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Newsletter 10.10.2013

Dear Parents,
It has been a great week for sport this week. The children who have represented us have been a credit to the school. On Thursday and Saturday our runners were in action. On Thursday our cross country teams came first and second. At the weekend our runners took part in an elite competition and two of them came in the top ten, which is amazing. Our Boys Football Team did better than they have done for a while drawing two matches and coming second in another. Well done to everyone involved and thank you to the people who made this possible.

We have had a Health and Safety Inspection recently and the inspector was very concerned about the scooters. Please can they be put carefully under the office window rather than scattered across the entrance.

Eagle’s Class are leading our Assembly on Friday 11th October, please join us if you can.

Next week sees our Harvest Festival on Tuesday 15th October. The children will walk to church from school. The celebration will start at about 9.20/30. You are very welcome to join us.

On Tuesday 15th at 6pm we are holding a meeting for the parents of children going to Edale.

Friday 18th is Disco Day. It is all set to be a strictly glam occasion. The disco starts at 4.45 and finishes at 6.15. Entrance is £1. Food, drinks and goodies will be available to be bought on the night.

You should have had a letter home about parents evenings, if your child hasn’t brought one home yet please let us know.

On Wednesday 23rd October it is photo day. If you would like a pre-schooler’s photo taken with their siblings in school please come along at 8.30am.

Remember the staff are having an INSET day on Friday 25th October when school is closed to the children.

On Saturday 2nd November 2013, the University of Manchester and the Manchester Museum are opening our doors to create a day of Spectacular Science as part of the Manchester Science Festival. Help us create spectacular science at The University of Manchester! Take part in our science challenges – find out why lotus leave don’t get wet, take a journey through the heart, wrestle with plants that bite back, and get curious with some creepy crawlies. Meet our scientists and engineers and take part in hands-on, fun activities throughout the day. People who came last year said “The whole event was such good fun and the hands on stuff was great. We all want to be scientists now!” We hope to see you there! For more information please see

There is also a free FLASH BANG CHEMISTRY! Show taking place on campus.

This event is part of Manchester Science Festival – for full details of all MSF activities, please see

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 03.10.2013


Dear Parents,

On Thursday 26th September we celebrated European Day of Languages. The children learned a bit about the culture and language of Spain, Germany and Italy. Food was eaten, songs were sung and flags made.

Thank you for supporting our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon, we raised £418.41

Well done to all our Glossop Joggers, everyone ran lots of laps and a good time was had by all.

The Key Stage 1 trip to Chatsworth Farm was fantastic. We saw cows, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, shire horses and donkeys. The children had a great time and learned a lot.

On Monday our Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Chancellor attended the Glossop Pupil Forum. They met with other pupil leaders to talk about the issues they felt matter to the children of Glossop. They discussed parking around schools – they wanted people to walk, earrings and PE/swimming – they wanted people to remember to have their ears pierced at the start of the summer holiday, sports competitions – they want more, after school clubs – they like them, school dinners – they thought they were good. Plus a number of other issues.

Monday 7th October is Curry Day. Mrs Howe has invited all the sandwich children who would like to join in to stay for dinner. Please send in £1.95 in an envelope marked Curry Dinner.

You should have received a letter about our Key Stage Two trip in November. If your child has not brought it home please ask for another.

Glossop Rugby Club has asked me to let you know about their Minis and Juniors training. It is open to all children from Reception upwards. They meet on Sundays 10am at Hargate Hill SK13 5HG. If you would like more information please contact Emmanuel Lioux

We have had to postpone Kestrel’s and Peregrine’s Assembly until Friday 8th November.

There will be no family assembly this Friday 4th October.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 26.09.2013


Dear Parents,

Tomorrow is our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon. You are invited to join us for a drink and a cake from 2.30. We are charging £2 on the door all of which will go to Macmillan Cancer Support. The children will all get cake in their classes, a donation of £1 feels fair. The children have all been busy baking and icing it is just like the Great British Bake Off only stickier.

