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Newsletter 23-01-14


Dear Parents,

This week has been a good solid working week. The children across school are enjoying their learning and are always very excited to show me what they have done. I have seen trips to the supermarket, lovely writing, puppets, work about Egypt and maths challenges to name but a few activities. It is always a pleasure to see how much our children enjoy what they are doing and how keen they are to challenge themselves within their learning.

The children should be bringing home a Change for Life leaflet today with ideas for healthier eating. I know the children are always fascinated by food facts.

I forgot to tell you all about the Swimming Gala on 9th January. Our teams did very well, they had a great time and were placed first and third. Well done to all our swimmers. Swimming is very strong in this school thanks to all of you. We could have selected many teams. The girl’s football season will start shortly and we hope they enjoy all their matches.

Talking of sport just a reminder that the children do participate in outside PE but not all of them have outdoor kit, trainers and layers are needed.

We have just started our House Verse Speaking preparation so your child should bring home two poems to learn in the next few days. The children perform the poems in their school houses on 13th February. It is always impressive how good they are at learning and speaking the poems selected.

Eagles are leading our assembly tomorrow 24th January, please join us if you can.

On Tuesday 28th January at 2pm the Harriers are putting on a concert to celebrate how well they are doing on the clarinet. Anyone who would like to come is very welcome.

I am quite concerned about the number of children coming to school late. The expectation is that children will arrive at 8.50 when the doors open. They are late if they are coming in later than 9am.

I have been asked to let you know about this opportunity at half term:
Manchester Theatre Academy are running a half term theatre workshop for 8 to 16 year olds on 17th, 18th & 19th Feb 2014 9am – 4pm. The children will Work towards, and have a part in, a devised performance of Willy Russell’s Blood Brothers the amazing tale of twin brothers separated and reunited.
The children will explore childhood, family life, teenage conflict, social and moral issues….
There will be lots of fun and games, improvisation, making friends, teamwork and developing confidence and self esteem.
The sessions are run by two experienced Drama Teachers, Jayne Skudder, Leader of Droylsden’s Youth Theatre and Penny Smith, Leader of Glossop’s Youth Theatre.
The venue is Whitfield Community Centre, Glossop.
You will be required to bring along a packed lunch.
February half term offer: only £55 per child or £100 for two children (cost is for the entire 3 day workshop)
To book your child a place on this exciting, friendly and fun workshop call Penny on 01457 852281
Alice Littlehailes



Dear Parents,

The writing buzz around school has been fantastic. The children are really enjoying our new theme of open the cover. We have also started a new Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning topic Getting On and Falling Out. This looks at how we can manage those difficult times when we argue with our friends. I hope the children have been giving you lots of ‘Friendship Tokens’. These are the little things that make us feel good such as a smile, a kind comment or an unsolicited helpful act. Since we have been focusing in on these friendship tokens I have noticed how kind and supportive all our children are to each other. Even those who are quick to loose their temper are most of the time incredibly kind to the rest of the school community.

The story sacks course, despite lots of people telling us they wanted to come, was short of participants. We need at least two more parents to come to enable it to continue. Story sacks are a great way of sharing books with your child. If you might be interested please let the office know.

Remember it is an INSET day tomorrow when school is not open to the children.

ICT club restarts on Monday. PAS restarts on Tuesday.

There unfortunately will be no running club on Thursday 23rd January.

The next PTA meeting is on Wednesday 22nd January at the cricket club. Please try and come as all the parents are part of the PTA and everyone’s input is warmly welcomed. If you would like to come but have never been to a PTA meeting and are feeling a little unsure about it pop in to see me and I can make sure you don’t have to go into a room alone (I still hate doing that despite having had to do it loads of times).

On Tuesday 28th January at 2pm the Harriers are putting on a concert to celebrate how well they are doing on the clarinet. Anyone who would like to come is very welcome.

The scooter that was taken home in error last week has still not turned up. Please check your child’s scooter to make sure you have the right one.

Alice Littlehailes

newsletter 09-01-14

Dear Parents,
Happy New Year. I hope you all had a good festive season.

I have some sad news Chas Roberts died on Christmas Eve. Chas was a good friend to the school, a Governor and Chair of the Governing Body for many years. His wisdom, warmth and desire for the school to be the best it could be will be missed by us all. I am sure you join me in thinking about his family at this difficult time.

We are pleased to welcome Mrs Helen Murphy to our school. She will be teaching Year One, Peregrines, Monday – Thursday until half term. Ms Teresa Nichols will be teaching the class on Fridays and will be the full time teacher after half term.

This term has got off to a good start with everyone taking part in a big write to start our theme of Open The Cover. There is trouble in story land and all the characters and stories have become muddled. The children are loving thinking about what would happen if …… Cinderella was suddenly in The Three Little Pigs, or Harry Potter was in Little Red Riding Hood etc.

Out of school clubs, run by school staff, restart next week, apart from ICT which will start on Monday 20th January. It is cookery club group 2 this term. Orchestra has a very short amount of time to work together so please can the children be in school ready to start at 8.30 rather than starting to arrive at 8.30.

