they were all so detailed. Two of our children have had their work short listed by the Fairtrade Group, well done to Holly Griffiths-Jones and Josh Mizon. Their work is on display in the library until 9th March. Library visitors are being asked to help choose a winning poster by voting for their favourite so do go along and support their work.

Good luck to our girls football team who are playing this Friday in the last of their tournaments.

We have a busy week next week:

World book day is on Thursday 6th. Children are invited to come to school as a character from a book.

The Year 5s have been invited to Glossopdale on Friday 7th for a morning of activities. They are meeting there at 9.15. This is a great opportunity to find out a little more about what secondary school feels like.

Year 4s are leading our assembly on Friday 7th at 9am please do join us.

I have been asked to let you know about a community event:

The Big Brew – Thursday 6 March
St Luke’s Church back room
Everybody Welcome
Come and enjoy a Fairtrade cuppa, chat and some cake. Tradecraft products (fighting poverty through trade) will also be on sale.

Alice Littlehailes

newsletter 13-02-14

Dear Parents,

Congratulations to all our teams. Both the athletics team and the girl’s football team acquitted themselves very well. The athletics team came fourth overall. The footballers played in horrible weather and despite injuries won several of their matches.

Thank you to all the people who helped with the disco on Friday it was enjoyed by all.

Safer internet day showed us just how much our children understand about keeping themselves safe on the internet. I hope they all put it into practice.

Everyone in school is very busy preparing for House Verse Speaking this afternoon. By the time this comes home the performances will be done. I am sure all the houses will have done very well and we will have enjoyed iguanas, aliens, birds, monsters, big bad wolves, robots and Colin!

Kites are leading our assembly tomorrow, remember it is at 2.45pm.

The children should be bringing home a bag 2 school bag today. We are having another collection of textiles on 19th March.

There will be a meeting for the parents of the children going to Whitby on Thursday 27th March at 6pm.

We finish for half term on Friday. The PTA will be selling pop corn in the playground at 50p and £1.

A date for your diary – the choir has been asked to sing at a fair Trade event in New Mills Town Hall on Saturday 5th April.

It has been brought to my attention that parents and children have been using the car park and passed the kitchen as a route into school. This is not a safe way in and must not be used. Access for everyone is through the playgrounds.


Mrs Murphy leaves us today. The Peregrines have enjoyed working with her. We all wish her well for the future. Miss Nichols will be the Peregrines full time teacher from after half term.

Dinner money for next half term is £68.25

I hope you all have a lovely break.
Alice Littlehailes

newsletter 06-02-14


Dear Parents,

The children have survived the wind so far with no one being blown over yet. They don’t even seem fed up with the number of wet playtimes they have had to have, mind you we do get them out if at all possible.

Girls football was enjoyed by all on Friday with the girls achieving a range of results. They have another round of matches this Friday. We all wish them well.

A number of children have been forgetting their PE kit. Every child should have a PE kit in school at all times. They will be doing PE during the week and weather permitting it will be outside.

Talking of all things sporty Ann Tracy has some spaces at gymnastics. She runs classes in the school hall on Mondays and Fridays straight after school. If your child is interested phone Ann on 07855439693.

Tomorrow, Friday 7th, Ospreys will be leading our assembly. You are very welcome to join us.

On Friday 14th Kites will be leading the assembly but it will be at 2.45pm. They would love to have you join us.

Next Tuesday 11th is safer internet day when we will all be thinking about how to stay safe on the internet. Just as we teach children to be safe near roads etc. it is important to teach them to be safe on line. Even though all our children are too young to have facebook accounts they may well be part of other social media sites. They need to know:
Not to give away any personal details,
Not to write anything they would not say to someone’s face,
Not to meet in person anyone they meet online
To report any messages that make them feel uncomfortable.
That their online footprint is there forever.

I have been asked to let you know about an exciting event happening in Stockport. ‘Reuben’s Retreat’ charity have been lucky enough to get 2 lead principle ballet dancers from the English national ballet to dance in a one off ‘Cinderella’ show especially for their charity. They are performing at Stockport Plaza on Sunday 16th February.

A number of people have very kindly asked about Mr Montgomery, I am afraid I do not know when he will be able to return to work. I will pass your good wishes on to him. We have been very lucky, the staff have been so keen to ensure that your children get continuity of teaching that they have taken on extra days work to cover this absence.

Thank you for all the books you have donated to school. The children are loving them.

Alice Littlehailes

newsletter 30-01-14


Dear Parents,

We have had a wonderful musical week. On Friday Mrs Hillier worked with all the Key Stage Two children on a singing workshop. The sound they produced by the end was beautiful and a good time was had by all. Then on Tuesday Harriers performed their first Clarinet concert. They sang for us, showed us the rhythm work they have been doing and played for us. Everyone was so bowled over by the standard they had reached after just fourteen weeks of lessons.

The school has felt very Chinese this week with the children learning about Chinese New Year. The Kestrels and Peregrines have set up a Chinese restaurant. I would recommend eating there as the service and food is like nowhere else on earth.

A number of wanted posters have appeared around school if you have any information concerning these miscreants Osprey Class would be very interested!

This afternoon school has been full of archaeologists exploring the interior of an Egyptian Pyramid. I believe they found a skeleton and a number of artifacts.

The Parliament committees met last week and the community committee wanted us all to take part in the Glossop Fairtrade poster competition. Your poster should be drawn on A4 size paper or card. Images can be hand drawn or computer generated. They are looking for a bold, attractive design with a catchy slogan promoting FAIRTRADE and Fairtrade products.
IMPORTANT: on the back of your poster please write your full name, age, school, and home telephone number IN PENCIL (ink may come through your poster and spoil your work). When you have finished your poster please bring it in to the school office. The deadline is Wednesday 12th February.

Remember it is the PTA pyjama party disco on Friday 7th February 5-6.30.

There is no swimming next week or the week after (6th & 13th Feb) as the pool is closed.

Ospreys are leading the assembly on Friday 7th February you are very welcome to join us.

Alice Littlehailes

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