Sunday sees the Glossop Jog. It starts at 11am. Good luck to all our runners. The PTA are running a refreshment stall so if you feel like going along to support all joggers you can get a drink.

The Key Stage 1 trip to Chatsworth Farm is on Monday. The children need to bring a packed lunch. The weather forecast is looking good but they will still need a waterproof coat and suitable shoes. School Uniform is still needed.

As you know on Tuesday 1st October school will be closed to children due to industrial action. We all hope the dispute can be resolved by then, in which case school will open, but this is looking unlikely.

On Wednesday 2nd October it is Messy Church after school. Flyers have already gone out about this.

Last night it was your PTA AGM meeting, thank you to everyone who was able to attend. The events organised by the PTA are fun and raise a lot of money for the children. Last year the PTA was able to provide lots of things including an Author visit, new staging blocks and a coach to see Joseph. Jane Higginbottom (chair) and Lorraine Smitham (vice chair) stepped down from these positions after many years of work. The effort they have put in has been invaluable. We cannot thank them enough for all they have done for the children of our school and we are very pleased they will continue to help with events. The next PTA meeting will be on Wednesday 6th November 7.30 at The Cricket Club.

The PTA quiz planned for 11th October has been postponed and will now happen in the spring.

We have just a few items of uniform left if anyone needs them: Sweatshirts in 24”, 28”, 32”, medium and large. Polo shirts in small, medium and large and PE shirts in 22/24”, 26”, 32”.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 12.09.2013


Dear Parents,
It has been so nice to welcome the new Reception Children into school this week. They have all made such a great start you would think they had been here for years. It is our opportunity to welcome their parents on Friday morning when the PTA are holding a welcome meeting, with cake, after the Friday morning family assembly. A huge well done and thank you goes out to the Year 6 pupils who have looked after their buddies so well.

There have been closely fought elections in school this week. The Year 6 pupils were given the opportunity to stand for the posts of Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Chancellor of The Exchequer. We held hustings and the children have been very busy electioneering. I have been so impressed by the posters and lapel badges some of the candidates produced. Yesterday was polling day. The children visited a polling station and cast their vote. All the school entered into the spirit of the occasion and took their vote very seriously. The votes were very close but the Returning Officer is pleased to report the following result:
Prime Minister Nina Williams
Deputy Prime minister Olivia Allen
Chancellor Ellie Cunningham

Tuesday 17th September 6.30 is Parents Information Night. This is an opportunity to find out more about your child’s new class and the coming year. We also take a topic every year for a general discussion. This year we are going to be looking at Maths. Please do come along if you can. Mr Montgomery will not be able to attend this year but the parents of children in his class are encouraged to still come to the Maths discussion. Mr Montgomery is more than happy to meet any parent who would like to pop in at another time.

This Friday Assembly is the introduction to our new SEAL topic. SEAL stands for Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning it is a programme of work that helps children understand and talk about their emotions and feelings. We have been using these materials for two years and over that time have noticed a change in the children’s empathy and skills to negotiate tricky situations. You are all welcome to join us at the start of the school day. The PTA are holding a get together immediately after the assembly to which everyone is invited.

Friday 20th September Year 6 (Merlins Class) will be leading the Friday Assembly, again everyone is welcome.

I have had a neighbour, from one of the surrounding streets, in to request that people park a little more thoughtfully. He is finding that he cannot get on or off his drive at drop off and pick up time. I know that, like all schools, parking is a problem but please consider the local residents.

We have a bit of a toast problem – there are not enough volunteers to fill the toast making rota this half term, even with some people offering to do two Fridays. If you could spare an hour on one Friday morning please let us know. It would be such a shame if we had to cancel toast.

I have one last, rather strange, request. This term we are all studying Food and Farming and Mrs Hillier would like one or two large old tyres (tractor tyres or similar). If anyone can help us find such a thing we would be very grateful.

Alice Littlehailes

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