I have had another of our neighbours in to complain about selfish parking at drop off and pick up times. Please can you make sure you do not block access onto or off anyone’s driveway.

You will have received flyers about Family Science after school on Wednesdays 3.30 – 5.00 starting on 15th January. This is aimed at Key Stage 2 children and parents. Also Story Sacks 1-3pm Wednesday 15th January aimed at parents of Younger Children. If you are interested in either of these events please let the office know as soon as possible.

We have received some information about Positive Parents Courses running in our area. They are weekly Tuesday 14th Jan-7th April 6-8.30 at Pure Vibes Youth Centre for parents of 8-13 year olds. Monday 24th Feb – 23rd June 1-3 at Gamesley Children’s Centre for parents of 2-8 year olds. If you are interested in either of these excellent courses contact the Buxton MAT team on 01629 533502 / 01629 533503.

Remember school is closed to children next Friday 17th January as it is an INSET day. The staff will be updating their first aid qualifications.

Alice Littlehailes

As ever these may well change, be added to or even not happen.
Thursday 16th Swimming starts (Eagles & some Merlins)
Friday 17th INSET day
Wed 22nd PTA Meeting 7.30 Cricket Club
Friday 24th Eagle’s Assembly
Thursday 6th No Swimming
Friday 7th Osprey’s Assembly
PTA Disco
Tuesday 11th Safer Internet Day
Thursday 13th No Swimming
House Verse Speaking
Friday 14th Kite’s Assembly
Finish for half term
Monday 24th School restarts
Thursday 6th World Book Day
Friday 7th Harriers Assembly
Tuesday 18th Governing body Meeting
Wednesday 19th Bags 2 School collection
Friday 21st Merlin’s Assembly
Sport Relief Day
Friday 28th Kestrel’s Assembly
PTA meeting after assembly (cake promised!)
2nd – 4th Whitby trip Eagles
Friday 4th Peregrine’s Assembly
Tuesday 8th Parents evening 3.45-5.30
Thursday 10th Last swim
Parents evening 4-7
Friday 11th Easter Service
Easter raffle and tea
Finish for Easter
Monday 28th Term restarts
Thursday 1st Swimming starts Harriers
Monday 5th Bank Holiday
Thursday 8th Sports Day
Friday 9th Osprey’s Assembly
Monday 12th Assessment week starts
Friday 16th PTA wine and quiz night
Monday 19th Take One Picture Week starts
Friday 23rd Take one Picture Assembly pm
Finish for half term
Wednesday 4th School restarts
Friday 6th Kestrel’s & Peregrine’s trip to the Theatre
PTA scoot and skate after school
Friday 13th Harrier’s Assembly
Friday 20th Kite’s Assembly
Friday 27th Eagle’s Assembly
Saturday 28th Family Fun Day
Friday 4th Peregrine’s assembly
Thursday 10th Last swim
Friday 11th Kestrel’s Assembly
Monday 14th Production week
Tuesday 22nd PTA Disco
Wednesday 23rd Leavers Assembly
Finish for summer

Newsletter 19/12/13

Dear Parents,
On behalf of the children can I thank you for supporting us going to The Nutcracker and Snowman performance last Friday, it was fabulous. The children were all engaged from the first note to the last. The number of children who said they wanted to play an instrument like that was heart-warming.

We also had our own concert yesterday. The School Orchestra made their debut performance and the flute group also entertained. It takes a huge amount of courage to get up and play, especially in front of friends and family. We were proud of every one of them.

The school Christmas dinner was delicious and a great social event. Our thanks go out to all the kitchen staff who worked so hard to cook such a lovely meal. I always enjoy seeing all the school eating together as the big family we are.

On Monday Tom Rank our chair of governors and IT club guru came in to lead the children in an hour of coding. This is a project set up by google to help children get more involved in writing computer code. The children did really well and enjoyed the event. Not only that but we might win some Raspberry Pis for school! As ever thank you to him for all he does for the school.

It is our school Carol Service at St Luke’s Church tomorrow at 9.20ish. In rehearsal it is sounding really good. If you feel like coming along for a good sing and the chance to feel properly Christmassy we would love to see you there.

We finish at normal time tomorrow Friday 20th. Apart from the choir who have one more booking on Sunday 22nd at St Luke’s Church Carols by Candlelight Service. Please meet there at 6.20.

School restarts on Monday 6th January. School clubs restart the week beginning 13th January. PAS and Gymnastics will contact you to let you know when they restart.

Miss Nicholls will be taking over from Mrs Morris but she is unable to start full time until February. She will be in teaching the children on Fridays for the next half term. I am not yet sure who will be teaching the children Monday to Thursday up to February because I am determined they will have a good teacher. If I cannot find someone good enough I will teach the class.

Remember we have an INSET day on 17th January when school is closed to the children.

Dinner money up to next half term is £56.55. (£124.80 to Easter, £118.95 for Eagles who are going to Whitby in April.)

I hope you all have a happy festive season and that each and every one of you gets some time across the holiday period to recharge your batteries. I am looking forward to sharing a good 2014 with you and your children.

Alice Littlehailes

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